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C THE BIG INTERVIEW By: Jazzmil Rodriguez Ashford University.

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1 C THE BIG INTERVIEW By: Jazzmil Rodriguez Ashford University

2 Self-Introduction & Position I am applying for. Self-Introduction My name is Jazzmil Rodriguez I am 29 years old I live in North Central Florida I am applying for the position of Lead Teacher at Deltona Lakes Elementary School.

3 My Philosophy on Education Value impacting my community Students encouraged to take risks, don’t be afraid to ask questions Providing a Safe learning environment Curriculum is interesting to the students

4 Classroom Management 5 th Grade Social Studies What do you see? Welcoming to Students, Teachers & Parents Organized Grouped desks or tables for group work. Easily accessible materials: Pencil sharpeners, paper, pencils etc. Technology: Computers, & iPads What do you hear? A Classroom Community working together to achieve the weeks objective. Quiet whispers between groups Fun and competitive discussion Interactive debates on topic Students learning from other students with the help of the teacher continuing to build the classroom climate.

5 School Model: Flipped Provide links to students to view videos via internet at home As students return to class teacher is seen more as a facilitator Conducts little to no lecturing Provides overview of what was learned What is understood What is not understood Questions Transfers responsibility from teacher to student

6 Effective Lesson Planning According to Newman (2013) One of the most important elements is identifying the desired result or outcomes that you want your students to learn. The teacher should use the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) when deciding what needs to be covered. Setting Clear Objectives Evaluations, Assessments, Assignments and Activities are all crucial elements to lesson design. Formative Assessments Summative Assesments Using the Backwards Design Avoiding common pitfalls

7 Student Roles Students will help to initiate the classroom rules and expectations Participate as active learners and knowledge seekers Provide substantial feedback to the teacher for reflection of classroom strategies to reflect if these roles are accurate and efficient. According to Hattie (2009), extensive reviews of over 800 meta-analyses, which included over 50,000 studies and 200 million students, classroom behavior is the 6th most important contributor to a child’s academic success of the130 factors considered. Student-teacher relationships were the third most significant contributor.

8 Assessments Formative >Summative Formative will be my selected primary assessments Summative will still be applied, however used once formative assessments are successful to ensure learning has taken place.

9 Professional Learning Community (PLC) Goal Oriented Collaborative Data Driven Sense of accountability

10 References: Hattie, J. (2009). Visible Learning; A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to Achievement. London: Routledge. Newman, R. (2013) Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting The dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title The IRIS Center offers a site with information and practice in several areas of classroom Management, including room arrangement. http://IRIS.Peabody.Vanderbilt.edu

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