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PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 “Anti-infective environmental friendly molecules against plant pathogenic bacteria for reducing Cu” “AFTER Cu” Start: 01/01/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 “Anti-infective environmental friendly molecules against plant pathogenic bacteria for reducing Cu” “AFTER Cu” Start: 01/01/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 “Anti-infective environmental friendly molecules against plant pathogenic bacteria for reducing Cu” “AFTER Cu” Start: 01/01/2014 End: 31/12/2015 13/01/2016 Monitoring meeting Firenze - Italy ICCOMCNR premises

2 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 AGENDA 9:30 [DISPAA] Welcome and opening of the meeting 09:40 [DISPAA] Technical issues: general presentation 10:00 [All] Technical issues: Actions carried out by each partner from January 2014 until the end of December 2015. 11:15 Coffee break 11:30 [All] Open discussion on technical actions for the preparation of the Final Report 12:00 [All] Management and dissemination issues for the preparation of the Final Report 13:00 Lunch

3 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 AGENDA 14:30 [All and EC Monitor team] Administrative issues for the preparation of the Final Report and check of all administartive documents 16:30 Tour of DISPAA_UNIFI laboratories 17:00 End of the monitoring visit



6 Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months  B.6 (October 2014-December 2015): Demonstration of the anti-virulence peptides in vivo performances at pilot scale level in field screenings  B.7 (October 2014-December 2015): Demonstration of the effectiveness of the anti-virulence peptides in the presence of contamination by copper compounds at pilot scale level in field screenings  C.5 (October 2014-December 2015): Monitoring of the short term environmental benefits from the use of the anti-virulence peptides in plant disease control at pilot scale level in field screenings  C.6 (October 2014-December 2015): Monitoring of the absence of an indirect selection operated by the anti-virulence peptides on copper compound and antibiotic resistant bacteria at pilot scale level in field screenings  C.7 (July 2015-December 2015): Monitoring of technical-socio-economic assessment of the After-Cu project.


8 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 [All] Open discussion on actions carried out.

9 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D1 (July 2015-December 2015): Demonstration workshop in Italy D2 (July 2015-December 2015): Demonstration workshop in Spain D3 (January 2014-March 2014): Project website D4 (January 2014-March 2014): Notice boards D5 (September 2015-December 2015): Layman's report D6 (January 2014-December 2015): Diffusion material preparation D7 (January 2014-December 2015): Articles and press releases D8 (January 2014-December 2015): Networking D9 (April 2015-December 2015): After-Cu technology manual D10 (January 2014-December 2015): Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events D11 (January 2014-December 2015): Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers D12 (September 2015-December 2015): After-LIFE Communication Plan D13 (January 2014-December 2015): International fairs and other events D14 (January 2014-December 2015): Digital supports for international diffusion


11 Dissemination actions D1 Demonstration workshop in Italy 14/09/2015 -14/12/2015 ASTRA workshop on 14/12/2015 (30 participants, interest in field results) SOLDANO workshop on 14/09/2015 (20 participants, specific interest on olive plant results) SOLDANO workshop on 22/10/2015 (20 participants, specific interest on orange plant results)

12 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D2 Demonstration workshop in Spain - 25 September 2015 CEBASCSIC workshop on 25 September 2015 done at the University of Murcia in Salón de Grados. In this event, Dr. Teresa Hernandez of CEBASCSIC talked about the project. This workshop was coordinated by the Prof. in agricultural chemistry of the University of Murcia (Simón Navarro), and had the participation of the Regional Ministry of Agricultural of the Comunidad autónoma of Murcia (Dr. Francisco Javier of Murcia, Dra. Encarna of Molina) and several technicians interesed on the clean agriculture and on the use of compounds that do not hurt the environment, as in the project AFTER-Cu. The event lasted two hours (from 12 am to 14 pm) Generally it had a clear interest it in this event, and have made several questions at the end of the event.

