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Published byMarion Carroll Modified over 8 years ago
INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE LCG ARDA project Status and plans Massimo Lamanna / CERN
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 2 Overview ARDA in a nutshell ARDA prototypes –4 experiments ARDA feedback on middleware –Middleware components on the development test bed Outlook and conclusions
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 3 The ARDA project ARDA is an LCG project –main activity is to enable LHC analysis on the grid –ARDA is contributing to EGEE uses the entire CERN NA4-HEP resource (NA4 = Applications) Interface with the new EGEE middleware (gLite) –By construction, ARDA uses the new middleware Use the grid software as it matures –Verify the components in an analysis environments Contribution in the experiments framework (discussion, direct contribution, benchmarking,…) Users needed here. Namely physicists needing distributed computing to perform their analyses –Provide early and continuous feedback
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 4 ARDA prototype overview LHC Experiment Main focusBasic prototype component /framework Middleware GUI to GridGANGA/DaVinci Interactive analysis PROOF/AliROOT High-level services DIAL/Athena Explore/exploit native gLite functionality ORCA
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 5 Ganga4 Major version Important contribution from the ARDA team Interesting concepts Note that GANGA is a joint ATLAS-LHCb project Contacts with CMS (exchange of ideas, code snippets, …)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 6 GANGA Workshop 13-15 of June GANGA Workshop: at Imperial College London (organised by U. Egede)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 7 ALICE prototype ROOT and PROOF ALICE provides –the UI –the analysis application (AliROOT) GRID middleware gLite provides all the rest ARDA/ALICE is evolving the ALICE analysis system UI shell Application Middleware end to end
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 8 USER SESSION PROOF PROOF SLAVES PROOF MASTER SERVER PROOF SLAVES Site A Site C Site B PROOF SLAVES Demo based on a hybrid system using 2004 prototype Demo at Supercomp uting 04 and Den Haag
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 9 ARDA shell + C/C++ API C++ access library for gLite has been developed by ARDA High performance Protocol quite proprietary... Essential for the ALICE prototype Generic enough for general use Using this API grid commands have been added seamlessly to the standard shell
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 10 Current Status Developed gLite C++ API and API Service –providing generic interface to any GRID service C++ API is integrated into ROOT –In the ROOT CVS –job submission and job status query for batch analysis can be done from inside ROOT Bash interface for gLite commands with catalogue expansion is developed –More powerful than the original shell –In use in ALICE –Considered a “generic” mw contribution (essential for ALICE, interesting in general) First version of the interactive analysis prototype ready Batch analysis model is improved –submission and status query are integrated into ROOT –job splitting based on XML query files –application (Aliroot) reads file using xrootd without prestaging
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 11 ATLAS/ARDA Main component: –Contribute to the DIAL evolution gLite analysis server “Embedded in the experiment” –AMI tests and interaction –Production and CTB tools –Job submission (ATHENA jobs) –Integration of the gLite Data Management within Don Quijote –Active participation in several ATLAS reviews –Plan to demonstrate GANGA+Prod service (coming soon) Benefit from the other experiments prototypes –First look on interactivity/resiliency issues E.g. use of DIANE –GANGA (Principal component of the LHCb prototype, key component of the overall ATLAS strategy) Tao-Sheng Chen, ASCC
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 12 SE Nordugrid DQ server RLS DQ Client DQ server RLS SE RLS gLiteLCG GRID3 Data Management Don Quijote Locate and move data over grid boundaries ARDA has connected gLite
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 13 Combined Test Beam Example: ATLAS TRT data analysis done by PNPI St Petersburg Number of straw hits per layer Real data processed at gLite Standard Athena for testbeam Data from CASTOR Processed on gLite worker node
