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1 HMA Follow-on – Negotiation Meeting - Task 4 ESRIN – 24/06/2009 Issue: 1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HMA Follow-on – Negotiation Meeting - Task 4 ESRIN – 24/06/2009 Issue: 1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 HMA Follow-on – Negotiation Meeting - Task 4 ESRIN – 24/06/2009 Issue: 1.0

2 2 Management Presentation Summary –Clarifications on contract –Consortium Structure –Work Plan –Deliverables –Agreement on Requirements –Target Standardization Level –Risks

3 3 Clarifications on contract The Consortium confirm that the Source Code developed under this contract is Open Source Code, and so ESA is entitled to distribute it free of charge.

4 4 Consortium Organization

5 5 Elsag Datamat –Project Management –Technical Coordination –HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Update –Standardization Process –Analysis, Design, Development and Validation of the Reference Order Server Con Terra –Support to HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Update –Preparation of ATS & ETS –Support to Reference Order Server validation

6 6 Work Plan WBS WPD Milestones Planning

7 7 Work Plan - WBS

8 8 Work Plan - WPD WP-10000 Project Management –WP-11000 Technical coordination (ED)  Output: Project Management Plan (PMP), Progress Reports, Minutes of Meetings, Project Executive Summary –WP-12000 Configuration Management (ED)  Output: Configuration Item Data List –WP-13000 Quality Assurance (ED)  Output: Quality Management Document, management of RIDs, management of NCRs –WP-14000 OGC TC Meetings Attendance (ED)  Participate to 4 Open Geospatial Consortium Technical Committee meetings in Europe.  Define, set-up and manage a new OGC Specification Working Group (SWG) dedicated to the OGC 06-141:  Write the ad hoc charter  Launch within the OGC & HMA communities the SWG  Manage the SWG  Lead the SWG  Prepare and attend to SWG teleconferences monthly  Attend to SWG meetings during OGC TC meetings

9 9 Work Plan - WPD WP-20000 Engineering –WP-21000 Order Server Technical Specification and Architectural Design (ED)  Definition of requirements and architecture of the reference Order Server in charge of demonstrating the updated OGC 06-141 specification.  Outputs: Order Server Requirements Baseline, Operation Manual, Architecture Design –WP-22000 HMA Ordering ICD Update (ED)  Maintenance of the OGC 06-141 for taking into account new requirements (e.g. Alignement with the latest version of SWE Common, alignment with the SPS EO)  Outputs: updated HMA Ordering ICD and posting to the OGC Web Site –WP-23000 Order Server Acceptance Test Plan Definition (ED)  Definition of test designs, test cases, test procedures for validating the Reference Order Server.  Outputs: Order Server Acceptance Test Plan, Traceability of Acceptance tests to Requirements Baseline, Order Server Installation Plan

10 10 Work Plan - WPD WP-20000 Engineering –WP-24000 Test Suite Definition (ATS, ETS) (Con Terra)  Preparation of the Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for verifying the compliance with respect to the OGC 06-141  Preparation of the Executable Test Suite (ETS) based on TEAM Engine for actually testing an Ordering server  Outputs: HMA Order ICD Test Suite Technical Note containing ATS and ETS, RIDs on HMA Ordering ICD –WP-25000 HMA Ordering ICD Contribution (Con Terra)  Review of the updated OGC 06-141 exploiting the knowledge of ISO & OGC standards of Con Terra.  Support to the management of the Ordering SWG to be defined in the frame of WP-14000.  Outputs: Review list of HMA Ordering ICD

11 11 Work Plan - WPD WP-30000 Implementation & Testing –WP-31000 Order Server Design and Development (ED)  Desing, development and unit test of the Reference Order Server.  Outputs: Order Server unit tested, SPRs reports –WP-32000 SSE Integraton Support (ED)  Support to the SSE team for adding the Order Server to the list of Service Providers of SSE portal. –WP-33000 Order Server Acceptance Testing (ED)  Install the Reference Order Server to ESA premises  Execution of Order Server acceptance tests  Fix possible bugs.  Outputs: Order Server Acceptance Test Reports, Software Delivery –WP-34000 Support to Order Server Acceptance Testing (Con Terra)  Execution of ETS against the Order Server  Outputs: HMA Order ICD test Suite technical Note containing plan and report of the tests executed with the TEAM engine

12 12 Work Plan - WPD WP-40000 Programming Service Option (ED) –Implementation of SPS EO (V0.9.5 already supported by OPGW) in order to perform the scenario “joint usage of Ordering & Programming” –Programming Interface implemented via translation to EOLI XML Catalogue (for feasibility analysis) and to EOLI XML Order (for submitting future products orders)

