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Successful places with homes and jobs A NATIONAL AGENCY WORKING LOCALLY Affordable Housing in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Lindsey Richards Head.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful places with homes and jobs A NATIONAL AGENCY WORKING LOCALLY Affordable Housing in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Lindsey Richards Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful places with homes and jobs A NATIONAL AGENCY WORKING LOCALLY Affordable Housing in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Lindsey Richards Head of Area, Midlands South

2 To help create successful places with homes and jobs

3 Our Remit  The Homes and Communities Agency is a national body delivering locally, working at pace and at scale to boost overall housing supply and economic growth, and providing effective regulation of the social housing sector. In doing this, the Agency plays a key part in delivering the government’s priority to help people to have a home of their own, by getting Britain building again and investing in new homes. The Agency’s investment also helps stimulate economic growth, creating jobs and supporting businesses to grow.

4 HCA offer  Working locally and aligning our investment  Bringing forward new homes of all tenures to increase housing supply  Investing in new affordable housing  Bringing forward public land  Supporting large sites and infrastructure

5 Our history

6 Places not programmes

7  Housing, housing, housing  Traveller Pitch Funding  Housing for older people  Rural housing  Supported housing (CAASH2, Homelessness Change Fund)  Key Government partner for Land Disposal Key Deliverables

8 The Affordability Challenge  Local Plan Policy requirements  Site appraisal  Cumulative impact of S106 obligations  Site deliverability and viability: S106  Policy Context –Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 –S106 Affordable Housing Requirements (April 2013) –Rural sites Regulatory Framework

9 AHP will deliver up to 37,685 grant funded and 6,136 nil grant funded units in 2015-18. This year we will nationally deliver 6208 starts and 3098 completions Continued focus on delivery

10 Leics and Rutland delivery 2011-15  Circa £50m total spend  1741 starts  2341 completions

11 2015-18 allocated delivery


13 Innovative Leicestershire and Rutland  Excellent Design: schemes like St Modwens in NW Leicestershire  Trailblazing approaches to delivery: 62 AR units delivered for 2 years running- Rutland without grant funding  Exceptional rural delivery and rural design: across whole patch  Significant units of Traveller Pitch units in the Midlands: Leicester City Council  Largest Passivhaus Community Led scheme starting on site this year in Leicester (68 units) Saffron Resource Centre

14 Delivery Networks  Following the delivery event in February in Leicester, we are holding a further event on 8 th July 2015  Chief Housing Officer’s Group  LLEP Place Board  LLEP Strategic Planning Board  Sharing Best Practice, discovering practical solutions to developing in own right

15 We need to be clever with what we have

16 Place map

17 Sustainable Urban Extensions Lubbesthorpe, Blaby Infrastructure includes  Off site highway improvements  LSIF investment, s.278 liability for M1 bridge  Main street link road Beggars Lane to M1 bridge  Primary school  Services  Open space  c4250 homes

18 Summary  Preparing the ground  CME  Partnership

19 HCA_UK homes-&-communities-agency Keeping in touch

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