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DiDA Planning for the new specification Copy of the PowerPoint Presentation used at the Lancashire Secondary Strategy ‘Pathways in KS4’ event held at the.

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Presentation on theme: "DiDA Planning for the new specification Copy of the PowerPoint Presentation used at the Lancashire Secondary Strategy ‘Pathways in KS4’ event held at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 DiDA Planning for the new specification Copy of the PowerPoint Presentation used at the Lancashire Secondary Strategy ‘Pathways in KS4’ event held at the Novotel Preston on Wednesday 22nd June, 2005.

2 What’s in your pack? The presentation D201 unit specification Assessment information Evaluation form

3 DiDA – an overview

4 The DiDA suite ICT in Enterprise Multimedia Graphics DiDA (equivalent to 4 GCSEs) CiDA (equivalent to 2 GCSEs) AiDA (equivalent to 1 GCSE) four GCSE-sized units or Using ICT

5 A* A B C D E F/G Level 1 Distinction Merit Credit Pass Levels & grades Level 2 Distinction Merit Credit Pass AT Level 6 AT Level 7 AT Level 8

6 DiDA – an e-qualification online SPB assessment by eportfolio on-screen moderation on-line registration and entry on-line support

7 a collection of digital evidence structured and organised itself a piece of evidence viewed on-screen interactive and navigable vehicle for moderation stand alone A DiDA eportfolio is

8 Using data and information sources Searching and selecting Organising and investigating Models and modelling Analysing and automating processes Control and monitoring Fitness for purpose Refining and presenting information Communicating Developing ideas and making things happen Finding things out Exchanging and sharing information Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses ICT capability

9 DiDA CiDA AiDA Key Stage 3 ICT strategy eportfolio  multimedia  enterprise  graphics control and monitoring

10 gather, select and work with information create products that are fit for purpose, making constructive use of feedback build and maintain an eportfolio critically review their own and others’ use of ICT plan and manage projects evaluate outcomes and performance Successful DiDA students can

11 DiDA Macromedia Associate Certification Multimedia using MM Flash D202 Web Graphics using MM Fireworks D203 Web Media using MM Dreamweaver D201 + D202

12 AiDA – the place to start

13 Time allocation AiDA = 1 GCSE 10% curriculum time -learning and practising the skills -working on the SPB

14 Using ICT – what students must do plan and manage a project gather information from a variety of sources collate and analyse data to produce information present and communicate information present evidence in an eportfolio review the project

15 Gathering information understanding requirements choosing appropriate sources -primary -secondary selecting and storing relevant information recording sources

16 Conducting a survey establishing audience and purpose developing the questionnaire and spreadsheet collecting the data collating and entering the data interpreting results presenting findings

17 Working with structured data establishing audience and purpose exploring the data set creating a database structure using coded data and validation importing data from a text file creating customised data entry forms using queries and sorts presenting results effectively

18 Getting a message across! designing publications -screen & print preparing components -text, images, sound creating final products –combining components –prototyping and testing

19 Building an eportfolio establishing audience and purpose selecting and preparing content designing the eportfolio -structure & navigation -user interface prototyping and testing -technical specification -fitness for purpose

20 File management setting up a folder structure keeping work safe choosing appropriate formats -open file formats, eg HTML, XML -proprietary formats with a reader, eg SWF

21 Standard ways of working personal effectiveness quality assurance legislation and codes of practice working safely

22 Developing project management skills establishing requirements -brain stormingstorming planning -establishing tasks to be done -scheduling tasks -allocating time to each task monitoring progress and meeting deadlines

23 Reviewing the project evaluation -outcomes -process seeking and making use of feedback format

24 Action points not simply an updated GNVQ ICT requires a radical change of approach implications for hardware & software preparation in KS3 staff training

25 Focus on Assessment

26 Summative Project Brief (SPB) Separate SPBs for Levels 1 & 2 Approximately 30 hours of work in a controlled environment Students must work independently Not a vehicle for teaching the course Internally marked, externally moderated How are students assessed?

27 The Summative Project mini website hosted by Edexcel links to stimulus material and resources Mark Alert!

28 The process develop and practise the skills STAGE 1 work on the SPBSTAGE 2 build the eportfolio STAGE 3

29 Mark scheme maximum mark of 42 6 areas of competence assessed 5, 7 or 9 marks allocated to each activity marks aggregated 18=Pass, 24=Credit, 30=Merit, 36=Dist

30 Applying the mark scheme mark each strand independently select the best fit mark description check that all the requirements have been met make use of interim marks

31 Level 2Level 1 Distinction Merit Credit Pass UMS 72 60 48 36 30 24 18 Raw Distinction Merit Credit Pass UMS 36 30 24 18 36 30 24 18 Raw

32 Getting the admin right

33 The rule book aggregation -UMS certification retakes

34 D101 Pass (18 UMS) + D202 Pass (36 UMS) + D203 Distinction (72 UMS) + D104 Credit (24 UMS) DiDA Pass (150 UMS) Mixing and matching

35 Admin registration and entry key dates eportfolio submission special consideration candidates with special needs

36 Preparing for DiDA

37 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Good idea?Bad idea?

38 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 4 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 1

39 ICT Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Unit 2 ArtBusiness Studies Technology

40 Working towards CiDA and DiDA

41 Multimedia – what students must do design multimedia products collect and create components -images, sound, video, animation, text -original and ready-made develop multimedia products -prototyping and testing present in a multimedia eportfolio

42 Graphics – what students must do gather stimulus material develop graphic images use graphics software tools -vector-based, bitmap-based prepare images for publication -screen and print exhibit work in an eportfolio

43 ICT in enterprise – what students must do identify a business opportunity use models to ask ‘what if’ questions present a business proposal create a corporate identity produce business communications promote a product or service produce an e-business plan

44 Preparing for DiDA

45 one multimedia work station per student range of digital tools - cameras, microphones, headsets internet access and email individual storage area Hardware

46 Software artwork and imaging browser database email mind mapping presentation spreadsheet web authoring word processing

47 DiDA microsite: FAQs: Other sources of information

48 Openmind, Mediator & Screencorder from MatchWare Screenflash from SmartAssess Captivate from Macromedia pdf995 Adobe writer Useful resources

49 Regional advisory teams Birmingham: 0121 616 2585 Bristol: 0117 950 1908 Cardiff: 029 2079 4865 Leeds: 0113 224 2255 London: 020 7190 5300 Manchester: 0161 877 0801 UK based Customer Services Team: 0870 240 9800 Qualification Leader: Contacts at Edexcel

50 DiDA Planning for the new specification

51 “DiDA is being taught exclusively by specialist ICT teachers and they have the full support of a full-time ICT Technician and an ICT Classroom Support Assistant.” “Some students will complete the full DiDA programme over 2/3 years. For others CiDA or AiDA will become the target and Sept 2005 may see selected pupils transfer to the Level 1 option.” Feedback from our pilot centres “There is no doubt that we are facing a very steep learning curve, but I think it will be worth the effort!” Group 1 – 10 lessons per week > DiDA Group 2 – 4 lessons per week > CiDA Group 3 – 10 lessons per week > AIDA plus other qualifications for work, eg Health & Safety, Food Hygiene Certificate) “Increased confidence and greater satisfaction when compared with GNVQ” Massive staff training required in terms of delivery, assessment and pupil tracking.

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