13 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D3 Project website 01/02/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 After-Cu website in English, Spanish and Italian: In the website:  Visit counter  Link to LIFE+  Link to each beneficiary website  Results update  News update  Coming up  Reserved area  Link with the Facebook page for event booking/registration Website visitors: 67,297 Facebook page: 28 friends

14 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D4 Notice boards 15/01/2014 -31/03/2014 DISPAA produced 10 After-Cu Notice boards and sent them to all the beneficiaries All the beneficiaries put the After-Cu Notice board in a public space All the beneficiaries sent the photos of the After-Cu Notice board in a public space in each beneficiary premises All the selected beneficiaries will put the After-Cu Notice board in the demonstration sites

15 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D5 Layman’s report 15/12/2015 -31/03/2016 DISPAA will prepare the After-Cu Layman’s report to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable

16 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D6 Diffusion material preparation 01/02/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 10,000 After-Cu brochures 5,000 After-Cu plastic leaflets 17 After-Cu tissue posters in Italian and English 3 Malaga event posters 1 After-Cu roll-up 3 project presentations (English, Italian and Spanish) 1,000 After-Cu copybooks 800 After-Cu pens 200 After-Cu cups 800 After-Cu pendrives 50 bags

17 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D7 Articles and press releases 10/01/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 6 articles directly related to After-Cu: AGI, UNIFI website, TUTTOGREEN (insert of “La Stampa” newspaper), Fresh Plaza, CHIMET, Ambiente BIO 4 indirect articles related to the participation of After-Cu to the CNR event (in local and web newspaper) 12 indirect articles related to the participation of After-Cu to the ASTRA and ENEA event on 22 January 2015 in local and web newspaper 3 articles (Italian, Chinese and English) in Platinum journal 1 article in “La Verdad” 6 indirect articles related to ASTRA workshop on 14/12/2015 in local and web newspaper 1 article in “Murcia industria”

18 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D8 Networking 25/03/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 Cluster with PODEBA, BIOREM, SOREME, BIONAD, GREEN SITE, SOILPRO, RESAFE, SEKRET, CLEANSED, AIS LIFE, EVERGREEN, HORTISED (LIFE 10-11-12-13-14 projects) Specific meetings with photos with BIOREM and CLEANSED Networking contacts at the CNR LIFE event at Pisa on 25 th March 2014, at the UNIFI LIFE event at Firenze on 24 th October 2014 and at the ASTRA LIFE event at Faenza on 22 th January 2015 In the Annex Dissemination activities we will define a table with:  Day of the networking  How (phone, meeting, etc.)  Which projects  Who (name of the participants)  Topics discussed and conclusions

19 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D9 After-Cu technology manual 01/12/2015 -31/03/2016 ASTRA, with the collaboration of all the beneficiaries, is preparing the After-Cu technology manual to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable

20 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D10 Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events 25/03/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 LIFE CNR event in CNR premises on 25 March 2014 University of Siena event about life, Siena 29 May 2014 Seminar in Facultad de Ciencias - Área de Genética of Universidad de Málaga, Malaga 14 July 2014 Scuola Nazionale Metodologie Analitiche e Bioanalitiche in Spettrometria di Massa, Parma, Campus Universitario, Parma- Italy, 26-30 May 2014 Corso avanzato sull'accoppiamento della spettrometria di massa con tecniche di separazione in fase liquida, Lucca, 23-26 June 2014 Erice course on Biophysics of channels and transporters, Erice 11-17 May 2014 Event in EEZ of CSIC in Granada (Spain) on 10 July 2014 BRIGTH 2014 AREA CNR September 26th 2014 UNIFI LIFE event at Firenze on 24 th October 2014 Italy-Kazakhstan collaboration project event in Kazakhstan on 14/11/2014 ASTRA LIFE event at Faenza on 22 th January 2015 Italy-Kazakhstan day event in Florence on 12/05/2015 Dissemination at Milestone – Sorisole (BG) 15 october 2015 Science Week of Murcia, 6-8/11/2015 BRIGTH 2015 AREA CNR September 25th 2015

21 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D11 Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers 25/03/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 The following contacts with institutions have been taken: o Councillor for the Environment of Pisa City and Environmental Department of Pisa Area - Italy (CNR event 2014) o Environmental Department of Murcia Area, Regional Ministry of Agricultural of the Comunidad autónoma of Murcia (Dr. Francisco Javier of Murcia, Dra. Encarna of Molina – Spain (CEBAS workshop 2015) o Senator of the Italian Government - Italy (UNIFI event) o Assessorato Agricoltura Regione Emilia-Romagna and Councillor for the Environment of Faenza City – Italy (ASTRA event 2014 and workshop 2015) o Mayor of Limbadi and Calabria Region manager - Italy (Soldano workshops 2015) In the Annex Dissemination activities we will define a table with:  Name of the policy maker contacted  Where  Topics discussed and conclusions

