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Summary of the AWAKE Cost and Schedule Review Edda Gschwendtner, CERN Reviewers: Florian Sonnemann, CERN (chair); Ralph Assmann, DESY; Massimo Ferrario,

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of the AWAKE Cost and Schedule Review Edda Gschwendtner, CERN Reviewers: Florian Sonnemann, CERN (chair); Ralph Assmann, DESY; Massimo Ferrario,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of the AWAKE Cost and Schedule Review Edda Gschwendtner, CERN Reviewers: Florian Sonnemann, CERN (chair); Ralph Assmann, DESY; Massimo Ferrario, INFN; Hans Braun, PSI; Sebastien Evrard, CERN;

2 2

3 Thank You!! Michele Battistin, Sonia Bartolome Jimenez, Jeremie Bauche, Marzia Bernardini, Caterina Bertone, Thomas Bohl, Pierre Bonnal, Chiara Bracco, Andy Butterworth, Thierry Charvet, Nicolas Chritin, Vincent Clerc, Maryse Da Costa, Heiko Damerau, Ali Day, Emmanuelle Delachenal, Philippe Dewitte, Steffen Doebert, Valentin Fedosseev, Eduard Feldbaumer, Jean-Frederic Fuchs, Frederic Galleazzi, Gilles Le Godec, Marine Gourber-Pace, Guillaume Gros, Silvia Grau, Jean-Claude Guillaume, Jan Hansen, Wolfgang Hofle, Lars Jensen, Rhodri Jones, Thibaut Lefevre, Stefano Mazzoni, Richard Morton, John Osborne, Ans Pardons, Alexey Petrenko, Sylvie Prodon, Bruno Puccio, Vitor Rios, Alejandro Selles, Elena Shaposhnikova, Marlene Turner, Helmut Vincke, Markus Zerlauth, Patric Muggli, Allen Caldwell. 3

4 Summary AWAKE, proton-driven wakefield acceleration experiment – Strong motivation of the community: long-term prospects for proton-driven PWA exiting Provide a design for a particle physics frontier machine by 2022 Needs extensive experimental program NOW, results with electrons, … The design of the facility is now advanced to such a level, that a proper cost estimate and manpower estimate can be done.  Additional resources are needed Risks – Today’s risk are identified  but we have to be prepared for uncertainties (Nature of an R&D experiment) Schedule: – Proton phase: ready for HWC in Q2 2016 and physics in Q4 2016  critical path RF resources – Electron phase: ready for physics in Q4 2017  critical path: magnet availability by Q1 2017 4

5 Outline Project Structure Costs Manpower Risks Schedule Summary 5

6 Coordination Package Institutes: CPI: Experiment CPI: Simulation Work Packages Institutes Collaboration Institutes Work Packages CERN Coordination Package: CP: SPS Beam and Synchronization CP: Proton and Electron Beam Lines CP: Electron Source System CP: Infrastructure, Global Integration and Installation CP: Laser Beam System CP: Secondary Beam Line CERN AWAKE Project Collaboration Board (CB) Management Board (MB) Physics and Experiment Board (PEB) Technical Board (TB) CERN AWAKE Steering Board AWAKE Collaboration Structure 6

7 CERN AWAKE Steering Board AWAKE Steering Board does not exist (yet)  Shall strategically pilot the CERN AWAKE project.  Review and decision making body to provide guidance and resources and set direction of the CERN project.  Decision making authority and possibility to allocate resources.  Members: Department Heads or representative, A&T Director, Collaboration Spokesperson, Project Leader 7  Examples discuss: removal of horn/reflector cables (impact on CERN strategy), manpower needs in some WPs, priorities, formal agreement with CLIC/CTF3 to use their equipment, …

8 CERN AWAKE Project Organization, Responsibilities 8 CP2: proton and electron beam CP6: sec beam CP5: Laser beam system CP3: e- source CP1: SPS & RF CP4: Infrastr, Integr, Install Coordination Package Leaders:  Coordinate Work Packages that are associated to the areas and systems of the CP  Regular meetings, EDMS, indico  Report in project team meetings Work Package s CERN Coordination Package (CP): SPS Beam and Synchronization CP Leader: Elena Shaposhnikova CP: Proton and Electron Beam Lines CP Leader: Chiara Bracco CP: Infrastructure, Global Integration and Installation CP Leader: Ans Pardons CP: Electron Source System CP Leader: Steffen Doebert CP: Laser Beam System CP Leader: Valentin Fedosseev CP: Secondary Beam Line CP Leader: E. G. CERN AWAKE Project Project Leader: Edda Gschwendtner Deputy Project Leader: Chiara Bracco Project Safety Officer: Ans Pardons Planning Officer: Marzia Bernardini

