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mk teknology1 Pvt. Ltd. INTRODUCTION HO: GG-1, 139 C, PVR Road Vikaspuri, New Delhi- 110018 INDIA E: M:

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Presentation on theme: "mk teknology1 Pvt. Ltd. INTRODUCTION HO: GG-1, 139 C, PVR Road Vikaspuri, New Delhi- 110018 INDIA E: M:"— Presentation transcript:

1 mk teknology1 Pvt. Ltd. INTRODUCTION HO: GG-1, 139 C, PVR Road Vikaspuri, New Delhi- 110018 INDIA E: M: +91 T/F: +91 11 28544557 Introduction, Objectives & Direction New Delhi AhmedabadHyderabad

2 mk teknology1 Who we are  We are an Instrumentation company  Specialist in Particle Measurement, Clean Room Monitoring, Clean Utilities Testing and PAT

3 mk teknology1 The beginning so far  October 2007: Foundation  Jan 2008: Relaunched CLiMET Instruments  July 2008: PAMAS Distributorship  2009: Proactive Calibration activity  Jan 2010: PALAS Distributorship  2011: KIMO Distributorship  2011: Launch of TEK1 brand products  2011: Beginning of Hyderabad office  July 2012 : SENTRONIC Launch  August 2012: TINSCHL and CCI Launch  September 2012 : Scheutt-biotec Launch

4 mk teknology1 Philosophy- Customer A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so

5 mk teknology1 Philosophy- Opportunity We believe the Competition for tomorrow is not Market Share, but Opportunity Share We are not just grabbing the opportunities, but are creating new ones for ourselves and translating them into reality

6 Particle Measurement  Air Particle Counting Clean Room Particle Monitoring Compliance with ISO14644, EU GMP and other standards and guidelines Portable 1CFM, 50LPM, 75 LPM and 100LPM flow rate Air Particle Counters Online Particle Sensors with Built in and External Pump Software for Continuous Particle Monitoring Hand Held Air Particle Counters Pharmaceutical, Space, Aeronautics, Medical Devices, Hospital, Paint Booth, Electronics, Transformer manufacturing, Stem Cell Storage and any other clean facility Key Principal: CLiMET Instruments, USA

7 Particle Measurement  Liquid Particle Counting Clean Fluids Particle Contamination Measurement Pharmaceutical applications- Small and Large Volume Parenterals, Dry Powder Injection, Sterile Bulk and Water for injection, Ophthalmic Oil and fluid contamination control Filtration performance analysis Water analysis Water based hydraulic fluids (offshore applications) Particle-size-distribution analysis for dry powders, granulates and particles in suspension Special Applications: High viscous fluids, Polymer solutions, High temperature solution Key Principal: PAMAS GmbH, Germany

8 Particle Measurement  Aerosol Measurement and Air Filter Testing Filter Test Systems Particle Measurement Systems for - high temperatures / pressure - processes - environment and workplace - inhalation Fine Dust Monitoring Systems Nanoparticle Measurement Particle Generators Dilution Systems Clean Room Particle Technology Special Developments Calibration Systems - Key Principal: PALAS GmbH, Germany

9 Clean Room Monitoring  Portable & Online Air Particle Counters  Hand Held Air Particle Counters  Portable and Remote Microbial Air Samplers  Automated Multihead Remote Microbial Air Sampling  Integrated Clean environment monitoring for particles, viable, T Rh, ΔP with global Scada management  Aerosol Generators for DEHS, Salt and PAO  Particle dilution systems  FlowMarker Fog Generators  Water based high Performance Fog Generator  Computational Fluid Dynamics - Key Principals: CLiMET Instruments, PALAS GmbH, Tinschl AG, CCI GmbH and TEK1

10 Indoor Air Quality Testing & Data Loggers  Dust Monitors  Condensation Particle Counter for Nano Particle Counting  Multi-Function Thermal Anemometer for Air Velocity, Temperature, Rh, Diff Pressure Measurement  FLOW HOOD for HVAC Air Flow Volume Measurement  Wired & Wireless Transmitters  Data Loggers for facilities (Clean rooms & Warehouse) and heating systems (Autoclave/Steam Steriliser/Sterilisation Tunnels etc.)

11 Microbial sampling and Measurements  Portable and Remote Microbial Air Samplers  Automated Multihead Remote Microbial Air Sampling  Compressed Air Microbial Samplers  Manual Colony Counters  Rapid & Reliable Automatic Colony Counters  Special Roller Systems and Incubators  Turntables for Petri dishes and Inoculating hooks  Anaerobic Jars  Safety Bunsen Burners with highest safety  Heat sterilizers for inoculation loops - Key Principals: CLiMET Instruments, Scheutt- Biotec and TEK1

12 Compressed Air & Pure Steam Testing  Compressed Air Testing as per ISO8573 Particle Count, Microbial Sampling, Sterility Manual and Digital Dew Point measurement Moisture, Oil Content, Dust Load etc.  High Pressure Diffuser for compressed Air  Multipurpose compressed Air Sampler  Dew Point measurement Instruments for Compressed Air  Pure Steam Sampling  Pure Steam Quality testing in accordance with cGMP, HTM, EN, AAMI, ISO 14937:2000, ISPE and PDA guidelines - Key Principals: CLiMET Instruments and TEK1

13 Process Analytical Technology Optical spectroscopy and Optical chemical sensors Tunable Laser and Diode Array based NIR Spectroscopy Pharmaceutical, Food, Chemical and Life Sciences Pharmaceutical Solid Dosage Form Applications Blend Uniformity - Tumbling Blender, Continuous Blenders Granulation –High Shear wet granulation, Roller compaction, Fluid bed granulation Drying - Fluid bed drying Tabletting - API measurement on feed frame Capsule filling - Key Principal: SENTRONIC GmbH

14 Test, Calibration, Training, Rentals, Reference Standards  Microbial Air Sampler Calibration- All brands  Liquid Particle Counter Calibration- All brands  Air Particle Counter Calibration- CLiMET & selective others  Micron and Nano Particle Size Analyser Calibration- All brands  Filtration Efficiency Test System Calibration  Testing facilities for Particle Size Analysis and Particle Counting  HVAC and Clean Room Validation  Compressed Air and Pure Steam Test Services  Particle Standards  Training  Rental Services- APC, MAS, LPC, Volume Flow Hood

15 mk teknology1 Pvt. Ltd. Thank You! HO: GG-1, 139 C, PVR Road Vikaspuri, New Delhi- 110018 INDIA E: M: +91 T/F: +91 11 28544557 Introduction, Objectives & Direction New Delhi AhmedabadHyderabad

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