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SAFETY Officer Mark BRT Members Sonitrol protocol when leaving the building Do not leave doors propped open Unlocked doors New cameras coming!

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETY Officer Mark BRT Members Sonitrol protocol when leaving the building Do not leave doors propped open Unlocked doors New cameras coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFETY Officer Mark BRT Members Sonitrol protocol when leaving the building Do not leave doors propped open Unlocked doors New cameras coming!

2 EVACUATION DRILL REMINDERS When the Evacuation Alarm sounds: Students closest to the windows should close them. Students and staff should take coats and purses with them IF they can grab them without delaying their departure. TEACHERS SHOULD GRAB THE BACKPACK WITH ATTENDANCE LIST INSIDE

3 CONTINUED One of the responsible students identified earlier should lead the class out the nearest available exit. The teacher should exit LAST making sure his/her room and hall is empty. The GREEN CARD should be taped to the door to indicate the room is OK and the door should be LOCKED and CLOSED. The RED CARD should be used to indicate a problem. This will facilitate the “sweep.”

4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Students in Extended resource, Life skills, Strive and Achieve will go to the tennis courts with their teachers and paras. Any student on crutches or wearing a boot, etc. will go to the tennis courts.

5 ON THE FIELD… The class should proceed to quickly and quietly to the evacuation field. On the evacuation field, students should line up with their 3 rd period class by teacher last names. Students line up alphabetically. An assigned student will hold up the teacher’s name card. The teacher will highlight/mark the names of students missing from 3 rd period. Give the attendance to the 3 rd period teachers who will be standing in “no man’s land”.

6 ATTENDANCE AND RELEASE Please keep students in line behind you. They should be quiet, listening for instructions and not on their cell phones. The 3 rd period prep teachers in “no man’s land” will report to Michelle when attendance has all been turned in. Michelle will give the signal to these teachers to release students by rows. Do not let your students leave until you have been told to release them. Students should move swiftly back to the building.


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