9 9 Institutes’ Responsibilities Plasma cell SMI diagnostics Laser Electron spectrometer measurement system Accelerating structure Electron line beam position monitors, Faraday cup CERN Responsibilities SPS beam and Synchronization Proton and electron beam line – Magnets, beam instrumentation, vacuum,…. Laser room Laser beam line Electron source system Secondary beam line Experimental area Services Infrastructure Institutes’ Responsibilities

10 WP NrWP NameStatusEDMS Document Number 1SPS Beam 2RF Synchronisation 3Electron Source and high Power System1504591 4Proton Line1504433 5Electron Line1503845 6Shielding and Dumps1505517 7Laser Beam Line 8SMI Measurement1504590 9Secondary Beam Line150669 10Simulations1502790 11Magnets 12Power Converters 13Vacuum1410427 14.1-14.4Beam Instrumentation15036451503645/15036461503646 15.1-15.2Interlock1500399 16Mechanical Design 17Civil Engineering1500401 18Cooling and Ventilation1503785 19.1-19.2Electrical Services1502788 20Transport and Handling 21Access 22Fire and Gas1502570 23Survey1503228 24Ethernet 25Control 26Radiation Protection15056891505689 15056901505690 I1Plasma Cell1506635 I2SMI Diagnostics1504961 I3Laser1506630 I4Laser Dump1501201 I5Electron Spectrometer1503551 I6DAQ I7Accelerating Structure1506739 I8Electron Line Diagnostics1508566 I9Simulations WP Description/Engineering Specs Status  Based on the WP descriptions and Engineering Specifications we can now write a baseline document

11 Executive Summary 11 Costs MTP 2015-19 (2014) MTP 2016-2020 (2015) Material9.9 MCHF (1) 12.3 MCHF Fellows2.4 MCHF2.6 MCHF Total12.3 MCHF14.9 MCHF Missing Cost at Completion:2.6 MCHF Costs MTP 2015-19 (2014) MTP 2016-2020 (2015) Material4 MCHF6.5 MCHF Fellows (1) -- Total4 MCHF6.5 MCHF Funded additional budget:2.5 MCHF (1) Fellows are included in the manpower budget CERN AWAKE ProjectCollaboration Institutes (1) Includes revenue of 124kCHF

12 Cost Uncertainties MTP 2016-2020 (2015) 12 Average Cost uncertainty: 15%

13 AWAKE Manpower Needs 13 Missing manpower currently identified: ~8 PY BE-RF EN-STI, TE-ABT Estimates for MTP: 2013: 35 PY (until 2018) 2014: 49 PY = 35 PY + 14 PY (electron source) 2015: 55.85 PY  does not fit to staff allocation in APT (lower) APT:  Update staff allocation  Identify missing PY

14 Risk Analysis 14 Risks are assessed through three impact perspectives: performance, budget and schedule using the proposed risk classification.

15 15 PROJECT RISK REGISTER AWAKE Project Risk IDRisk Label PIBIB ISIS IPIP ISIS S Current responseComments 001 RF Synchronisation WP deliverable delayed because e of lack of manpower 0.72 Acceptance Become urgent to have the appropriate manpower, project steering board decision 002 Late delivery of the electron beam line magnet, because of oligopolistic market 0.2 Acceptance Enhanced technical spec to reduce risks of misunderstanding during the procurement process 004 Insufficient definition of controls requirements from experiment stakeholders 0.28 Acceptance It is up to Experience to provide requirements 003 Non conformance of high power source of klystron system w.r.t. space/safety 0.2 Mitigation On-going studies to assess opportunity of using two smaller power sources 005Insufficient definition of interfaces with experiments 0.1 Acceptance It is up to Experience to provide requirements 006Change in vacuum requirements from and around plasma cell 0.14 Mitigation Dedicated working group set to address the issue 007Laser instabilities into the plasma cell 0.1 Acceptance Wait installation for testing performance 008Unsufficient electron beam performance 0.1 Acceptance Wait installation for testing performance 009 Late delivery of pulse compressor ordered by experiment stakeholders Acceptance It is up to Experience to order the equipment 010 Reuse of BE-BI equipment too radioactive to install in supervised area 0.1 0.05 Mitigation Shielding around the equipment and installation in control area requiring RP technician during access 011Integration issues for electron source system 0.50.1 0.05 Mitigation On-going integration studies AWAKE Risks Current Situation Note: Due to the Nature of the AWAKE experiment, which is an R&D experiment, certain risks are inevitable!  We have to be prepared for uncertainties concerning budget, schedule and performance.

