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Federal Advocacy Priorities FY 2017. COSCDA Federal Advocacy Priorities.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Advocacy Priorities FY 2017. COSCDA Federal Advocacy Priorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Advocacy Priorities FY 2017

2 COSCDA Federal Advocacy Priorities

3 For Congressional Appropriators COSCDA Federal Funding Priorities For Fiscal Year 2017

4 For Congressional Authorizers COSCDA Federal Policy Priorities For Fiscal Year 2017

5 For HUD Officials COSCDA Federal HUD Programmatic Priorities For Fiscal Year 2017

6 Four areas: Community Development Housing Homelessness Cross-cutting

7 Community Development Priorities  CDBG Funding – FY 2017  Provide state administrative fee flexibility  Withdraw CDBG entitlement criteria changes

8 Community Development Priorities  Provide Flexibility to Davis Bacon Requirements

9 CD Priorities: CDBG Funding Funding Request – FY 2017: $3.3 billion FY 2016: $3.0 billion FY 2015: $3.0 billion President’s request: $2.8 billion

10 CD Priorities: CDBG Recent Funding

11 CD Priorities: CDBG Administrative Fees  Amount not subject to match: $500,000, up from $100,000  State administrative fee cap: 3% to 5% of allocation COSCDA to ask HUD to pursue with Congress

12 CD Priorities: Withdraw CDBG Entitlement Criteria Changes  Establish a minimum grant threshold : $350,000  Eliminate grandfathering  Affect over 300 entitlement communities

13 CD Priorities: Davis- Bacon Wage Rate Exemption Exempt CDBG: ◦Disaster Recovery ◦When used with USDA

14 Housing Priorities  HOME Program Funding – FY 2017  Strengthen the HOME Program with Revisions to the Rule  Protect Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

15 Housing Priorities  Provide Flexibility to States in HOME Commitment Deadline  Maintain the Integrity of the National Housing Trust Fund and HOME  Issue Guidance on the National Housing Trust Fund

16 Housing Priorities: HOME Program Funding  Funding Request – FY 2017 : $1.3 billion FY 2016: $950 million FY 2015: $900 million FY 2014 : $1 billion No setasides

17 HOME Program Recent Funding

18  CHDOs  Inspections Housing Priorities: Strengthen the HOME Program with Revisions to the Rule

19 Housing Priorities: Low- Income Housing Tax Credits As the new Congress considers revision to tax code, it should recognize and continue to support the Low-Income Tax Credit Program.

20 Housing Priorities: Provide Flexibility to States in HOME Commitment Deadline Cumulative method (Current HUD compliance determination) vs. Grant –specific method (IG/GAO required compliance determination)

21 Housing Priorities: Issue Guidance on the NHTF States need to develop their Action Plan and need guidance from HUD.

22 Homelessness Priorities  McKinney Vento Funding – FY 2017 : $2.5 billion  Increase Funding Level for Emergency Solutions Grants  Grandfather Transitional Housing  Remove the Disincentive to Convert Continuum of Care Projects to Permanent Housing

23 Recent Funding History

24 Homelessness Priorities  Provide for Separate Funding for Planning Grants in the CoC Competition  Provide Support for Homelessness Technical Assistance and Training  Delay Implementation of the Rural Homelessness Component of HEARTH

25 Homelessness Priorities Con’t  Allow Public Housing Authorities to be Subrecipients of Emergency Solutions Grants  Support Vouchers for Homeless Assistance

26 Cross-Cutting Priorities  Clarify States' Role in Affirmatively Further Fair Housing  Implement Flexible Section 3 Requirements

27 Cross-Cutting Priorities  Continue to Include States in the Development of the HUD Environmental Review Online System

28 Linda Thompson COSCDA Director of Advocacy and Federal Programs 202-293-5820

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