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YOU ARE WELCOM Dear Students. Swapan Kumar Sarker Class: Eleven Lecturer in English Unite: Twelve C.J. Islamia Alim Madrasha Lessson:Six Singair, Manikganj,

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Presentation on theme: "YOU ARE WELCOM Dear Students. Swapan Kumar Sarker Class: Eleven Lecturer in English Unite: Twelve C.J. Islamia Alim Madrasha Lessson:Six Singair, Manikganj,"— Presentation transcript:

1 YOU ARE WELCOM Dear Students

2 Swapan Kumar Sarker Class: Eleven Lecturer in English Unite: Twelve C.J. Islamia Alim Madrasha Lessson:Six Singair, Manikganj, Introduction

3 Whose pictures we are Whose jous posed picture we are watching on the screen ? Scientist Maksudul Haq Scientist Albert Einstein

4 Our Today’s Lesson is- Scientist Unit-12, Lesson-6

5 After we have studied this lesson, we will be able to----  ask and answer questions  infer meaning form context from silent reading  participate in short discussion  write answers to questions  draw a biographical line of individuals  learn about science fiction Learning Outcomes

6 A Look at the pictures and discuss in pairs Sir Jagadish Chandra Basu Oxford University Sir Jagadish Chandra Basu Sir Jagadish Chandrssa Basu

7 Rawlight In 1958 he was born at Mymensingh in Bangladesh He graduated from Kolkata University in 1878. The great studied in University of London. He received The Natural Science Tripos from the University of Cambridge. He is famous for Radio Science. He was appointed as a professor in Presidency College. The awards the scientist received among them- “Knight Bachelor’’ in 1917. For this he is addressed as ‘Sir’. He became the subject to death in 1937 in British India. The great studied in University of London He received The Natural Science Tripos from the University of Cambridge The plant lover is also famous for Radio Science. The Bangali scientist first proves ‘Plants also have lives’ He was appointed as a professor in Presidency College. The awards the scientist received among them- “Knight Bachelor’’ in 1917. For this he is addressed as ‘Sir’ He became the subject to death in 1937 in British India The Honourable is considered –The First Mordern Bangali Scientist Acharya Sir Jagadish Chandra Basu writes many Science Fiction

8 Shadow words to reveal concept of Rawlight MM Mymensingh, London University, Cambridge University, Natural Science Tripos,Radio, Plants have life, Presidency College, Knight Bachelor, First Bangali Modern Scientist, Science Fiction

9 Mind revision to the previous What we have learn about …………………( in two sentences ). About his discoveries……………………………. The bold words are…………………………………….. The biography of Acharya Sir Jagadish Chandra Basu. His discoveries. Anything else ? Radio, Science Fiction Book, Plants have Lives. Any more ? We shall write down them and pronounce.

10 Now we shall skratch out a complete action of a wheel chaired scientist following the previous slides……………. Who is on the picture ? Stephen Hawking

11 Born, 1942, Oxford, educated family. KKnown for Known for his investigation into the Origins of Universe. Received Albert Einstein award for Theoretical Physics in 1978. Joi ne d as Lu ca si an Pr of es so r of M at h m eti cs in C a m br id ge U ni ve rsi ty. Published ‘ A brief histiry of Time’ a world famous book At the age of thirty, victimised of Grehrig’s deasese. A Scientist on a wheelchair

12 Following the above slide no-4 & in the light of slide no-3 now we shall write down sentences- Who is he? We shall write down some sentences about him following slide no-5.

13 Evaluation Now we are able to write sentences & to apply the sentences in other discussion. * We are now familiar with new words- * Now we can be able to write down a biography of individuals.

14 Group Work 1)Write down name of a Bangladeshi scientist and his invention- group 1. 2)Write five sentences about Dr.Muhammad Zafar Iqbal and his contribution in Science of Bangladesh 2)Write five sentences about Dr.Muhammad Zafar Iqbal and his contribution in Science of Bangladesh.

15 * Write a paragraph on on a book of Science Fiction you have read. * Write five sentences about a Bangladeshi Scientist. Home Work Home Work

16 Thank You All

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