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Tourism and State Development. Office of History Funding Sources: General Fund Appropriation – (archives, museum, historic preservation, research and.

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Presentation on theme: "Tourism and State Development. Office of History Funding Sources: General Fund Appropriation – (archives, museum, historic preservation, research and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourism and State Development

2 Office of History Funding Sources: General Fund Appropriation – (archives, museum, historic preservation, research and publishing, and administrative functions). Federal Authority  National Park Service – Historic Preservation Grants, Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Corps of Engineers, archeological surveys and assessments. Other Authority  Gaming tax - SDCL 42-7B-48. $100,000 transferred to the Historical Preservation Loan and Grant Fund annually.  Archeological surveys, tests, and excavations for state, federal, and private projects.  Fees set by administrative rule for memberships, sales, contributions, admission, and use of documents. Budget: $3,986,805 FTE: 37.0 Budget: $5,247,848 FTE: 45.0 FY1999 to FY2009 Budget Comparison General Funds $2,189,766 Federal Authority $777,502 Other Authority $1,019,537 General Funds $2,341,705 Federal Authority $865,805 Other Authority $2,040,338

3 Mission Statement To collect, preserve, interpret, and promote the history of the people of South Dakota

4 Programs Archaeology Archives Historic Preservation Museum Research and Publishing Administrative/Development

5 Archaeology Jim Haug, State Archaeologist

6 Statutes SDCL Chapter 1-20 (Archaeological Exploration) Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

7 Archaeological Survey 2200 surveys and excavations 58 surveys in FY2008 Hartford Beach State Park, Roberts County Ditch Creek Site, Black Hills

8 Survey Projects Department of Transportation – nearly 800 surveys Game, Fish & Parks – Title VI Property – 100,000 acres Blunt Reservoir land transfer to public and private owners Surveying Title VI lands

9 Protect Archaeological Resources and Unmarked Human Burials and Remains Mining Permits  Department of Environment and Natural Resources  Department of School and Public Lands Human Remains  NAGPRA (1986, 1991)  3,100 human remains and grave goods  140 unintentional discoveries of human remains, 15 in FY2008

10 Archaeological Records TOTALFY08 to date Archaeological Sites18,553359 Reports filed in library12,271507 Record Searches1,474248 TOTALFY08 to date Collection Accessions7,99598 Photos76,6165,700 Artifact Catalogs64,5914,260 Collections housed at the Archaeological Research Center Archaeological Records at the Archaeological Research Center

11 Promote Awareness of Archaeology Public excavations at: Hartford Beach Village, Roberts County Deadwood’s Chinatown Chalk Rock Mammoth Site, Brookings County Ditch Creek Site, Black Hills Moss Agate Creek, Fall River County

12 Promote Awareness of Archaeology

13 Cultural Heritage Center Archives Historic Preservation Museum Research & Publishing Administration/ Development

14 State Archives Chelle Somsen, State Archivist

15 Statutes SDCL Chapter 1-18B (History and Historical Records) SDCL Chapter 1-18C (State Archives) SDCL 33-16-23 (Military Records) The Privacy Act of 1974 US Copyright Law, Title 17

16 Collections

17 Processing 87 collections processed

18 Microfilm Unit

19 Photo Digitization Project

20 Databases and Website

21 Research Room

22 Outreach History Day

23 Outreach 4 th Grade School Census project

24 Outreach Research Grant Program

25 Outreach Archives Month

26 Historic Preservation Jay D. Vogt, State Historic Preservation Officer Jason Haug, Director

27 Statutes National Historic Preservation Act SDCL Chapter 1-19A (Preservation of Historic Sites) SDCL Chapter 1-19B (County & Municipal Historic Preservation Activities) SDCL Chapter 1-19 (Historic Sites & Monuments) SDCL 42-7B-46 and 42-7B-48

28 Historic Sites Survey 35,421 buildings, structures, and sites surveyed County surveys of:  Bennett  Campbell  Day  Grant  Marshall  Dewey  Ziebach  Beadle Britton Hospital and Clinic

29 National Register of Historic Places 6,677 Buildings, Sites, and Structures Listed on the National Register Pennington County Courthouse, Rapid City Pratt & Cjolme Building, Platte

30 Standards of Listing Over 50 years old Historical Integrity Historical Significance  Events  People  Architecture, Engineering, Craftsmanship  Likely to provide additional information De Smet Cemetery Mobridge State Bank

31 National Historic Landmarks 15 in South Dakota

32 Verendrye Monument

33 Fort Pierre Chouteau

34 Section 106: Review and Compliance Review 2,000 federal undertakings each year

35 Certified Local Governments

36 Deadwood Fund Grants 170 grants, 1997-2008

37 Deadwood Fund Grants Sioux Falls Coliseum Wessington Springs Fieldhouse Iverson Crossing Bridge, Brandon vic.

38 Federal Income Tax Credit 89 Projects, $46,021,081 Certified Expenses 1921 Building, Brookings

39 State Property Tax Moratorium 550 projects Isakson House, Canton Standard Oil Garage, Sioux Falls Martin-Mason Block, Deadwood

