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------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08643 Record number 08643 JCB call number bD764 B879s Image title Sperma Coeti Candles Warrented.

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Presentation on theme: "------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08643 Record number 08643 JCB call number bD764 B879s Image title Sperma Coeti Candles Warrented."— Presentation transcript:

1 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 08643 Record number 08643 JCB call number bD764 B879s Image title Sperma Coeti Candles Warrented Pure are made & Sold by Nicholas Brown... Creator 1 Nat. Hurd Creator 1 role Scp. Place image published [Providence] Image date [1764] Image function broadside Technique engraving Image dimension height 14.3 cm. Image dimension width 17.5 cm. Page dimension height 15.9 cm. Page dimension width 20.1 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages English Description Advertisement for spermaceti candles showing a scene of whale hunting and a whale. Decorative elements include harpoons, whale boat, and ship. notes The Brown family of Providence, Rhode Island, first made its money in candle works. In the early 1750s, Obadiah Brown set up a spermaceti candle factory. Time Period 1751-1800 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1874. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area North America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject headings Whaling

2 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 02610 Record number 02610-1 JCB call number D823 M267r Image title Die Tödtung des Wallfisches durch Lanzenstiche Creator 1 Jul. Dietz Creator 2 J. J. Wagner Place image published [Leipzig] Image publisher [Ernst Fleischer] Image date [1823] Image function frontispiece Technique lithograph, hand coloring Image dimension height 9.4 cm. Image dimension width 13.2 cm. Page dimension height 17 cm. Page dimension width 12.3 cm. Materials medium ink, colors Materials support paper Description Scene of whale fishing. Men in boats harpoon a whale. Includes a ship Source creator Manby, George William, 1765-1854 Source Title [Journal of a voyage to Greenland. German] Reise nach Grönland im Jahr 1821... Source place of publication Leipzig Source publisher Ernst Fleischer Source date 1823 notes Best known for his lifesaving apparatus called the Manby mortar, Manby was the captain of the ship Baffin on an expedition to Greenland during the summer of 1821. Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1801-1850 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1870. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Flora and fauna Subject headings Whaling--Greenland Subject headings Greenland--Description and travel

3 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession Number 07727 File Name 07727-004 Call number E702 R415r vol. 1 Map title delineatio Spitsbergiae Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher aux dépens d'Estienne Roger, marchand libraire, chez qui l'on trouve un assortiment général de toute sorte de musique Publication date M.D.CCIII Map size height 21 cm. Map size width 17 cm. Item description fold-out engraved map, following p. 37, vol. 1 Geographical description Plan of part of Spitsbergen in present-day Norway. Includes shoals, topographical details, and a scale. Source author Renneville, Constantin de, approximately 1650-1723 Source title Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a l'etablissement et aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formée dans les Provinces Unies des Païs-Bas. Tome premier Source place A Amsterdam: aux dépens d'Estienne Roger, marchand libraire, chez qui l'on trouve un assortiment général de toute sorte de musique, M.D.CCIII Cartobibliographic notes This volume is volume 1 in a seven volume set. The library lacks volumes 3-7. "Compiled by René Augustin Constantin de Renneville, [this work] is mainly a translation/adaption of Izaäk Commelin's Begin ende voortgangh, van de vereenighde Nederlandtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie, thought to have been first published in Amsterdam about 1645." -- Echeverria & Wilkie References Echeverria & Wilkie French image 702/1 Geographic Area Europe Normalized date 1703 LC bibliographic number 24194712 RecordVersion 0 CharacterSet %G OriginalDocumentID xmp.did:C5229767601BE51184E5B7560B9E54A1 ModifyDate 2015-06-25T15:15:42-04:00 MetadataDate 2015-06-25T15:15:42-04:00 InstanceID xmp.iid:6907BAC96D1BE5118CF6BFA49E437822 ICCProfile Uglass History[3]/stEvt:when 2015-06-25T15:15:42-04:00 History[3]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) History[3]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:6907BAC96D1BE5118CF6BFA49E437822 History[3]/stEvt:changed / History[3]/stEvt:action saved History[3] type=Struct History[2]/stEvt:when 2015-06-25T13:34:27-04:00 History[2]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) History[2]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:C6229767601BE51184E5B7560B9E54A1 History[2]/stEvt:changed / History[2]/stEvt:action saved History[2] type=Struct History[1]/stEvt:when 2015-06-25T13:25:46-04:00 History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) History[1]/stEvt:instanceID xmp.iid:C5229767601BE51184E5B7560B9E54A1 History[1]/stEvt:action created History[1] type=Struct History type=Seq format image/tiff DocumentID xmp.did:C5229767601BE51184E5B7560B9E54A1 CreatorTool Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) CreateDate 2015-06-25T13:25:46-04:00 ColorMode 3

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