16 Beam Instrum.: Installation and tests p+ Phase Experiment Installation EYETS 2016 2017 EYETS 2016 2017 General Service s LASER ROOM: Studies, Procurement and Production p+ LASER Installation & HWC p+ GLOBAL COMMISSIONING p+ to PLASMA HWC p+ to PLASMA YETS 2017 2018 LS2 CNGS Dismounting and Civil Engineering EL Cabling EL: Studies and Procurement CV Installation & HWC p+ Vacuum: Installation and tests p+ Vacuum: Studies, Procurement and Production MAGNETS Installation CV: Studies, Procurement and Production Beam line: studies Beam Instrumentation: Studies, Procurement and Production RF: Studies and Procurement RF: Installation and HWC Plasma Cell: Studies, and Prototyping Plasma Cell: Production and Tests Plasma Cell: Installation and HWC Diagnostics: Studies and Purchasing Diagnostics: Installation and HWC General Service s EL Cabling EL: Studies and Procurement IT and Beam Controls: Studies and Procurement IT & CO Install. p+ to PLASMA 20142015201620172018 Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Master Schedule: Proton Phase 16 28th April, 2015 - AWAKE Cost and Schedule Review - M. Bernardini 10m Laser dump SPS protons SMI Proton beam dump Laser Proton diagnostics BTV,OTR, CTR p

17 p+ Phase Experiment Installation EYETS 2016 2017 EYETS 2016 2017 AWAKE p+ and e- PHYSICS e- Beam line and Magnets Studies, design, procurement, production and tests e- HWC e- and p+ to PLASMA General Services p+ GLOBAL COMMISSIONING p+ to PLASMA HWC p+ to PLASMA e- GLOBAL COMMISSIONING YETS 2017 2018 LS2 CNGS Dismounting and Civil Engineering EL Cabling EL: Studies and Procurement p+ Vacuum: Installation and tests p+ Vacuum: Studies, Procurement and Production Beam Instrumentation: Studies, Procurement and Production Beam Instrum.: Installation and tests RF: Studies and Procurement RF: Installation and HWC Plasma Cell: Studies, and Prototyping Plasma Cell: Production and Tests Plasma Cell: Installation and HWC Diagnostics: Studies and Purchasing Diagnostics: Installation and HWC General Services EL Cabling EL: Studies and Procurement IT and Beam Controls: Studies and Procurement IT & CO Install. e- LASER: Studies and Purchasing e- LASER Installation and HWC EL: Studies and Procurement EL Cabling e- SOURCE: Studies, Purchasing and Production e- SOURCE Installation and HWC RF: Studies and Procurement RF: Installation and HWC Beam Controls& Instrumentation: Studies and Procurement BE-CO&BI: Installation and HWC e- Magne t Install e- VSC: Install. e- Vacuum: Studies, Procurement and Production p+ to PLASMA e- Phase Experiment Installation 20142015201620172018 Q4, 2014Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, 2015Q1, 2016Q2, 2016Q3, 2016Q4, 2016Q1, 2017Q2, 2017Q3, 2017Q4, 2017Q1, 2018Q2, 2018Q3, 2018Q4, 2018 Master Schedule: Electron Phase 17 28th April, 2015 - AWAKE Cost and Schedule Review - M. Bernardini Laser dump e-e- SPS protons 10m SMI Acceleration Proton beam dump RF gun Laser p Proton diagnostics BTV,OTR, CTR e - spectrometer

18 Florian Sonnemann, CERN

19 General remarks The committee thanks the project team and all speakers for the excellent preparation of the review and the presentations. The committee is particularly impressed by the level of external contributions and commitment. The committee appreciates the apparently very good working relationship between the CERN team and the external partners. CERN/FC/....19