22 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D12 After-LIFE Communication Plan 15/12/2015 -31/03/2016  Very important for the EC evaluation: the project is ended for the EC contribution, but is not ended for the work to do and the future application and the possible projects and business  Short report: overview of final results and table with future activities  DISPAA is preparing the After-LIFE Communication Plan report to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable

23 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D13 International fairs and other events 28/07/2014 and continuous update until 31/12/2015 International Congress on Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Vigo, July 28 – 29, 2014 14th International Conference, Na,K-ATPase and related transport ATPases: Structure, mechanism, cell biology, health and disease. 30 August - 5 September 2014, The Netherlands XX National Congress Italian Society for Plant Pathology (SIPaV) Pisa, 22-23-24 Settembre 2014 "Environmentally loyal plant protection: from nano- to field-scale“ Conference Psyringae 2015, Málaga, 2-5 June 2015 Ecomondo Fair, Rimini, 3-6 November 2015 Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXIX, 29/08-3/09/2015 Figueira da Foz, Portugal

24 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Dissemination actions D14 Digital supports for international diffusion 15/12/2015 -31/03/2016 DISPAA has defined and subcontracted the expert video company which is the responsible of the After-Cu video production: the company has already prepared the video draft DISPAA is working on the video text

25 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  ACTION E.2: Monitoring  DISPAA has continuous contact with all project partners for monitoring project activities  Before the month end DISPAA receives from each beneficiary technical inputs for the monitor month summary  At the end of each month DISPAA prepares and sends a summary of the project activities carried out to monitoring team at the end of each month  Definition of management structures  Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary  DISPAA organised the kick-off and progress meetings in scheduled time

26 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  ACTION E.2: Monitoring  DISPAA defined and sent the Partnership Agreement (following the EC scheme) and collected all the beneficiaries signatures  DISPAA uses project progress indicators for monitoring project activities  DISPAA has revised the project progress indicators in each of the projects coordination meeting in order to check any irregularities  DISPAA is checking the number and type of people reached by each dissemination activity in order to check if the diffusion actions have met their goals

27 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of management structures  Management and technical committe DISPAA: Stefania Tegli ASTRA: Vanni Tisselli SOLDANO: Maurizio Soldano CEBASCSIC: Carlos Izquierdo ICCOMCNR: Emilia Bramanti  Administrative committe DISPAA: Silvia Borselli ASTRA: Elisabetta Baldassarri SOLDANO: Domenica Timpano CEBASCSIC: Maria Teresa Hernandez ICCOMCNR: Manuela Cempini

28 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary  Each beneficiary has a specific payment responsible DISPAA: Stefania Tegli selects the project cost formally approved by department director or DISPAA council ASTRA: Vanni Tisselli as director selects and decides till an amount of € 20.000. If the cost are bigger than 20.000€ the decisions are assumed in accordance with Legal Representative. SOLDANO: Maurizio Soldano as manager selects and decides CEBASCSIC: Carlos Izquierdo selects the project cost formally approved by department director ICCOMCNR: Emilia Bramanti selects the project cost formally approved by department director

29 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of project accounting system and cost center All beneficiaries have defined the following internal specific code (codice commessa) which identify the project and all costs and income related to the project: DISPAA: B18C13001830006 ASTRA: X02R14 AFTER-CU LIFE12 CEBAS: 201920 ICCOMCNR: B18C13001830006 SOLDANO: After-CU For DISPAA, CEBAS and ICCOMCNR VAT is a cost.

30 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336  ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of project accounting system and cost center All beneficiaries respects the procedure of the best value for money for selecting all the project external and consumable costs:  DISPAA, CEBAS and ICCOMCNR: public tender through MEPA  ASTRA and SOLDANO: historical supplier or market analysis All the beneficiaries approved only the costs:  directly linked to, and necessary for, carrying out the After-Cu project;  reasonable, justified and comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular in terms of economy and efficiency;  compliant with applicable tax and social legislation; and  actually incurred during the lifetime of the project, as defined in the grant agreement, and which could be identifiable and verifiable

