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System Solutions Overview

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1 System Solutions Overview

2 SYNGAS-Gas Processing
Production of synthesis gas (H2 and CO) FEEDSTOCK: gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons CUSTOMERS: Krupp-Uhde LINDE

3 SYNGAS-Gas Processing
SYNGAS BASED PRODUCTS: SERVICE OF THE SYSTEM: Process control of the syngas plant Quality control

4 SYNGAS-Gas Processing
REQUIREMENTS: Availability - more than 96% per year Self diagnostic of all subsystems Minimized maintenance Integrated architecture of the analysis system

5 SYNGAS-Gas Processing
ANALYZERS: MLT2 (Ex-proof) CAT 100/ CAT 200 GCX (BTU) OCX DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM: IEC 1285 Ex-protection Flexibility

6 PSA-Gas Processing PROCESS:
Purification of Hydrogen, CO, Methane and Helium CUSTOMERS: Krupp-Uhde LINDE CALORIC LICENSORS: UOP

7 PSA-Gas Processing ANALYZERS: MLT2 (Ex-proof) NGA-FID/Methanizer
CAT 200 GCX SERVICE: Quality control REGULATIONS: Ex-protection acc. to European and US regulations VDE, IEC

8 PSA-Gas Processing Systems supplied between 1998 and 2000

9 NH3-Petrochemical Process
Production of Ammonia (NH3) FEEDSTOCK: natural gas up to heavy naphtha CUSTOMERS: Krupp-Uhde ENPPI Tecnimont Syn gas Anlage ist immer einer Ammonia Anlage vorgeschaltet

10 NH3-Petrochemical Process
SERVICE OF THE SYSTEM: Primary process control Quality control AMMONIA BASED PRODUCTS: Salts of Nitric Acid UREA

11 NH3-Petrochemical Process

12 Gasification - Gas Processing
Multi-purpose gasification by partial oxidation FEEDSTOCK: gaseous HC‘s up to heavy liquid HC‘s CUSTOMERS: Lurgi SVZ University of Dresden University of Siegen Aus org. Müll Syn Gas herstellen Hohe Temp mehr CO/H2 Niedrige Temp. Mehr Methanol O2 Messung wichtig Pyrolysis Gas Sample Probe (py gas sample probe)

13 Gasification - Gas Processing
APPLICATION: Production of synthesis gas (H2 and CO) for methanol plants for IGCC plants (integrated gasification combined-cycle unit)

14 Gasification - Gas Processing
SERVICE OF THE SYSTEM: Explosion protection of the reactor Quality control of the purified synthesis gas BTU calculation ANALYZERS: MLT2 (Ex-proof) BINOS 100F GCX

15 Gasification - Gas Processing
REQUIREMENTS: Availability – more than 97% per year Safety specifications acc. to AK6 (nuclear power station is AK7) low maintenance t90 < 50 s

16 Gasification - Gas Processing
Technical requirements - Primary Sample Handling System -

17 Ethylene - Petrochemical Process
Ethylene cracking CUSTOMER: Norsk Hydro APPLICATION: Production of polymer-grade Ethylene by thermal cracking of hydocarbon fractions ANALYZER: GCX for primary process control SERVICE: Measurement of H2, C1C3 fractions and Ethylene in furnace effluent gas

18 Ethylene - Petrochemical Process
Analytical system: GCX allows installation in compact enclosure beside pyrolysis gas sampler: reduced lag time between pyrolysis gas-sampler and S-SHS minimized sample flow avoids risk of liquid carry-over enhanced reliability, improved process control Further „Artic“ installations GCX‘s: Norsk Hydro (LPG), Borealis (Control of flare gas)

19 Polyethylene - Petrochemical Process
LICENSORS: BOREALIS, Exxon Chemical, Union Carbide, Elenac, BASF, Snamprogetti, Linde, BP Chemical PROCESS: Production of Polyethylene HDPE LDPE LLDPE CUSTOMERS: Salzgitter Anlagenbau ANALYZER: GCX