20 Financial situation MTP funding for Awake (increase from 2013 to 2014, change of scope) Reviewed needs (both scope increase, detailed cost estimates) Shortfall 2.6 MCHF from CERN No more shortfall for external contributions But: Materials shortfall is not the only issue CERN/FC/....20

21 … the usual story Severe (unsolved) manpower shortage Notably for RF – synchronization Mismatch between “earmarked” manpower from the work package holders with respect to APT approved planned resources allocation – need to clarify Review questions: CERN/FC/....21

22 1. The cost of the project is properly estimated. The committee didn’t find any major issue in the presented cost estimate. The budget shortfall of 2.6MCHF for the CERN part was presented. However, some work packages are still in the design phase and the committee believes that some contingency should be reserved, see comments under point 10. The impact of the Swiss Franc appreciation was not presented. CERN/FC/....22

23 2. The funding scheme proposed by the collaboration for the realization of its contributions to Phase 1 and Phase 2 is realistic. The funding seems to be sound with large and secure commitments from the major partners. Some contributions from smaller partners are key to the project success and their progress needs close monitoring (e.g. accelerating structure and the plasma cell production). RISKS: It is up to the experiment to provide requirements on-time. Any delayed or unclear definition causes delays in the schedule and additional budget and manpower needs from CERN (this concerns requirements to control, plasma cell integration, cabling requests, work package or engineering specification documents, etc…) CERN/FC/....23

24 3. The monitoring tools in place are adequate to assess progress and levels of expenditure. Adequate monitoring tools for spending and schedule are in place. A baseline design document with project goals, resources and deliverables needs to be frozen. A design change request process, handling all deviations from this baseline has to be established. This need is valid for both, deliverables to be provided by CERN and by external collaborators: the institutes shall comply with the CERN practices of project management, required document preparation, use of EDMS, EDH, etc For the equipment provided by the collaboration institutes, the interface to the CERN part has to be well defined and documented. CERN/FC/....24

25 4. The follow-up of the production of the deliverables of the collaboration is assured. The management structure was presented, the committee sees no fault with it. The steering committee foreseen in this structure should be started now. It is essential to form this committee asap. CERN/FC/....25

26 5. The manpower, which is expected to be deployed by CERN, is available and adequate. The project team is competent, fully adequate in experience and very committed. However, the required manpower allocations are not secured. Despite the project being approved by CERN management there is a very time critical lack of resources of RF specialists for the timing and synchronization systems.  This problem must be solved. CERN/FC/....26

27 6. The present plan for the manufacturing, the installation and the hardware commissioning of Phase 1 is achievable in time for commissioning of the facility in Q3 2016. The present plan is challenging and only feasible if the required resources are made available now. The installation work can be executed independent of the LHC and injector schedule. In other words, there is no impact of technical stops or shutdowns of the LHC and its injectors on the accessibility of the AWAKE facility CERN/FC/....27

28 7. The present plan for the beam commissioning is feasible for the studies of self-modulation instabilities to start in Q3 2016. What are the consequences of not meeting this deadline? Has this an effect on Phase 2? The committee didn’t see a detailed beam commissioning plan, but the committee is confident that the commissioning can be done if the conditions under 6 are met. CERN/FC/....28

29 8. The present plan for the manufacturing, the installation and the hardware commissioning of Phase 2 is achievable in time for commissioning of the facility and studies on electron acceleration before LS2. The present plan for Phase 2 is tight but achievable if the required resources are made available. The committee endorses the presented schedule for phase 2. An injected and accelerated electron bunch is an outstanding scientific results for AWAKE and CERN with worldwide visibility. Achieving this as quickly as possible is of central importance. If LS2 would start later obviously more contingency in time is available.  Recommendation: DO NOT postpone the phase 2 completion to AFTER LS2 CERN/FC/....29

30 9. The remaining risks on critical items (plasma cell, electron source…) are acceptable. Are they manageable with the available resources? The remaining risks on critical items (plasma cell, electron source, accelerating structure…) are acceptable. Are they manageable with the available resources? (yes, if contingency is allocated, see next question) CERN/FC/....30

31 10. The contingency strategy in terms of budget and impact on the experiment is validated. An overall contingency needs to be established, to be allocated by the project leader with the agreement of the steering board. CERN/FC/....31

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