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 14 DIANE
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 15 DIANE on gLite running Athena
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 16 Pattern ARDA/CMS activity –Prototype (ASAP) –Contributions to CMS-specific components RefDB/PubDB –Usage of components used by CMS Notably Monalisa –Contribution to CMS-specific developments Physh ARDA/CMS
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 17 ARDA/CMS prototype RefDB Re-Design and PubDB –Taking part in the RefDB redesign –Developing schema for PubDB and supervising development of the first PubDB version Analysis Prototype Connected to MonAlisa –To track the progress of an analysis task is troublesome when the task is split into several (hundreds of) sub-jobs –Analysis prototype associates each sub-job with built-in ‘identity’ and capability to report its progress to the MonAlisa system –MonAlisa service receives and combines progress reports of single sub-jobs and publishes the overall progress of the whole task ARDA/CMS
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 18 ARDA/CMS PhySh –Physicist Shell –ASAP is Python-based and it uses XML-RPC calls for client-server interaction like Clarens and PhySh –In addition, to enable future integration, the analysis prototype has similarly structured CVS repository as the PhySh project
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 19 ARDA-CMS CMS prototype (ASAP = Arda Support for cms Analysis Processing) –First version of the CMS analysis prototype capable of creating- submitting-monitoring of the CMS analysis jobs on the gLite middleware had been developed by the end of the year 2004 Demonstrated at the CMS week in December 2004 –Prototype was evolved to support both RB versions deployed at the CERN testbed (prototype task queue and gLite 1.0 WMS ). –Currently submission to both RBs is available and completely transparent for the users (same configuration file, same functionality) –Plan to implement gLite job submission handler for Crab Users? –Starting from February 2005 CMS users began working on the testbed submitting jobs through ASAP –Positive feedback, suggestions from the users are implemented asap –Plan to involve more users as soon as preproduction farm is available –Plan to try and use in the prototype new functionality provided by WMS (DAGs, interactive job for testing purposes)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 20 ASAP: Starting point for users The user is familiar with the experiment application needed to perform the analysis (ORCA application for CMS) –The user knows how to create executable able to run the analysis task (reading selected data samples, use the data to compute derived quantities, take decisions, fill histograms, select events, etc…). The executable is based on the experiment framework The user debugged the executable on small data samples, on a local computer or computing services (e.g. lxplus at CERN) How to go for larger samples, which can be located at any regional center CMS-wide? The users should not be forced : –to change anything in the compiled code –to change anything in the configuration file for ORCA –to know where the data samples are located
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 21 ASAP work and information flow First scenario RefDBPubDB ASAP UI Monalisa gLite JDL Job monitoring directory Defines in the configuration file Application, application version, Executable ORCA data cards Data sample, Working directory, Castor directory to save output, Number of events to be processed, Number of events per job Job running on the Worker Node Output files location Submission Querying job status Saving output Job generation CMS catalogs Monitoring system
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 22 ASAP work and information flow Second scenario RefDBPubDB ASAP UI Monalisa gLite JDL Job monitoring directory ASAP Job Monitoring service Publishing Job status On the WEB Delegates user credentials using MyProxy Job submission Checking job status Resubmission in case of failure Fetching results Storing results to Castor Output files location Application,applicationversion, Executable, Orca data cards Data sample, Working directory, Castor directory to save output, Number of events to be processed Number of events per job Job running on the Worker Node