20 Polyethylene - Petrochemical Process
Analytical system: for LLDPE heated SHS Ex-proof equipment for LDPE hypercritical conditions at take off point (  120°C, p  280 bar) traces of C15 up to C25 temperature drop under adiabatic conditions (D  = 80°C) Litvinov – Co-Starter für Polmerization TEA Triethylamine + O2/H2O = Al203 Diffusion von TEA zurück vom Prozeß zum SHS. Blocken des SHS. Lösung Silikonfalle nach dem Waste Header so dass Rückdiffusion verhindert wird und das Problem nicht mehr auftritt, Technical problem: Blocking by liquefaction and solidification of C15 - C25 traces Explosive process gas

21 Polyethylene - Petrochemical Process
Technical Solution: multi-stage pressure reduction with increased heat transfer Liquefaction and separation of C15 - C25 traces before the final pressure reduction stage This solution allows a maintenance-free operation of the system

22 VC - Petrochemical Process
Vinyl Chloride Monomer Feedstock: Chlorine, Oxygen, Ethylene Sub-Processes: Production of Ethylene dichloride by DIRECT CHLORINATION Production of Ethylene dichloride by OXYCHLORINATION VCM by EHYLENE DICHLORIDE CRACKING Vinyl chloride monomer

23 VC - Petrochemical Process
CUSTOMER: Krupp Uhde Promtex (Russia) Finolex (India) ANALYSIS SYSTEM: Primary SHS Secondary SHS Final SHS Gas/Fluids are toxic and explosive, corrosive and tend to polymerization

24 VC - Petrochemical Process
ANALYZERS: MLT2, BINOS 100, GCX, AOTF, Model 2700 for 0- 2 ppm HCl in VCM/ EDC

25 Phthalic anhydride - Chemical Industry
CUSTOMER: Wacker Chemie Phthalic acid --> base product for varnish industry O H - H 2 PROCESS: FEEDSTOCK: C 3 o-Xylene Naphthalene

26 Phthalic anhydride - Chemical Industry
SERVICE - ANALYTICAL SYSTEM-: Measuring of CO and CO2 in reactor effluent gas for process control ANALYSIS SYSTEM: Development of EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT and Wacker (EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT is supplier world-wide based on licensor‘s specification) Selective rejection of Formaldehyde ANALYZERS: MLT 2.2 and BINOS 100F

27 Bisphenol-A - Chemical Industry
PROCESS: 3 C O + Bisphenol-A 2 CUSTOMER: BAYER AG Bisphenol-A --> base product for polycarbonate and epoxy resins ANALYZERS: BINOS 100F, MLT, TOC

28 Bisphenol-A - Chemical Industry
BAYER AG REQUIREMENTS: Professionel engineering service joint solving of application problems detailed documentation in different languages technical order tracking system High engineering competency technical transfer of application solutions Maximum flexibility order processing, production and administration

29 Crude Oil - Refining Process
Analysis of gaseous components in pre-prepared crude-oil CUSTOMER: Oil industry - Russia - ANALYZER: GCX SERVICE: C1 up to C4‘s versus total mass of crude oil

30 Crude Oil - Refining Process

31 Crude Oil - Refining Process

32 Crude Oil - Refining Process

Prevention of polymerisation Special seal materials Polymerisation durch erhöhten Gasfluss vermeiden. Wenn Prozessgas ausfällt muß das SHS auf Purge umstellen.

34 Butene-1 Plant

Cracking of Natural Gas

36 Ethylene Plant

37 Aromatics Plant ANALYZER: MLT 2; GCX 10 GCX`s 9 of them with VLSIV
Calibration pistons

38 Aromatics Plant

39 CO2-Plant

40 CO2-Plant ANALYTICAL SYSTEM: Two 20 meter containers
Assembly of the two containers on site to one ANALYZER: MLT 2 SERVICE: CO2-production for the food industry

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