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Solutions to the Solid Waste Problem. Why reduce waste? Reduces cost of disposing of the waste Reduces the cost of packaging Reduces pollution Reduces.

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Presentation on theme: "Solutions to the Solid Waste Problem. Why reduce waste? Reduces cost of disposing of the waste Reduces the cost of packaging Reduces pollution Reduces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solutions to the Solid Waste Problem

2 Why reduce waste? Reduces cost of disposing of the waste Reduces the cost of packaging Reduces pollution Reduces mining and use of resources Recycling is more energy efficient

3 What is recycling? - making a new product from a used product - saves energy: 95% less energy to recycle aluminum cans! - reduces pollution from mining - recycling save water

4 Candy Question… How much energy can be conserved by recycling aluminum?

5 How does recycling work? 1)Items are collected & sent to recycling centers 2)Items are cleaned and prepared to be made into new items 3)Raw material is sent/sold to companies that use the materials to manufacture other materials

6 3 Ways individuals can recycle 1)Buy recycled products & recycle 2)Recycle materials like aluminum, copper, paper, cardboard, glass & plastic bottles 3)Compost yard and kitchen wastes

7 2 consumer issues: 1) Overpackaging: Items packaged in several materials are difficult to recycle Reduce or do not buy products that are overpackaged. Buy items in bulk.

8 2) Plastics - are not biodegradable - are petroleum products - can be recycled - * “photodegradable plastics”: will break down in to smaller pieces when exposed to sunlight - degradable materials could be used in many instances where plastics are used.

9 Candy question… List 1 item that is overpackaged (that I did NOT mention).

10 Composting- solution for biodegradable items

11 Candy questions… List 3 things that SHOULD go in the compost pile. List 2 things that SHOULD NOT go in the compost pile.

12 How are plastics used?



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