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An Overview of Using ESC|StackStudio This presentation is an overview of using the ESC|StackStudio tool in managing your StackVision Configuration.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Using ESC|StackStudio This presentation is an overview of using the ESC|StackStudio tool in managing your StackVision Configuration."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Using ESC|StackStudio This presentation is an overview of using the ESC|StackStudio tool in managing your StackVision Configuration.

2 What is StackStudio? StackVision requires precise configuration to ensure that it properly acquires, processes, and reports data. However, regulatory requirements, plant needs, or StackVision capabilities may change, all of which would require changes to your configuration. StackStudio replaces the former configuration spreadsheets and configuration tools with a consolidated and automated user interface.

3 Launching StackStudio StackStudio can be launched using one of three methods: Using a shortcut on the desktop after installing StackStudio on the local machine. From outside StackVision, using any web browser- On the SV From the SVServer: http://localhost/stackstudio From a client: http://servername/stackstudio From within StackVision, using Configuration-StackStudio *No matter how StackStudio is launched, a user name and password with configuration as part of the assigned role in order to retrieve the active configuration from the server.

4 Opening Configurations StackStudio provides three avenues to open a configuration: Server Local Storage File

5 This will be the “live” configuration the server is currently using. If the Server option is inactive, this is an indication that the computer you are using is not connected to any network. Opening Configurations-Server To open from the server, users will need to have access to configuration as part of the assigned user role If the configuration is currently “locked” for editing, a message is returned stating who has the configuration checked out and when that person checked it out.

6 Unsaved Changes Changes made to the configuration will not take effect until the “”Save to Server” option is selected. Once a change is made, an asterisk appears in extreme left column. This indicates there have been changes made that have not been saved to the server.

7 Opening Configurations-Local Storage Using this option will open the last editing session. This is used when changes are made and the user would like to continue editing without losing changes that have not yet been saved to the server. Local storage is in the 256 MB that Silverlight uses on the particular machine, not login or user name, being used.

8 When the initial configuration is created, a file named system.svconfig is written to the config folder. Opening Configurations-File When the configuration is saved to a file, it will be saved with the svconfig extension. Any previously saved configuration file can be opened using the file option. This can be beneficial when the configuration is being edited outside the typical methods.

9 Saving Configuration Files-1 Configuration files can be saved: To the server, provided the configuration is not locked from editing by another user. When saving to the server, a comment must be added before saving. These comments can be seen by running the Configuration History Report- Reports-System Design- Configuration History When saving to the server, the StackVision Core and StackVision Server will be momentarily unavailable

10 The configuration can be saved to a file, on any location the user has access to. This can be a flash/jump drive, network drive/folder or any folder on the local machine. Users will have the option of naming the saved file. StackStudio will use svconfig as the file extension. As a rule of thumb, ESC recommends saving any configuration file opened from the sever as a working file to maintain the integrity of the configuration. A suggest file name would be AF (As Found)date.svconfig, such as AF06152013.svconfig Saving Configuration Files-2

11 The third method is to save to the local machine using the Save icon. This will save the configuration file to the local machine storage (created in the Silverlight file structure). Any configuration can be saved using multiple methods, such as save to a file and then saved to the server. Nothing is saved to the server (overwriting the current configuration) until the user selects the Save to Server option and adding a comment prior to saving. Saving Configuration Files-3

12 Navigating StackStudio StackStudio offers three primary navigations tools: The ExplorerThe Grid ViewThe Form View

13 Navigating StackStudio StackStudio offers three primary navigations tools: The ExplorerThe Grid ViewThe Form View

14 StackStudio Explorer The StackStudio Explorer is used to launch editors to modify StackVision configurations StackStudio Explorer is organized in logical configuration order. This pane launches on the left side of the screen, but you can Dock the explorer to other parts of the screen, or Minimize the explorer to conserve screen space.

15 StackStudio Explorer The StackStudio Explorer is grouped by Plant and System Settings. Each of these configuration sections is organized in order of necessary configuration steps. For example, under Plant > Data Controllers, Channels are listed before Calibrations since you must first create a channel before it can be calibrated

16 Configuration Workspace The configuration workspace contains the grid and form views.

17 The grid view permits editing is a grid or spreadsheet format. Data is arranged in columns and rows. Columns can be grouped and filtered for ease of use. Columns can be hidden or shown Any changes made in the grid view will also update the same changes in the form view. Configuration Workspace

18 The form view arranged as more of a “fill in the blank” form Unlike the grid view, all data/input fields are visible and cannot be hidden. Data/input fields are arrange in tabs, or separate pages. Any changes made in the form view will also update the same changes in the grid view Configuration Workspace

19 Data Definition and Control Data definition and control is the driving force for StackStudio. Data Definition and control could be viewed as the what, how and possibly the why of the configuration

20 The What We use these editors to define: The actual plant, physical location, ORSPIL, email server, etc. The sources at that plant, unit 1 unit2, HRSG, etc. The parameters that we will monitor Nox, SO2 and those parameters that are plant specific-TOL, Load, Fuel Factor, etc.

21 The How Next would be how we are going to control the data that we setup in the previous steps. These editors help us setup data controllers and the specifics of each, such as inputs/outputs, channels, any interfaces (General Serial Interface, MODBUS, etc.) The System Settings relate to how StackVision will process the data.

22 The Why The regulatory section is where you will find permit and monitoring plan data and details corresponding with the “what and how” previously established. The ProcessNow piece is the data QA setup to ensure all the data has been defined properly and is being controlled as outlined in the Monitoring Plan (40CFR75) and permits (40CFR60)

23 When put all together… First, data definition Define how we will control that data Then make sure it meets compliance requirements and outline how to prove compliance Put it all together and you have StackStudio!

24 Last Call for Questions

25 Review Review Launch Procedures Review Options to Open and Save configuration files Navigate Configuration Editors Relate configuration process to Data Definition and Control

26 For More Information… Sites to Visit ESC Engineering ESC Support Mark Astudillo Mastudillo@envirosys.c om StackVision on line help documentation

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