31 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 After-Cu Dissemination  D1 Workshop in Italy: OK (3 workshops)  D2 Workshop in Spain: OK (1 workshop)  D3 Project website: OK (update)  D4 Notice boards: OK (10 After-Cu Notice boards)  D5 Layman’s report: to be prepared  D6 Diffusion material preparation: OK (foreseen 25 Posters, 10,000 leaflets/brochures/factsheets, 2,500 various branded items, now 15,000 brochures/leaflets, 20 posters, 1 roll-up, 3 presentations, 2,850 gadgets)  D7 Press and media releases: OK (foreseen 30 articles, now 33)

32 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 After-Cu Dissemination  D8 Networking: OK OK (foreseen 10 projects, now 12)  D9 After-Cu technology manual: in progress (foreseen 1 manual)  D10 Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events: OK OK (foreseen 4 events, now 15 events)  D11 Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers: OK OK (foreseen successful communication, now 7 policy makers meetings)  D12 After-LIFE Communication Plan: in progress  D13 International fairs and other events: OK OK (foreseen 4 fairs, now 6 fairs)  D14 Digital supports for international diffusion: draft

33 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES  Evaluation from last monitoring visit  Predisposition of After-Cu Final Report and related documents  Delivery of administrative documents to DISPAA  Cost analysis  Project meetings

34 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Evaluation from last monitoring visit “I am pleased to know that the activities are being carried out in line with the original plans and that the project is reaching the expected results. I am particularly glad to see that you managed to synthesise a number of peptides that turned out to prevent in an effective manner the virulence of the target pathogen at laboratory scale, therefore limiting its damage to the test crops. As the project now enters its last months with the validation of the peptides at pilot scale (open field), I invite you to implement activities with due care as there are many factors, both environmental and economic, to be taken into consideration in the assessment of the molecules effectiveness. I remind you that only the sound demonstration of the efficacy and economic feasibility of their use in commercial orchards could actually facilitate their spreading at large scale. For the same purpose, I recommend you approach as soon as possible companies that could be interested in applying for the patent registration of these innovative molecules, for use in agriculture.”

35 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Evaluation from last monitoring visit Technical issues: 1. I remind you to provide with the Final Report the definitive versions of the deliverables linked to actions B2, B3, B5, C2 and C3. 2. Action C2. Please provide an exhaustive report about the results attained by the Associated Beneficiary Centro de Edafologia y Biologica Aplicada del Segura (CSIC) on Lemon and Olive plants. Financial issues: 1. I invite you to ensure that all the invoices clearly bear the project reference, either inserted in the main text directly by the supplier or through a specific project stamp.

36 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Evaluation from last monitoring visit Dissemination issues: 1.Action D3. I invite you to improve the website ALREADY DONE 2.Action D6. I note that the pens created project gadgets do not bear the LIFE logo. Please be advised that the related cost cannot be considered as eligible, in compliance with Art. 13.2 and Art. 26 of Common Provisions. 3.Action D6. Please clearly explain the outcomes of the networking activities carried out over project duration. You should provide in your Final Report details about the kind of networking actually undertaken and the on the knowledge acquired. 4.Action D9. I recommend you produce the Manual at least three months before project's end, to ensure its proper dissemination.

37 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Evaluation from last monitoring visit Dissemination issues: 5. Action D10. The proposal had foreseen the organisation of four informative workshops, two of which during first project year. So far it would seem that no real event has been directly organised by project team, dedicated wholly to the project, and that only more general conferences, organised by other institutions or by the beneficiaries but with a much wider scope, were regarded as "project workshops". By project end, I invite you to organise at least one event per country and have it properly planned, ensuring the widest possible participation of stakeholders. Please provide an accurate account of the upcoming activities to this aim in the Final Report. 6. Action D11. Please provide a clear description of the concrete outputs/conclusions of meetings held with the representatives of local and national institutions. 7. Action D14. I recommend you produce the video, earlier than planned and at least by September 2015, to ensure its proper dissemination.

38 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 FINAL REPORT DISPAA will be responsible of the production of the Final report which will be made up by:  Progress report with the summary of technical, administrative and dissemination project issues  Dissemination Annex  Deliverables  Output indicators  New EC Financial forms with all the originals signatures from each partner  Audit document The Final Report sending deadline is 31 March 2016 The EC ok of the Final report will produce the project final payment from the EC

39 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 FINAL REPORT  Documents needed from each beneficiary  DISPAA will check all the partner financial documents for final original versions with signatures from each partner DISPAA will be responsible for the production of an audit document signed by an external authorised auditor (already selected) which will certify all the project financial data. The selected auditor will check all the partner financial data and, if necessary, will request to each partner more detailed documents.

