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OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY Analyze setting and mood in a text T.O.C. # 14 setting mood notes.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY Analyze setting and mood in a text T.O.C. # 14 setting mood notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVE FOR TODAY Analyze setting and mood in a text T.O.C. # 14 setting mood notes

2 SETTING What is MOOD What is

3 SETTING The time and place of a story Created through the author’s descriptions of: Time of day Season Year Characters Clothing Weather Buildings Landscaped

4 MOOD The emotions elicited in the READER by the atmosphere of the story (the emotions the reader feels while reading) Mood is not the same as tone. Tone is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Setting is very important in establishing mood

5 Ethan Frome Part I: Ethan Frome Read as a class Answer close read questions 1-4 as a class


7 What are some stories you have read where the setting has an effect on the plot/story?

8 “Searching for Summe r ” Page 66 Read

9 What have we learned? What is setting? Give an example of setting from the story. Use evidence from the text. What is mood? Give an example of mood from the story. Use evidence from the text.

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