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Welcome to Third Grade Back to School Night at Mill Creek! Thursday, September 11, 2014 Visit table 6 to drop off any papers. Find your child’s desk &

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Back to School Night at Mill Creek! Thursday, September 11, 2014 Visit table 6 to drop off any papers. Find your child’s desk &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Back to School Night at Mill Creek! Thursday, September 11, 2014 Visit table 6 to drop off any papers. Find your child’s desk & read the letter they’ve written to you. Write your child a letter back!

2 About Mrs. Lamper Originally from Carlisle; currently live in Bethlehem Shippensburg University  BS in Elementary Education with minor in reading (2006) Wilkes University  Masters in Educational Development and Strategies (2010) 9 th year teaching  1 year in 4 th grade in Carlisle Area School District  8 th year in 3 rd grade at Mill Creek

3 Parent – Teacher Communication Website: E-mail: Telephone: 267-893-3638 Assignment Book Thursday Folders Written Notes

4 Classroom Expectations Mrs. Lamper’s Goals  Self-Responsible Attitutde  Persistence and Resiliency  Stamina  Learning is Fun Bucket Fillers Clip Chart Monitoring System  Positive and Negative Consequences

5 Homework Mill Creek's Five Beliefs Purpose: Promote student growth and reinforce what is learned in the classroom. Students independently practice what they learned as well as their time management skills. Assessment: Homework is not used as an assessment. However, students will be held responsible for completing all assigned homework. Time Allotment: Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. No routine weekend or holiday assignments will be made. As a rule of thumb 10 minutes per grade level will be assigned. For example: at 3rd grade, 10 x 3 = 30 minutes. Differentiation: Homework can vary depending upon the specific needs of students. This may include time, amount, and purpose of homework. Long-term projects: Long-term projects are directly related to the curriculum. Such projects require children to use secure skills only. Expectations are clearly defined and timelines are established and published.

6 Homework Our Class Need-to-Knows! written in assignment book transported in homework binder normal assignments  daily reading (15 minutes /day = 60 minutes / week)  math including 3 x / week or more XtraMath  spelling or grammar  science / social studies on occasion sign: assignment book & log missed homework policy

7 Reading Comprehension Connections & LEAD21 Reading Block Snap Shot Choosing a Just Right Book (I PICK) You will notice:  a balance of informational and literary texts.  repeated readings for building stronger understanding.  strong emphasis on daily independent reading & strategy application.  reading comprehension at the core of our instruction.  higher expectations for quality and quantity of written responses including using text evidence to support ideas.  questions which require higher level thinking & analysis.  regular assessments to formally document progress.

8 Math Everyday Mathematics  Unit 1: Review & Routines  Unit 2: Add & Subtract  Unit 3: Measuring Length  Units 4: Multiplication & Division (what is it?)  Unit 5: Place Value & Decimals  Unit 6: Geometry  Unit 8: Fractions  Unit 10: Measurement & Data  Unit 11: Probability & Review  Unit 7: Multiplication & Division (practice facts)  Unit 9: Multiplication & Division (apply to multidigit problems) Math Block Snap Shot Problem Solving Memorization of Basic Math Facts  (3x/week at home, 1x/week at school)  Paper and Pencil checks

9 Language Arts Being a Writer  Building the Writing Community  The Writing Process (personal narrative)  Expository Non-Fiction / Research  Opinion LA Block Snap Shot Grammar mini lessons interweaved with writing lesson as well as some extra practice at home and school. Writing domains: focus, content, organization, style, and conventions Assessment – process, writing behaviors, unit pieces, and pre and post prompts Zaner-Bloser program for spelling and handwriting Personal Narrative Fiction Functional Non-Fiction (How To) Poetry

10 Science Science Companion  Life Cycles (including butterflies)  Motion  Third grade assessment is based around motion  Our Solar System Mini Unit on Tobacco, Drugs, & Alcohol Mini Unit on Personal Safety

11 Social Studies Studies Alive! Our Community and Beyond  Unit 1: Basic Geographic Literacy  Unit 3: Economics and Our World  Unit 2: People in Their Community  Unit 4: Being an Active Member of Our Community Additional Points of Interest  Wax Museum  Spring  Trade Fair  Before winter break

12 Be Ready for a Change to Reporting Student Progress 1 st Quarter Conference Report Standards Learning Indicators

13 Parent Portal Is your email address correct? Thursday folders are now digital only! Did you know that your child’s Reporting Student Progress document will be available on Parent Portal?

14 Dates to Know Wednesday 9/24 Picture Day Monday 10/13 - Friday 10/17 – Celebrate Education Week  Book fair visit  Generations Interview (10/16 1:45 – 2:45)

15 Fundraising Change this Year 3 ways to contribute to our school Choice #1: Complete Walk for Education Labels  Labels due by September 23 rd Choice #2: Shop from our NEW Gift Catalog  Orders due by October 3 rd Choice #3: Do Both! Find out more in the Sept. 18 th information packet! Pig Races?

16 Miscellaneous Class T-Shirts Electronic Passwords Birthday Treats Field Trip Make Up Work Fall Conferences Dental Forms

17 Other Mill Creek People Principal  Mr. Ortman Assistant Principal  Mrs. Carter Reading Specialist  Mrs. Sherenian Speech  Mrs. Weiss  Ms. Mustiano Art  Mrs. Schubert Music  Ms. Mudry Physical Education  Mrs. Leuthe Library  Mrs. Hiriak Nurse  Mrs. Budniewski Counselor  Ms. Niszczak

18 Room Parents Lead Homeroom Parent  Mrs. Melissa Conte


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