40 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 FINAL REPORT CHAPTERS  1. List of contents  2. Executive summary  3. Introduction  4. Administrative part  5. Technical part 5.1 Technical progress per action 5.2 Dissemination actions 5.3 Evaluation of project implementation 5.4 Analysis of long-term benefits  6. Comments on the financial report 6.1 Summary of costs 6.2 Accounting system 6.3 Partnership arrangements 6.4 Auditor’s report 6.5 Summary of costs per action  7. Annexes  8. Financial report and annexes

41 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 FINAL REPORT Deadline  Each partner has already sent and will complete to send to DICMA all the technical contribution no later than 31st of January 2016  Each partner has to send to DICMA all the dissemination contribution no later than 31st of January 2016  Each partner responsible for a Deliverable has to send to DICMA the Deliverable no later than 31st of January 2016  DICMA will send a draft of the Final Report to the Monitoring team no later than 10th of March 2016  DICMA will send to EC and Monitoring agency all the Progress Report documents no later than 31th of March 2016

42 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 NEXT DELIVERABLES All the following Deliverables will be annexes of the Final Report :  Demonstration of the kilo-scale biotechnological synthesis of the anti- virulence peptides by recombinant technology: Action B.4  Demonstration of the anti-virulence peptides in vivo performances at pilot scale level in field screenings: Action B.6  Demonstration of the effectiveness of the anti-virulence peptides in the presence of contamination by copper compounds at pilot scale level in field screenings: Action B.7  Monitoring of the absence of a direct selection operated by the anti- virulence peptides towards the emergence of bacteria resistant to the anti- virulence peptides themselves at laboratory level: Action C.4  Monitoring of the short term environmental benefits from the use of the anti-virulence peptides in plant disease control at pilot scale level in field screenings: Action C.5

43 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 NEXT DELIVERABLES All the following Deliverables will be annexes of the Final Report :  Monitoring of the absence of an indirect selection operated by the anti- virulence peptides on copper compound and antibiotic resistant bacteria at pilot scale level in field screenings: Action C.6  Monitoring of technical-economic viability of the After-Cu project: Action C.7  After-Cu technology manual: Action D.9  After-LIFE Communication Plan: Action D.12  Layman’s Report: Action D.5

44 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Costs analysis PARTNERCLAIM Personnel Personnel December 2015Travel Travel December 2015 External assistanc e External assistance December 2015 Consuma bles Consumabl es December 2015 Other costs Other costs Decembe r 2015 Overhea ds Overhead s December 2015TOTAL TOTAL December 2015 DISPAA 205.000 231.926,26 12.500 7.844,77 88.300 81.474,40 105.000 84.605,07 - 30.000 28.409,54 440.800 434.260,04 ASTRA 137.500 132.041,84 12.500 2.211,05 27.800 52.404,64 45.000 10.103,62 - 222,00 16.000 13.788,82 238.800 210.771,97 Soldano 101.500 55.528,33 12.500 231,76 22.800 26.500,00 45.000 31.872,77 - 11.930 7.989,30 193.730 122.122,16 ICCOMCN R 52.000 82.555,80 12.500 5.655,70 13.200 13.961,77 25.000 30.076,58 - 7.000 9.257,49 109.700 141.507,34 CEBAS 155.000 148.811,84 12.500 10.307,76 18.400 20.522,84 95.000 103.792,83 - 19.000 19.840,47 299.900 303.275,74 TOTAL 651.000 650.864,07 62.500 26.251,04 170.500 194.863,65 315.000 260.450,87 - 222,00 83.930 79.285,611.282.9301.211.937,24

45 PROJECT LIFE12 ENV/IT/000336 Project meetings  1st Kick off meeting in DISPAA in Italy in January 2014  Monitoring meeting in DISPAA in Italy in June 2014  2nd Coordination meeting in CEBASCSIC in Murcia (Spain) on July 7th 2014  3rd Coordination meeting in ASTRA in Italy on January 2015  4th Coordination meeting in DISPAA in Italy on June 2015  5th Final Coordination meeting in ICCOMCNR in Italy on December 2015  Monitoring meeting in DISPAA in Italy on 12-13 January 2016

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