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FOCUS 8/26  Welcome to class!  Please grab a set of Classroom procedures from the black shelf on the front desk (by the projector).  Be in your assigned.

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Presentation on theme: "FOCUS 8/26  Welcome to class!  Please grab a set of Classroom procedures from the black shelf on the front desk (by the projector).  Be in your assigned."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOCUS 8/26  Welcome to class!  Please grab a set of Classroom procedures from the black shelf on the front desk (by the projector).  Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

2 RULES/EXPECTATIONS 1.Respect yourself, others and teachers. 2.No picking or playing. 3.Raise your hand to be recognized. 4.Be prepared and focused when class begins. 5.Ask permission to leave your seat.

3 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES  Beginning class—STARTS WITH THE BELL  Student needs teacher’s attention—RAISE YOUR HAND  Pencil sharpener/trash—ASK TO GET UP/NOT WHEN I’M TALKING  Water/Bathroom—ONLY IF NECESSARY (Must have your agenda)

4 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES  Make up work—YOUR RESPONSIBILITY  Late work—NO  Classroom Telephone—ONLY WITH MY PERMISSION  Room supplies/appearance—LEAVE IT HOW YOU FOUND IT  Classroom library books—YOU MAY BORROW THEM WITH PERMISSION


6 GIVE ME FIVE On a separate sheet of paper…. TRACE YOUR HAND In each finger, write one rule/expectation/procedure that you feel is important to ensuring success in this classroom.

7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GIVE ME FIVE

8 BARNYARD GAME  Rules: Choose a piece of paper from the bucket. You may read it. DON’T SHARE YOUR NAME WITH ANYONE!!! When I say “GO!”, you will go around the classroom making the sound that your barnyard animal makes. You need to find your animal family (people making the same noise as you). Do so as quickly as possible. No running.

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