40 Archaeology & Historic Preservation Month

41 Museum Helen B. Louise, Director

42 Statutes SDCL Chapter 1-18 (South Dakota Historical Society) SDCL Chapter 1-18B (History and Historical Records) SDCL 1-45-23 (Department of Education)

43 Collections

44 Jefferson Peace Medal

45 Collections Verendrye Plate

46 Collections Blue Star Horse

47 Education Kits Lewis & Clark in South Dakota Archaeology in South Dakota Mining in South Dakota South Dakota Immigrants The Buffalo and the Plains Indians Indians and the Environment: Living with the Land

48 Education Kits Dakota, Nakota, Lakota Life South Dakota Places One-Room Schoolhouse Learning Trading Posts & General Stores Homesteading South Dakota Transportation (December 2008)

49 Traveling Exhibits Lewis & Clark in South Dakota Life Underground: Hard Rock Mining in the Black Hills Properties of History At Home & Abroad: South Dakota in World War II Living Traditions: Dakota, Nakota, Lakota Art

50 Traveling Exhibits South Dakota Communicates A Capitol Fight: South Dakota’s Capital City Fall In! Soldiering in South Dakota Drawn to the Land: Homesteading in South Dakota Dreams of a Better Life: South Dakota Transportation

51 Exhibitions Fight for the Capital

52 Exhibitions Tatanka and the Lakota People: A Creation Story

53 Exhibitions Sportsman’s Paradise

54 Exhibitions The South Dakota Experience  Official Site on the Lewis & Clark Trail  Award of Merit, AASLH (2006)

55 Research and Publishing Nancy Tystad Koupal, Director

56 Statutes SDCL Chapter 1-18 (South Dakota Historical Society) SDCL Chapter 1-18B (History and Historical Records)

57 South Dakota History Four issues published per year Distributed to more than 1,800 individuals and 300 libraries

58 History Notes

59 South Dakota State Historical Society Press









68 South Dakota Heritage Fund Patricia K. Miller, President Archaeology & Historic Preservation Month Archives Month Books Education Kits Photo Digitization Traveling Exhibitions Cumulative Giving Program Governor’s Residence Cookbook

69 South Dakota State Historical Society History Conference

70 Fourth-grade history teaching tool Joint project with Department of Education 2002 Council of State Governments Midwestern Legislative Conference Innovations Award Lessons include:  Lewis and Clark Expedition  Homesteading and Town Building  Notable South Dakotans  South Dakota Government

71 GOAL FOUR: Brand and Develop South Dakota’s Quality of Life as the Best in America by 2010 4B. Enhance History and Arts as a tool for economic development and cultural tourism Quantify the economic impact of arts and history in South Dakota Advance history and arts as essential to lifelong learning  Promote State Historical Society’s traveling museum exhibits and educational kits programs  Discover opportunities for expanding other history and arts programs The South Dakota State Historical Society is a division of the Department of Tourism and State Development and strives to help the state meet the goals of the 2010 Initiative by enhancing history as a tool for economic development and cultural tourism. The society is headquartered at the South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre.

72 South Dakota State Historical Society Board of Trustees Patricia Adam, Pierre Ann Stewart Balakier, Vermillion (architectural Historian) John D. Fowler, Elk Point Richard Harnois, Pierre (archaeologist) Robert E. Kolbe, Sioux Falls John E. Miller, Brookings (historian) Elizabeth Squyer, Sioux Falls (architect) Brad Tennant, President-elect, Aberdeen Tom D. Tobin, Winner Francis Whitebird, Saint Francis David A. Wolff, Vice President-elect, Spearfish (Archivist position vacant) Jay D. Vogt, Pierre, Director

73 State Historical Records Advisory Board Marcelle Cash, Sinte Gleska University, Mission Dana Hoffer, Records Management, Pierre Marvene Riis, South Dakota State Historical Society, Pierre Robert Russell, Northern State University, Aberdeen Chelle Somsen, Chair, South Dakota State Historical Society, Pierre Harry F. Thompson, Augustana College, Sioux Falls Tom D. Tobin, Winner

74 South Dakota Heritage Fund Board of Directors Patricia Adam, Secretary, Pierre Lynda Clark, Rapid City Annie Falk, Aberdeen Gordon Garnos, Watertown Julie Johnson, Mitchell/Aberdeen Tom Kilian, Emeritus, Sioux Falls Vernon L. Larson, Treasurer, Pierre/Vivian Bill Peterson, Chairman, Sioux Falls John Teupel, Vice Chairman, Spearfish Jay D. Vogt, Ex Officio, Pierre Mike Wilson, Rapid City/Belle Fourche Patricia K. Miller, President

75 Key Affiliations Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)* American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)* American Association of Museums (AAM) Association of South Dakota Museums (ASDM)* Capitol City Questers* Center for Great Plains Study* Chiesman Foundation for Democracy Department of Education Social Studies Advisory Council* Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society* Island in the Plains Conference Midwest Archives Conference* National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO)* * SDSHS Staff leadership National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) National Historical Publication and Records Commission (NHPRC) National Park Service—Heritage Services (NPS) Organization of American Historians Plains Anthropological Society Northern Great Plains History Conference* Preserve South Dakota South Dakota Archaeological Society South Dakota Council for the Social Studies* South Dakota Genealogical Society South Dakota Center for the Book Western History Association


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