13 13 Work Plan – Milestones & Meetings Meeting/Review PlaceDate Kick OffEsrin 24/06/09 Progress Meeting 1Esrin 11/09/09 PR (Preliminary Review) & Progress Meeting 2Elsag Datamat 04/11/09 Progress Meeting 3Esrin 09/12/09 MTR (Mid Term Review) & Progress Meeting 4Elsag Datamat 03/02/10 Progress Meeting 5Esrin 31/03/10 Progress Meeting 6Elsag Datamat 26/05/10 Progress Meeting 7Esrin 21/07/10 Progress Meeting 8Elsag Datamat 15/09/10 Order Server InstallationEsrin 16/09/10 AR (Acceptance Test Review) & Progress Meeting 9Esrin 24/11/10 FP (Final Presentation) Esrin 08/12/10

14 14 Work Plan - Planning

15 15 Deliverables Deliverable ItemKOPRMTRARFPOTHERCustomer Approval On File Doc File Project Management Plan (PMP)XXProgress Meetings Progress ReportsProgress Meetings Minutes of MeetingsXXXXXProgress Meetings Project Executive SummaryX Configuration Item Data List (CIDL)XXDDF Quality Management DocumentXUpdated when necessary Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs)XXX Non Conformance Reports (NCRs)X OPGW Software Requirements Specification - SRS (Order Server Requirements Baseline) XXPRRB Order Server Technical Specification It is the container of OPGW SRS, SDD, SVTS; see below

16 16 Deliverables Deliverable ItemKOPRMTRARFPOTHERCustomer Approval On File Doc File OPGW Software Installation Document (Order Server Operation Manual) XXTS OPGW Software Design Document - SDD (Order Server Architectural Design) XXXDDF HMA Ordering ICDXXXTS OPGW Software Validation Testing Specification - SVTS (Order Server Acceptance Test Plan; Traceability of Acceptance tests to Requirements Baseline) XXARDJF Order Server Installation PlanX OPGW Acceptance Test ReportsXDJF HMA Order ICD Test Suite Technical Note containing ATS and ETS XXXDJF HMA Order ICD test Suite technical Note containing plan and report of the tests executed with the TEAM engine XDJF OPGW SW DeliveryXARDDF

17 17 Agreement on ITT Requirements The requirements in SoW have been already agreed in proposal (§2.5, §2.6) Collocation of meetings –See a previous slide Partecipation of HMA AWG to reviews –Possible issue:  The more the reviewers, the more the RIDs to manage  With possible conflicting RIDs, within the same milestone / between different milestones (based on HMA-I experience) Support to ESA from Spacebel –Agreed

18 18 Target Standardization Level Objective: Promote Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products as OGC Standard (OGC 06-141) We need to define an OGC Specification Working Group for the specification of the Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products This work will include: –Writing an SWG project charter –Launch within the OGC & HMA communities the SWG –Propose to manage the SWG (chair) –Propose to lead the SWG (editor) –Acquire members for the SWG –Prepare and attend to SWG conferences –Organize KO meeting of this SWG possibly on OGC TC in Darmstadt (9/09) –Attend to following SWG meetings during TC OGC (4 TC meetings, 2 days each, in Europe)

19 19 Target Standardization Level In the frame of this SWG, the Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products will be: –improved to fulfil generic OGC requirements –aligned with actualized list of baseline documents (including HMA Programming 07- 018 specification) –aligned with new perceptions made with reference implementation –aligned with new perceptions made within ATS/ETS development and its application OUTPUT OF WP: –Updated document of 06-141 Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products –SWG for this document, with the objective of proposing this document as an OGC standard

20 20 Risks From the past experience on HMA-I project the main risk is the difficulty to converge towards an agreed specification –when there are many parties involved in the process there are also different and contradicting requirements –Technological trends –Up to now the ordering specification has evolved smoothly and the current specification, going to be implemented in several projects seems rather stable and complete. Standardization process These risks have to be monitored because a later finalization of the updated specification will imply: –Later start of the implementation activities for the reference order server:  the software development cannot be started until the specification is finalized –Later development of the ETS for 2 reasons:  of course later definition of the specification  later availability of the reference server to use for preliminary verification of written procedures

21 21 Technical Presentation Summary –HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Overview –Compliance Tests –Reference Order Server Architecture –Technical Risks

22 22 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Overview This specification allows submitting orders of the following types: –Orders for precisely identified EO products, usually derived from a catalogue interaction. –Orders for future EO products, derived from the interaction with an SPS EO compliant server. –Subscription to EO Products: i.e. the user can adhere to a subscription defined from the EO provider. The Ordering ICD is used in the last step of the normal user workflow, and so it is linked to the specifications used in the other steps: –“OGC™ Catalogue Services Specification 2.0 Extension Package for ebRIM Application Profile: Earth Observation Products” OGC 06-131, used for accessing the catalogue. –OpenGIS® Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors OGC 07- 018, used for interacting with the on-line programming service instance. Additionally there is also an hidden dependency with another specification: –User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services OGC 07-118