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 23 CMS - Using MonAlisa for user job monitoring A single job Is submiited to gLite JDL contains job-splitting instructions Master job is split by gLite into sub-jobs Dynamic monitoring of the total number of the events of processed by all sub-jobs belonging to the same Master job Demo at Supercomputing 04
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 24 Job Monitoring ASAP Monitor
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 25 Merging the results
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 26 First CMS users on gLite Demo of the first working version of the prototype was done for the CMS community in December 2004 ASAP is the first ARDA prototype which migrated to gLite version 1.0 First CMS physicists started to work on the gLite testbed using ASAP in the beginning of February 2005 Currently we support 5 users from different physics group (can not allow more before moving to the preproduction farm): –3 users - Higgs group –1 user - SUSY group –1 user – Standard Model Positive feed back from the users, got many suggestions for improving interface and functionality. Fruitful collaboration. ASAP has a support mailing list and a web page where we start to create a user guide:
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 27 Bkg. samples Processed with Br, mb Kine presel. qcd, p T = 50-80 GeV/c 100K Arda 2.08 x 10 -2 2.44 x 10 -4 qcd, p T = 80-120 GeV/c200K crab 2.94 x 10 -3 5.77 x 10 -3 qcd, p T = 120-170 GeV/c200K Arda 5.03 x 10 -4 4.19 x 10 -2 qcd, p T > 170 GeV/c 1M 1.33 x 10 -4 2.12 x 10 -1 tt, W-> 80K crab 5.76 x 10 -9 4.88 x 10 -2 Wt, W-> 30K Arda 7.10 x 10 -10 1.38 x 10 -2 W+j, W-> 400K crab 5.74 x 10 -7 2.16 x 10 -2 Z/ *-> 130<m < 300 GeV/c 2 70K Arda 1.24 x 10 -8 9.53 x 10 -2 Z/ *-> m > 300 GeV/c 2 60K gross 6.22 x 10 -10 3.23 x 10 -1 H->2 ->2j analysis : bkg. data available (all signal events processed with Arda) A. Nikitenko (CMS)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 28 Higgs boson mass (M ) reconstruction (M H ) ~ (E T miss ) / sin( j1j2 ) Higgs boson mass was reconstructed after basic off-line cuts: reco E T jet > 60 GeV, E T miss > 40 GeV. M evaluation is shown for the consecutive cuts : p > 0 GeV/c, p > 0 GeV/c, j1j2 < 175 0. M and (M ) are in a very good agreement with old results CMS Note 2001/040, Table 3: M = 455 GeV/c 2, (M )=77 GeV/c 2. ORCA4, Spring 2000 production. A. Nikitenko (CMS)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 29 ARDA ASAP First users were able to process their data on gLite –Work of these pilot users can be regarded as a first round of validation of the gLite middleware and analysis prototypes The number of users should increase as soon as preproduction system will become available –Interest to have CPUs at the centres where data sits (LHC Tier-1s) To enable user analysis on the Grid: –we will continue to work in the close collaboration with the physics community and gLite developers ensuring good level of communication between them providing constant feedback to the gLite development team Key factors to progress: –Increasing number of users –Larger distributed systems –More middleware components
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 30 ARDA Feedback (gLite middleware) 2004: –Prototype available (CERN + Madison Wisconsin) –A lot of activity (4 experiments prototypes) –Main limitation: size Experiments data available! Just an handful of worker nodes 2005: –Coherent move to prepare a gLite package to be deployed on the pre-production service ARDA contribution: Mentoring and tutorial Actual tests! –Lot of testing during 05Q1 –PreProduction Service is about to start! Access granted on May 18 th 2004!
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 31 WMS monitor –“Hello World!” jobs –1 per minute since last Febraury –Logging&Bookkeeping info on the web to help the developers
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 32 Data Management Central component together with the WMS Early tests started in 2004 Two main components: –gLiteIO (protocol + server to access the data) –FiReMan (file catalogue) –The two components are not isolated, for example gLiteIO uses the ACL as recorded in FiReMan, FiReMan exposes the physical location of files for the WMS to optimise the job submissions… Both LFC and FiReMan offer large improvements over RLS –LFC is the most recent LCG2 catalogue Still some issues remaining: –Scalability of FiReMan –Bulk Entry for LFC missing –More work needed to understand performance and bottlenecks –Need to test some real Use Cases –In general, the validation of DM tools takes time!
