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Introduction to Law T14 Definition of conscription The organization and tasks of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic.

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1 Introduction to Law T14 Definition of conscription The organization and tasks of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic

2 Conscription Sources of law Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 Coll., The security of the Czech Republic (§ 4), the armed forces are supplemented on the basis of conscription, the details provided by law. Act No. 585/2004 Coll., on Compulsory Military Service and its ensuring, Currently discussed amendment of Act No. 585/2004 Coll.

3 Conscription The obligation a citizen of the Czech Republic to fulfill the tasks of the Armed forces of the CR. The obligation to submit to the draft, the performance of active military service and other obligations under the Act. Active military service as a service is organized on a regular soldier or military exercises or special military exercise (service on operational deployment - a new concept that is used in the draft amendment of the Act) Exceptional service - this is held under state of emergency or state of war.

4 Conscription Begins in the year when citizen reaches 18 and ends in the year when a citizen reaches 60 years of age, a professional soldier takes longer - until the end of his service. If someone becomes a new citizen of the Czech Republic in adulthood, so his conscription arises from the acquisition of citizenship. Under the state of emergency or state of war a citizen voluntarily assume conscription - you need to submit an application to the Regional Military Command.

5 Voluntary transfer of enforcement of conscription During the off-crisis situations The application is administered on the Regional Military Command The application for including into active reserve is served on the Regional Military Command, the candidate must be in a good health condition. For including into active reserve should be the need of the armed forces An agreement for three years.

6 Rejection of emergency services Reserve soldiers may refuse to execute the emergency services only because of conscience or religion, by writing to the regional military headquarters Within 15 days of the decision of the ability to perform military service or within 15 days from the publication of a state of emergency or state of war. Is subject to work duties, announces it to locally relevant local authority

7 Termination of conscription Age Health disability (must be the decision) The loss of legal capacity The expiry of the Czech citizenship The rejection of performance of extraordinary services Voluntary takeover also terminates on the date when the application is withdrawn, expiration of the agreed period, the withdrawal from the agreement.

8 Regional Military Command Military administrations, headed director, a professional soldier, appointed by the Minister of Defence Perform state administration in the field of defense. There are total of 14, their location and local districts are established by law.

9 Active military service in a state of emergency or state of war An extraordinary service A soldier in an ambush is obliged to enter service under call-up papers or decree issued by the Regional Military Headquarters or at the mobilization call Ending no later than three months after the dissolution of the state, the soldiers are released after medical examination

10 Active military service in a state of emergency or state of war Relieved of service may be a person, where it is important to exercise their civil recall of Security activities in particular government, parliament, courts, police, health services, post offices and other public institutions, the operation of the national economy, fire protection, necessary to protect the public. The application for exemption submitted by the employer.

11 Mobilization of the Armed Forces is a mass recall of soldiers in an ambush in emergency services Partial - only part of the troops or part of the territory of the Czech Republic, General - all soldiers in an ambush, Mobilization orders and cancels President proposed by the government through the media.

12 Backup armed forces mandatory X Active Reserve of the Armed Forces, mandatory troops withdrawal from active reserve, but subject to conscription, former professional soldiers - five years after the release, drainage or discharge from the emergency services, Active Reserve - voluntary takeover

13 Military records, documents Ministry of Defence, the regional military headquarters and military units led military records of personal data, store up to 80 years of age of soldier, A soldier in an ambush is obliged to report to the regional military headquarters if there is a serious deterioration in his health. Military documents are military ID, military book and the draft.

14 Entrance to foreign armed forces This is possible only with the approval of the President upon written request through the Ministry of Defense, can not be claimed, without permission is possible to enter armed forces of NATO. The consent shall expire on declaring a state of threat or declaration of war. During the war, the President may invite the Czech citizens living abroad to enter the forces of allied countries.

15 Armed Forces of the Czech Republic The basic source of law is Act No. 219/1999 Coll., The Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, as amended. The armed forces are divided into Army, the Military Office of the President and the Castle Guard, Armed forces consists of only soldiers in active service In the armed forces applies hierarchical relationships, Are employed civilian employees working with the Czech Republic.

16 Management of Armed Forces The president approves military orders, appoints the Chief of the Military Office of the President, the President gives by orders the honorary names and the combat battalions to services. The government provides the concept, number of persons and operational plans and the structure of the army. Chief of General Staff is appointed by the President on the proposal of the Government, after consulting the Committee for the Defense of the Chamber of Deputies.

17 The tasks of armed forces The task of armed forces prepare to defend the Republic and defend country against external attacks, Perform the tasks arising from international obligations of the Czech Republic on joint defense against attacks, Participate in international actions in support of a peace-keeping, humanitarian operations and joint international exercises.

18 Czech Army The army is the foundation of armed forces and is divided into: Military units - separate fighting or training branch of the armed forces, led by Commander, Military establishment - a separate branch of the armed forces, ensuring the needs of the armed forces, headed by chief, director. Military establishment is as well the University of Defence. Military Rescue Unit - a separate part of the Army, meet humanitarian tasks of civil protection, headed the commander.

19 Tasks of the Czech Armed Forces Guarding important buildings, rescue work, performing tasks of the Police of the Czech Republic, air transportation, including transportation of government officials, air emergency service, security of social, cultural and sporting events, the implementation of civil protection.

20 The use of military weapon by soldier is regulated in § 42 The soldier in the performance of policing, patrolling, escorting and supervisory services is authorized to use military weapons, to avert imminent or ongoing direct attacks against himself or attack which had directly threaten or attack on the life and health of another person, to prevent escape of armed persons or person reasonably suspected of having committed a particularly serious crime, the destruction of animal, life-threatening or health of persons.

21 The use of military weapons by soldier Military weapon means a firearm, stabbing weapon or cutting weapon. Before using the weapon the soldier is obliged to ask the person against whom the action that he should refrain from attack or escape, cry "Hold" „Hold or I'll shoot "to take a warning shot. The soldier is obliged to observe necessary caution against third parties before using a weapon is required to use grips and grips, service dog, strike or reach an agreement. Using a weapon does not always mean shooting!

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