23 23 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Overview Supported operations: –GetCapabilities: XML/SOAP encoding; sync / async  Returns service metadata about the server and list of supported collections –GetOptions: XML/SOAP encoding; sync  It returns the possible combinations of options for ordering catalogue products / future products / subscriptions  Options are returned by collection; collection and identifier; SPS:ID –GetQuotation: XML/SOAP encoding; sync / async  It returns the quotation for an order to be submitted  The quotation is returned synchronous / asynchronous / off-line –Submit: XML/SOAP encoding; sync / async  It allows submitting a new order  It allows submitting a previously quoted order  Synchronous process: the server returns just an acknowledge with the order id  Asynchronous process: the server calls the client (SubmitResponse) notifying a change on the order status / order completion

24 24 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 Overview Supported operations: –GetStatus: XML/SOAP encoding; sync  Order retrieve: returns details about an identifier order  Order Search: returns the list of orders matching a simple filter expression (last update, order reference, order status) with different level of details –Cancel: XML/SOAP encoding; sync / async  Allows cancelling a previously submitted order –DescribeResultAccess: XML/SOAP encoding; sync  For orders with on-line delivery  It returns the URLs for accessing the ordered items

25 25 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - GetCapabilities

26 26 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141- GetOptions

27 27 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - GetQuotation

28 28 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - GetQuotation

29 29 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - Submit

30 30 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 – SubmitResponse (async notification)

31 31 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - GetStatus

32 32 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 – Cancel & CancelResponse

33 33 HMA Ordering ICD OGC 06-141 - DescribeResultAccess

34 34 Compliance Testing Testing –It is a fundamental precondition for the evolution and take up of a proposed interface control document (ICD) –It is accomplished based on the guidelines of the OGC “Compliance & Interoperability Testing & Evaluation (CITE)” initiative. A compliance test “package” (as defined in ISO 19105) consists of: –An Abstract Test Suite (ATS) which includes abstract test cases which define all the requirements to be satisfied for conformance –An Executable Test Suite (ETS) which is a computational resource composed of executable test cases implementing the abstract cases as CTL (Compliance Test Language) scripts A test engine will run ETS for execution against implementations under test –adopted by the OGC is an open source web services compliance engine, Test Evaluation And Measurement (TEAM) engine –In the ERGO project Intecs is updating the TEAM Engine to support SOAP protocols

35 35 Compliance Testing Within this project an OGC compliance test package will be developed, containing –Specification of an Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for the Ordering Services (OGC 06-141) –Will be done as defined by the ESA policies defined in the HMA- T phase by IGN –will include about 20-25 test cases structured into different levels and sub-levels. –The ETS provide the abstract ATS-test cases as CTL-scripts The HMA Order ICD Test Suite Technical Note will contain the abstract test suite (ATS) and the executable test suite (ETS)

36 36 Compliance Testing –Provision of the TEAM Engine (as client) in order to run and test the defined interfaces as defined within the ETS and test execution.  scripts will be executed by the CITE TEAM Engine against a web-accessible version of the reference order server of Datamat  a plan and a report of the tests is provided –For the development of the ATS and the CTL scripts it is considered and reviewed any existing ATS and test scripts (if available)

37 37 Reference Order Server A reference order server will be set-up with the following objectives: –Demonstrate the updated specification; –Support the implementation of ordering clients; –Support the implementation of ordering servers. Since ordering process implies processing, formatting and delivering to the user of the required products, then a fully functional order server would mean a complete ordering handling system for EO products. The order server that will be provided is a system that will provide to the client an OGC 06-141 compliant interface, but the ordering functionality is accomplished by calling an actual order handling system (MUIS / M2EOS). The order server that will be provided is the evolution of Ordering & Programming Gateway – OPGW: –Implemented in HMA-I (OGC 06-141 V0.9.2 27/09/2007; OGC 07-018 V0.9.4 07/05/2007) –Enhanced in HMA-E (OGC 06-141 V0.9.4 05/09/2008; OGC 07-018 V0.9.5 19/11/2007; OGC 07-118 V0.0.2; KML for feasibility responses) –Works mainly translating HMA input protocols in the corresponding EOLI XML ones (EOLI XML Catalogue V2.8; EOLI XML Order V3.4)

38 38 Reference Order Server Architecture

39 39 Reference Order Server Architecture

40 40 Technical Risks No risks beyond those already listed in the management presentation

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