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1 Exam Workshop – Revise and De-stress 4 May 2016 Helen GreenAdam Sandelson Teaching and LearningLSE Student Counselling Service Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Exam Workshop – Revise and De-stress 4 May 2016 Helen GreenAdam Sandelson Teaching and LearningLSE Student Counselling Service Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Exam Workshop – Revise and De-stress 4 May 2016 Helen GreenAdam Sandelson Teaching and LearningLSE Student Counselling Service Centre

2 2 Today’s session Exam revision: the last few weeks Exam psychology

3 Plan your time Practice exam skills Take advantage of revision support Exam revision: the last few weeks Helen Amelia Green Teaching and Learning Centre

4 Consider the exams you have, the number of days until your exams, then plan for a number of revision sessions per exam. Figure out what works for you. e.g. 1.5 hours x 4 or 5; 3 hours x 3 Work regularly, but take breaks / weekends. Plan your time

5 Four exams, three in one week (8-18 June) Three half-unit courses, one full unit course Three “sessions” per day, from 12 May SO468 LL4BB GV4A5 HY436 An example…



8 Find the rhythm that works best for you. Vary each day’s work. Take breaks. Allot revision time for each exam. 23 sessions for SO468 19 sessions for LL4BB 20 sessions for GV4A5 19 sessions for HY436

9 compile and review notes review past exam papers develop arguments in response to past questions practice timed outline answers (10-15 mins.) review and “upgrade” your outlines (using notes) write timed outline answers (different perspective?) write 2 or 3 timed essays (outline + body) daily review and discuss essays “upgrade” using notes and course materials write timed essays (2 or 3 in a row) daily review, discuss, “upgrade”, and try again Work your way up to the exam week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4

10 Practice exam skills Write legibly. Answer the question in the time available. Organise your writing to flow logically. Demonstrate the skills / techniques / knowledge of the course and the discipline. GOOD NEWS: writing essays, making a point in seminar discussions, recognising arguments and evidence in texts are all part of exam skills!

11 For one-hour essays Contains around 800-1000 words: an introduction, 4 or 5 paragraphs, and a conclusion (BUT, quality over quantity!). The introduction answers the question and outlines the argument in support of this answer. Each paragraph begins with a clear statement that helps answer the question; and combines reference to the literature and other sources to justify and support the main idea of the paragraph in a detailed and convincing manner. The conclusion summarises the argument and discusses the ‘so what’ (wider perspective). Qualitative topic exams & timing

12 12 3 6 9

13 3 6 9 Read all the questions on the exam paper. Eliminate those you do not wish to answer. Make a “short list” of possible questions. Review your short list, reading each question again, carefully. Decide which questions you will answer, in which order.

14 12 3 6 9

15 3 6 9 “Question the question” (around 10 minutes) Determine and make notes on What is the question asking you to do? What is the main point you’d like to make? How can you justify and support this point? What kind of examples would be relevant? Which texts or studies could be helpful to make the argument?

16 12 3 6 9

17 3 6 9 Write your introduction (5-10 minutes) Based on the first 10 minutes’ work, write the introduction of the essay. Present your interpretation of the question, with relevant definitions of key terms. Concisely give your response to the question – the point that you’ll make in the essay. Indicate how you will organise the argument (the plan for the essay).

18 12 3 6 9

19 3 6 9 Write the main body of the essay (around 30 minutes) Following the plan you gave in the introduction, develop the main parts of your argument. Refer back to your ideas that you noted and developed in the first 10 minutes.

20 12 3 6 9

21 3 6 9 Write your conclusion (5-10 minutes) Restate the question you set out to answer; re-iterate your answer to the question – the main point you wanted to make. Explain why this matters: what are the implications of your point? What might it mean for practice or for theory in your field?

22 Practice exam skills Practice developing and outlining arguments, and writing introductions (the first 20 minutes). Practice writing full essays (55 minutes). Practice writing 2 or 3 essays in a row, in 2 or 3 hours AT LEAST ONCE before your exam.

23 Take advantage of revision support Course revision sessions Understand the markers’ perspective, prepare specific questions. Office hours Seek feedback on ideas and essay plans (not on minute details). Study groups Read each other’s essays, try the same questions, discuss and debate approaches.

24 other resources one-to-one help with a study adviser, Royal Literary Fellow TLC podcasts, Episode 11: Preparing and revising for exams

25 exam preparation series, 2016 LT8Planning and preparing for exams: an overview LT9 Using past exam papers for revision LT10Quantitative exam preparation ST1Final preparations and sitting the exam All of these sessions were recorded. Slides and video are available on MOODLE > Teaching and Learning Centre > Learning Development > Exams.

26 In a nutshell… Plan your revision time, allot time for each course. Practice what you will need to do during the exam– answer questions or solve problems. Practice under exam conditions, with a pen and paper, without notes, in the allotted time. Read your essays and review your problem sets, identify gaps or weaknesses, upgrade and improve using your notes and course materials.

27 27 Exam Psychology Practical techniques for revision and exams Common psychological issues Stress management skills Adam Sandelson LSE Student Counselling Service

28 28 Part 1 Techniques for dealing with revision and exams

29 29 Revising well Don’t compare yourself to others Work out your own schedule, be flexible if necessary Explore ways/ places to work Don’t be obsessive! Talk to others, ask for help

30 30 Time and Targets Set realistic and achievable goals Break down huge tasks Short term targets and longer term strategies Recognise your achievements

31 31 Focussing on the task Concentrate on the task, not the outcome Remember past successes Recognise you are likely to pass Be methodical, and allow time for breaks and space to breathe and think Use mind maps, scribble ideas Go for a walk, talk out loud

32 32 On the day of the exam Don’t cram, sleep Relax, visualize it being OK Read the question Sketch out thoughts, mind map Plan answers Keep notes for later questions After – avoid show-offs

33 33 Part 2 Psychological Issues in approaching revision and exams – Family Dynamics Procrastination Revision Blocks Perfectionism

34 34 Underlying dynamics The family / historic context for your success, eg keeping the family together Trying to please others Wanting to be the best Setting yourself impossible targets Repeating past anxiety, fear of failure

35 35 Dynamics of study, work, life... Past relationships Relationship with LSE or exams or or work or … Current relationships

36 36 Why do you procrastinate? time management inability to prioritise anxiety boredom fear of failure perfectionism all-or-nothing thinking

37 37 Overcoming revision blocks Stop new reading if this is avoidance make notes, summarize ideas, list key quotes… Practice questions Practice drafting bullet points Take a break/sleep on it/talk to someone Talk to your mobile!

38 38 Challenge perfectionism Perfectionism can reduce achievement. Experiment with your standards for success try for 80% or even 60% Focus on the process not just the end result evaluate success in terms of what you accomplished and whether you enjoyed the task Challenge ‘all or nothing’ thinking

39 39 Part 3 Stress Management Skills

40 40 Stress Management Skills Regularly switch off - physical activity Good self care – sleep, diet, caffeine, alcohol Allow yourself time off without guilt Challenge negative thoughts - are they realistic?

41 41 Thinking errors 1. All or nothing thinking 2. Discounting the positive 3. Emotional Reasoning If I feel it then it must be true 4. Overgeneralizing - especially from a past bad experience

42 42 LSE Student Counselling Service Free and confidential Short term counselling Appointments need to be booked in advance Drop in sessions – each day at 3.00 Relaxation MP3’s Links to self help resources on a wide range of student issues, including study – related and personal difficulties

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