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MARK, THE GOSPEL OF PASSION “Light and Listening” Mark 4:21-32.

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Presentation on theme: "MARK, THE GOSPEL OF PASSION “Light and Listening” Mark 4:21-32."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARK, THE GOSPEL OF PASSION “Light and Listening” Mark 4:21-32

2 LIGHT & LISTENING (vs.21-25) : Light is to be set in the most conspicuous place, where it can best be seen. Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - Commentary - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible – Mark. What is the effect of light under a basket? Under a bed? Who can see the Light on the lampstand? Fact: There is a time for things “Hidden” and things “kept secret” to be revealed: Matthew 5:14 “Light to the world” Acts 13:47 “Light to the Gentiles…to the ends of the earth” Ephesians 5:8 “you are NOW light in the Lord, walk as children of light”

3 LIGHT & LISTENING (vs.21-25) : Listening to Truth is what ears are for: Act on Truth: “Take Heed what you hear” Additional Truth: “more will be given” (hunger for truth grows) Accountable, if you don’t act on it, you will lose it, one day. I Peter 3:15 I Peter 3:15 “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you… [YOU HAVE TO GIVE THEM A REASON TO] ASK]

4 GROWTH (vs.26-29) (VS.26) The Present Responsibility: Eph 2:8,9 (vs.27) The Potential of Seed {it grows by its very nature; as does the Gospel} Eph 2:8,9 (vs.28) The Process is Unstoppable, Uninterruptible, Inevitable, Gal 6:8,9 (vs.29) The Promise of a Harvest: Gal 6:8,9

5 INFLUENCE (vs.30-32) 1. Influence is not bound by size: 2. Influence is a powerful movement: 3. Influence is expansive in its growth: Hosea 10:12 Hosea 10:12 12 Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.


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