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Nutrition. CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates – Starches and sugars. 2 types Simple – sugars. Natural sugars that do not have to be broken down. Ex. Fruits,

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition. CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates – Starches and sugars. 2 types Simple – sugars. Natural sugars that do not have to be broken down. Ex. Fruits,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition

2 CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates – Starches and sugars. 2 types Simple – sugars. Natural sugars that do not have to be broken down. Ex. Fruits, vegetables, milk, candies, soda, etc. Complex – starches. Carbs that need to break down to be used. Ex. Pasta, bread, potatoes, etc.

3 FIBER – It is a complex carbohydrate that does not break down. It then passes through without being digested. Foods that are high in fiber: Nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. The importance of fiber. Help prevent constipation. Aids in digestion. Helps prevent colon cancer. Helps against heart disease.

4 FATS Fats – Provide energy, protection, & insulation. 1 gram of fat = 9 calories.

5 2 Types of Fats !!!!!!  Unsaturated – these are liquid at room temperature. Ex. Olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil, & canola oil.  Saturated – these are solid at room temperature. Ex. Lard, animal fats, dairy products.

6  Cholesterol – waxy fatty substances found only in animal products.

7 VITAMINS  Vitamins – Help with body processes, including using other nutrients. They also play a key role in chemical reactions in the body.

8 2 Types of Vitamins  Fat Soluble – dissolve in fat and are stored in the body.  * A  * D  * E  * K

9  Water Soluble – Vitamins that dissolve in water and are not stored in the body.  B’s  Folic Acid  Ascorbic Acid

10 MINERALS  Minerals are nutrients that your body requires in small amounts. These occur naturally in rocks and soil. Your body needs 7 minerals.

11  1.  1. Calcium – used for bones  2. Sodium – helps with water balance  3. Potassium – also help with water levels  4. Iron – helps carry oxygen  5. Magnesium – help build bones  6. Phosphorus – helps with teeth & bones  7. Sulfur – forms part of the amino acids

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