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Is this your pencil? Unit 2 Period 3 baseball ring a set of keys notebook watch computer game.

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Presentation on theme: "Is this your pencil? Unit 2 Period 3 baseball ring a set of keys notebook watch computer game."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is this your pencil? Unit 2 Period 3


4 baseball ring a set of keys notebook watch computer game


6 w__tch n___tebook c___mp__ter b___seb__ll ____ card r___ng a o ou aa ID i

7 Mary’sDavid’sAlan’sSonia’s

8 Mary’s A: _____ ____ a pencil sharpener? A: How do you ____ it? B: ___,__ ___. B:P-E-N-C-I-L S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R. A: ____ you. Is this ____pencil sharpener ? B: ____, it _____.It’s ____ pencil sharpener. Isthis Yes her spell Thank your isn’t No isit

9 Linda’s Lisa’sTom’s A: Excuse me, What’s that in English? A: How do you spell it? B: It’s a… B:N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K. notebook A: Is that your notebook? B: No, it isn’t. It’s her notebook. baseball ring

10 Listen and fill in the chart. Kelsey Mike watch ID card pen baseball

11 Kelsey: I’m looking for my watch. Teacher: OK. Is this your watch? Kelsey: No, it isn’t. That’s my watch. Teacher: Here you are. Kelsey: And that’s my ID card. Teacher: OK. What’s your name? Kelsey: Kelsey.

12 Mike: That’s my pen. Teacher: This? Mike: Yes…and that’s my baseball. Teacher: All right. What’s your name? Mike: Mike. Teacher: OK. Here’s your baseball. Mike: Thank you.

13 Homework : 一、口语作业: 1、熟读并掌握所教的单词、对话。 2、复习今天所教内容,预习单词及文章。 二、笔头作业: 单词抄写 5 遍,下节听写。

14 Is this your pencil? Unit 5 Period 4


16 Describe your and your deskmate’s school things, using my, his, her.( 描述你和同桌的学 习用品, 使用 my, his, her) For example( 例如 ) This is my pencil case. It’s red. This is my pencil. It is yellow. It isn’t my eraser. It’s his eraser. My eraser is yellow. His eraser is red.

17 Use : Is this a/an……? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Guess:What is this? a baga backpack

18 Game: What’s in your hand? ( 你手里拿 着啥 ?) Use: Is that a/an ……? Or Is it a/an……? Yes,it is. Here you are. /No, it isn’t.

19 Yutou Middle School Class Class1 Grade7 Name Emma Yang school ID card lost and found case a set of keys bulletin board

20 Is this your watch? Call Miss Chen at 63719131. BULLETIN BOARD

21 Lost: My English book. I’m Miss Chen. Please call 82313213. Found: A watch. Is this your watch? Call Kelsey Miller at 88666596.

22 Put in order to make a message My name is Jack. A backpack. Found: Phone number 63017047. at 63752148. Please call Cindy My notebook. Lost:

23 Found: A backpack. My name is Jack. Phone number 63017047.

24 Lost: My notebook. Please call Cindy at 63752148.

25 3b.Put these pieces in order to make a message. Write numbers in the boxes. io at 529-6403 se call Mar nd.A set of keys.Plea Fou 1 4 2 3 Found:A set of keys.Please call Mario at 529-6403 A set of keys 一串钥匙

26 Today, I found a black jacket in my classroom. I want ( 想要 ) to write ( 写 ) a found notice. But I don’t know how to write. Please help me. My name is Eric. My phone number is 6856030.

27 Homework : 一、口语作业: 1、背诵并掌握本单元的单词、对话。 2、复习今天所教内容,预习下单元单词及文章。 二、笔头作业: 1 、整单元单词抄写 5 遍。 2 、写一篇 Lost 和一篇 Found .

28 练习 1 。重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词 1.dacr________ 2.rsaere_________ 3.bsaealbl_______ 4.eky_________ 5.yctnidorai______ 6.rleur_______ 7.cakbpakc_________ 8.ipcnel________ 9.atcwh_______ 10.ignr________ 2. 用 am, is 完成句子 1.This ____ my watch._____ that your watch? 2.What ______ that?It_____ a nice book. 3.I____ Sonia. This _____ my mum. 4.His name _____ John. carderaser baseballkey dictionary ruler backpackpencil watchring isIs is amis

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