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Abjure – abjuration(n) Ab (apart, away) jur (swear) To renounce solemnly (a claim, right, cause or belief) To renounce under oath SYN-recant, retract,

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Presentation on theme: "Abjure – abjuration(n) Ab (apart, away) jur (swear) To renounce solemnly (a claim, right, cause or belief) To renounce under oath SYN-recant, retract,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abjure – abjuration(n) Ab (apart, away) jur (swear) To renounce solemnly (a claim, right, cause or belief) To renounce under oath SYN-recant, retract, repudiate ANT-proclaim

2 Anecdote – anecdotal (adj) An (not, w/out) ec (out) dot (give) A short account of an interesting or humorous incident An account regarded as unreliable or hearsay SYN-story, joke ANT- n/a

3 Averse – avert(v), aversion(n) A (apart, away) vers (turn) Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something (not people) SYN-opposed, disinclined, resistant ANT-willing, inclined, convinced

4 Circumspect – circumspection(n) circumspectly(adv) Circum (around) spect (look, see) Paying close attention to circumstances or consequences SYN-heedful, prudent, cautious ANT-precipitate, careless, reckless

5 Contiguous – contiguity(n) Con (together, with) tig (touch) ous (full of) Sharing a common border Immediately preceding or following SYN-touching, adjacent, neighboring ANT-disconnected, separate

6 Defunct De (from) fungi (perform) No longer existing or functioning SYN-dead, extinct, obsolete, expired, inoperative ANT-alive, functioning, operative

7 Dispassionate – dispassion(n) dispassionately(adv) Dis (apart, away) passus (suffer) ate (that which) Not influenced by strong emotion Free from passion, prejudice or personal interest SYN-impartial, unbiased, detached ANT-partial, biased, prejudice

8 Engender En (inside, w/in) gen (start, begin) To cause to exist To give rise to, to bring about SYN-produce, create, procreate ANT-destroy, eliminate

9 Facilitate – facilitation(n) facilitator(n) Facil (easy) ate (cause, make) To make easy or easier SYN-expedite, help, assist ANT-belabor, complicate

10 Imperturbable – imperturbability(n) imperturbably (adv) Im (not) per (thoroughly) turb (agitate) able (capable of) Unable to be upset or excited SYN-calm, tranquil, serene, impassive ANT-agitated, upset, distraught

11 Infidels – infidelity (n) In (not) fid (faith, belief) A person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one’s own SYN-heathen, heretic, pagan, agnostic, atheist ANT-believer, conformist

12 Invective In (in, into) vect (carry)-figuratively, something carried into the heart that wounds it Insulting, abusive or highly critical language SYN-insult, affront, obscenity, expletive ANT-compliment, praise, euphemism

13 Megalopolis – megalopolitan(n, adj) Mega (large, great) polis (city) A very large, heavily populated city or urban complex SYN- metropolis (matr-mother city) ANT-village, hamlet, town

14 nonentity Non (not) esse (to be) ity (state, condition) A person or thing w/ no special or interesting qualities An unimportant person or thing; non existence SYN-nobody, unknown ANT-celebrity, dignitary

15 Pernicious – perniciously(adv) perniciousness(n) Per (through, thoroughly) nic (death) ious (full of) Having a harmful effect, usually in a gradual or subtle way SYN- destructive, ruinous, fatal ANT-constructive, beneficial

16 Prelude Pre (before) lud (play) An action or event serving as an introduction to something more important An introductory piece of music, most commonly an orchestral opening to an act of an opera, the first movement of a suite, or a price preceding a fugue To serve as an introduction (v) SYN-forerunner, precursor, introduction ANT-postlude

17 Prostrate – prostration(n) Pro (before, forth) sternere (lie flat) ate (cause, make) Lying stretched on the ground w/ one’s face downward Completely overcome or helpless, especially w/ distress or exhaustion To lay oneself on the ground face down, usually in reverence or submission (v) SYN-overcome, prone (adj) kowtow, grovel (v) ANT- upright (adj)

18 renegade Re (back, again) negare (to deny) One who abandons and betrays his religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another One who gives up conventional or lawful behavior (n); traitorous, heretical (adj) SYN-traitor, infidel, outlaw ANT- chauvinist, patriot, conformist

19 Sequester – sequestration(n) sequestrate(v) Se (apart, away) quest (seek) To isolate or hide something or someone To isolate a jury from outside influences To take temporary possession of property as security against legal claims SYN-seclude, segregate, isolate ANT-include, integrate

20 Temporize – temporization (n) Tempor (time) ize (make, cause) To act evasively to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision or commitment To yield to current conditions; to comply temporarily SYN-compromise, procrastinate,stall, delay ANT- decide, commit

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