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“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Presentation on theme: "“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

2 Click onto the Join Session Box Put in the code on the board. Respond to the writing prompt about past issues that mattered.

3 Not My Fault By: Leif Kristiansson

4 Inquiring Minds... Take a Stand! “Be a hero!” Do it for yourself and for others!

5 Common Core Standards CCSS-ELA-Literacy.W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence

6 New Ideas for Teaching Debate in the Classroom Controversy can lead to division or cooperation. One can be a Bystander or an Upstander. Using critical thinking skills and research to develop a supported argument on a topic, each student can be an agent of change in a world that craves leaders and developers. Our future needs Upstanders.

7 “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Elie Wiesel (Holocaust Survivor - author of KNIGHT)

8 Why go Public with Writing? Brainstorm Activity Why does one write for others to read? Construe Anchor Chart

9 Roles in Society Perpetrator Victim Upstander Bystander

10 Bystander Effect


12 Your Turn- Hand Activity Circle an area that you feel passionate about on the hand. Family Environment CommunitySociety World Next, brainstorm on the hand graphic organizer issues you could develop.

13 5 Areas Activity Find your posted group: FamilyEnvironment CommunitySociety World Share ideas in this group related to your topic.

14 Family Community Environment Society World

15 Credits This presentation was a collaboration between Jeris Walters and Helen Wierenga, teachers from River Ridge Middle School, New Port Richey, Florida. Jan. 2015. Books Harvey, Daniels, and Sara K. Ahmed. Upstanders: How to Engage Middle School Hearts and Minds with Inquiry. 1st ed. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2015. Print. Kristiansson, Leif, and Dick Stenberg. Not My Fault. Alhambra, Calif.: Heryin, 2006. Print. Quotes "Famous Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. Youtube Video “The Bystander Effect.” Coolpsychologist. Youtube. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.

16 Credits Continued "Be An Upstander Blog." : What Is An Upstander Anyway? 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. "The Bystander Effect: Old Experiments Still Relative To Today's Social Influences - Mutual Responsibility." Mutual Responsibility. 11 Sept. 2012. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. experiments-still-relative-to-todays-social-influences "Change Agents Archives - Page 4 of 4 - Each Mind Matters." Each Mind Matters. Each Mind Matters California's Mental Health Movement, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. agents/page/4/ "Cleveland Rape Crisis Center | 24 Hour Hotline: (216) 619-6192." Cleveland Rape Crisis Center: Strength, Compassion, Hope. (Upstanders: The Power of One). Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. power-of-one "Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images." Clipart Panda - Free Clipart Images. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. Images

17 Credits Continued "Facing History and Ourselves: Upstanders Contest Is on Now!" Not in Our Town. The Working Group, 1 Oct. 2012. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. Is the Drinker Both a Victim & a Perpetrator?" Alcohol-Abuse-And-Addictions-Agency. 23 Nov. 2014. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. "Safe and Accepting Schools." Safe, Inclusive and Accepting Schools. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. "Stop Being a Volunteer Victim." How Leaders Manage. Cranston Holden, 26 May 2013. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. "TOP UNBELIEVABLE PLACES ON EARTH PART III - Nepali Magazine." Nepali Magazine. 6 June 2014. Web. 5 Jan. 2015.. Images

18 "Upstanders." Pinterest. Web. 8 Jan. 2015.. Suzuki, David. "Upstander." Upstander. Toronto Organization, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 8 Jan. 2015..

19 Thank You Now you know a topic that you can develop with research for a speech or paper. You must share your ideas with others to be a true UpStander!

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