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Our Purpose today… Learn how to earn my HS diploma Review Graduation requirements Resource the Course Catalog Choose courses for next year Learn how.

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3 Our Purpose today… Learn how to earn my HS diploma Review Graduation requirements Resource the Course Catalog Choose courses for next year Learn how to register for classes next year

4 Graduation Requirements 1. Earn 22.5 credits ( various subject areas ) 2. Pass HSPE/EOC ( English, Science, Math ) 3. Complete Culminating Project ( Portfolio )

5 Graduation Credit Requirements 4 credits Language Arts (English) 2.5/3.0 credits Social Studies ( US Hist, World Studies, Glob Iss, Civics; +.5 more for college ) 3 credits Mathematics ( College: Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra min.) 2 credits PE/Health 2 credits Science ( 1 Lab Science, 1 Non Lab Science; College 2 lab sciences ) 1 credit Occupational (CTE courses) 1 credit Fine Arts 7 credits Electives 22.5 creditsTotal ________________________________________________________ 2 Credits World Language ( Colleges require this in addition to above ) Remember: 1 year = 1 credit; 1 semester =.5 credit


7 Course Catalog Course catalog available on school web site Description of courses in detail ( alphabetically ) Course codes, prerequisites, teacher permission An example of a course description

8 Course Description Example LAN220 & 221: LANGUAGE ARTS - 10 OPEN TO: 10 One Year Course PREREQUISITE: None Language Arts 10 is an integrated study of literature and writing with a focus on preparation for the writing WASL. As they read short stories, plays, poetry, novels, and essays, students will increase reading skills. Students will review and expand their knowledge and use of punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary building, multi-paragraph expository and persuasive writing, and test taking strategies. LAN230 & LAN231: LANGUAGE ARTS 10 - HONORS OPEN TO: l0 PREREQUISITE: A or B grade in previous English class Teacher/Counselor signature The skills taught in this class will prepare students for AP Language and AP Literature. Students will work with literature and writing through the higher level thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Literature will be drawn from the classics. In addition to novels studied as a class, students will participate in extensive outside reading. Writing as an on going process will be studied. Vocabulary building for SAT and life will be emphasized. SUMMER READING IS REQUIRED. LAN514 & LAN515: NEWSPAPER STAFF OPEN TO: 9, 10, 11, 12 One Semester or Full Year Course.* *May fulfill one semester only of 11, 12 grade high school English requirement except for staff photographers and graphic artists who will receive elective credit. Course does not satisfy four year college or NCAA entrance requirement. PREREQUISITE: A or B grade in journalistic writing (exception: photographers) and application. Instructor’s signature.

9 4 Year Plan 4 Year planning form helps us plan our courses Need this form filled out to register for classes Course codes must be included on this form Parents must sign this form before registering for classes Courses that require teacher permission must be initialed on form This 4 Year Plan form available on school web site Let’s take a look at this form and how it appears filled out


11 Grade 9 Example Grade 10 Example

12 10 th Grade Example Completed First Semester Examples Second Semester ExamplesFirst Semester Second Semester Grade 10:Code Title T. Sign Code Title T. Sign 1 LAN220 LA 10Lan221 LA 10 LAN220 Lang A10 LAN221 Lang A10 2 SOC202 US HistorySOC203 US History 2 SOC202 US Hst SOC203 US History 3 SCI202 Biology 1SCI203 Biology 2 SCi202 Biology 1 SCI203 Biology 2 4 MAT210 Geometry 1MAT211 Geometry 2 MAT210 Geom 1 MAT211 Geometry 2 5 CTE361 Vis Com 1CTE371 Drawing 1 CTE361 Vis Com1 CTE371 Drawing 1 6 FOR603 Spanish 3FOR604 Spanish 4 FOR603 Span 3 FOR604 Spanish 4

13 4 Year Plan/Registration 10 th Grade Alternate Core Subjects Alternate Elective Courses Alternate PE Courses SCI 300/301 ChemistryLAN 500 Acting 1PHY 207 Basketball SCI 503 Environmental SciCTE 331/332 Culinary ArtsPHY 213 Field Sports SOC 202/203 US HistoryART 110 CeramicsPHY 205 Aerobics

14 Questions 1. What classes need a teacher’s signature? ( catalog, posted list ) 2. What classes count as an Occupational Education? ( CTE coded ) 3. What is a non lab science class? ( catalog description ) 4. How am I placed in a math class? ( levels, placement test ) 5. How many years of world language should I take? ( College, 2 yrs ) 6. If I want to play college sports, what do I need to know about the NCAA requirements? ( check out requirements in the Course Catalog) 7. What is a transcript, why is it important, and what does one look like? 8. Any Questions?????


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