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A2 Unit 8 Business Planning – Lesson 6.  Describe your business proposal  Explain your business proposal  Thoroughly explain your business proposal.

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1 A2 Unit 8 Business Planning – Lesson 6

2  Describe your business proposal  Explain your business proposal  Thoroughly explain your business proposal LESSON OBJECTIVES

3  This is working towards AO1 which is marked out of 16:  Mark Band one (1-4 marks): A description/list of the Business Proposal  Mark Band Two (5-8 marks): A Partial explanation of the business proposal  Mark Band Three (9-12 marks): An explanation of business proposal  Mark Band Four (13-16 marks) A thorough explanation of the business proposal. SUCCESS CRITERIA

4 My business idea is called Bicycle Bell and is very much based around the Boris Bike Scheme, which is situated in London. However, I have adapted it to suit the Harrogate District. In basic terms, it is a bike rental service that allows customers to hire out a bike for a period of time and once finished with the bike can go on to leave them within one of several docking stations. Customers pay by debit or credit card and can use a cycle for up to 24 hours. The unique selling point of my business is it’s dissimilar to any rental bike service in the area and the scheme similar to mine operates in London. There are clear strengths which suggest why this business would be successful. Firstly it has a history of success, with the London Scheme which involves 8,000 bikes; 570 docking stations and has been used for 10 million journeys since it was launched in 2010. In addition, it is also eco-friendly and using this trend to my advantage I can go on to provide a service which may be of use to many people living in the Harrogate area. Harrogate is a fairly affluent area, enabling me to charge a higher price. (See Appendix 1) My main competitors are public transport services which operate over Harrogate, as this may be the preferred type of travel. This, therefore, includes Transdev bus service and National Rail. The reasoning behind my name is it incorporates my surname and the use of alliteration makes it sound catchy. This is a tactic I have used to ensure it is not easily forgotten. K:\StaffOnly\Business Studies\AQA Applied Business A Level\Unit 8 Business planning\1. Intro year 13\Business Plan Introductory paragraph.docx K:\StaffOnly\Business Studies\AQA Applied Business A Level\Unit 8 Business planning\1. Intro year 13\Business Plan Introductory paragraph.docx BUSINESS PLAN INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH STARTER EXERCISE Read the paragraph above. Highlight 5 good points about it and 3 ways you could improve it.

5 Write the heading 1. Business Proposal Write the heading 1.1 Introduction  Write 1 or 2 paragraphs which summarises the research you have collected and explains to a potential investor the nature of your business idea.  What will the business sell? Give a brief overview of the nature of business. What will your unique selling point be?  Where will it be located? You should at this stage only give a general location e.g the city or town.  What is the size of the market and what are the trends within your chosen business sector.  Who do you think your potential customers are? How old are they? Gender? Likely income? Careful or impulse buyers? How often do they buy products like yours?  Identify your main competitors? What are their product ranges? What prices do they charge? Where are they located? BUSINESS PROPOSAL

6 PLENARY Read your introductory paragraph. Highlight 5 good points about it and 3 ways in which you could improve it.

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