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 33 FiReMan Performance - Queries Query Rate for an LFN 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Entries Returned / Second Number Of Threads Fireman Single Fireman Bulk 1 Fireman Bulk 10 Fireman Bulk 100 Fireman Bulk 500 Fireman Bulk 1000 Fireman Bulk 5000
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 34 FiReMan Performance - Queries Comparison with LFC: 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Entries Returned / Second Number Of Threads Fireman - Single Entry Fireman - Bulk 100 LFC
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 35 More data coming… C. Munro (ARDA & Brunel Univ.) at ACAT 05
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 36 Summary of gLite usage and testing Info available also under gLite version 1 WMS Continuous monitor available on the web (active since 17 th of February) Concurrency tests Usage with ATLAS and CMS jobs (Using Storage Index) Good improvements observed DMS (FiReMan + gLiteIO) Early usage and feedback (since Nov04) on functionality, performance and usability Considerable improvement in performances/stability observed since Some of the tests given to the development team for tuning and to JRA1 to be used in the testing suite Most of the tests given to JRA1 to be used in the testing suite Performance/stability measurements: heavy-duty testing needed for real validation Contribution to the common testing effort to finalise gLite 1 with SA1, JRA1 and NA4-testing) Migration of certification tests within the certification test suite (LCG gLite) Comparison between LFC (LCG) and FiReMan Mini tutorial to facilitate the usage of gLite within the NA4 testing
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 37 Metadata services on the Grid gLite has provided a prototype for the EGEE Biomed community (in 2004) Requirements in ARDA (HEP) were not all satisfied by that early version ARDA preparatory work –Stress testing of the existing experiment metadata catalogues –Existing implementations showed to share similar problems ARDA technology investigation –On the other hand usage of extended file attributes in modern systems (NTFS, NFS, EXT2/3 SCL3,ReiserFS,JFS,XFS) was analysed: a sound POSIX standard exists! Prototype activity in ARDA Discussion in LCG and EGEE and UK GridPP Metadata group Synthesis: –New interface which will be maintained by EGEE benefiting from the activity in ARDA (tests and benchmarking of different data bases and direct collaboration with LHCb/GridPP)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 38 ARDA Implementation Prototype –Validate our ideas and expose a concrete example to interested parties Multiple back ends –Currently: Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite Dual front ends –TCP Streaming Chosen for performance –SOAP Formal requirement of EGEE Compare SOAP with TCP Streaming Also implemented as standalone Python library –Data stored on the file system
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 39 Dual Front End Text based protocol Data streamed to client in single connection Implementations –Server – C++, multiprocess –Clients – C++, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby Most operations are SOAP calls Based on iterators –Session created –Return initial chunk of data and session token –Subsequent request: client calls nextQuery() using session token –Session closed when: End of data Client calls endQuery() Client timeout Implementations –Server – gSOAP (C++). –Clients – Tested WSDL with gSOAP, ZSI (Python), AXIS (Java) Clean way to study performance implications of protocols…
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 40 More data coming… N. Santos (ARDA & Coimbra Univ.) at ACAT 05 Test protocol performance –No work done on the backend –Switched 100Mbits LAN Language comparison –TCP-S with similar performance in all languages –SOAP performance varies strongly with toolkit Protocols comparison –Keepalive improves performance significantly –On Java and Python, SOAP is several times slower than TCP-S Measure scalability of protocols –Switched 100Mbits LAN TCP-S 3x faster than gSoap (with keepalive) Poor performance without keepalive –Around 1.000 ops/sec (both gSOAP and TCP-S) 1000 pings
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 41 Current Uses of the ARDA Metadata prototype Evaluated by LHCb bookkeeping –Migrated bookkeeping metadata to ARDA prototype 20M entries, 15 GB –Feedback valuable in improving interface and fixing bugs –Interface found to be complete –ARDA prototype showing good scalability Ganga (LHCb, ATLAS) –User analysis job management system –Stores job status on ARDA prototype –Highly dynamic metadata Discussed within the community –EGEE –UK GridPP Metadata group
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 42 ARDA workshops and related activities ARDA workshop (January 2004 at CERN; open) ARDA workshop (June 21-23 at CERN; by invitation) –“The first 30 days of EGEE middleware” NA4 meeting (15 July 2004 in Catania; EGEE open event) ARDA workshop (October 20-22 at CERN; open) –“LCG ARDA Prototypes” –Joint session with OSG NA4 meeting 24 November (EGEE conference in Den Haag) ARDA workshop (March 7-8 2005 at CERN; open) ARDA workshop (October 2005; together with LCG Service Challenges) Wednesday afternoon meeting started in 2005: –Presentations from experts and discussion (not necessary from ARDA people) Available from
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 43 Conclusions (1/3) ARDA has been set up to –Enable distributed HEP analysis on gLite Contact have been established With the experiments With the middleware developers Experiment activities are progressing rapidly –Prototypes for ALICE, ATLAS, CMS & LHCb Complementary aspects are studied Good interaction with the experiments environment –Always seeking for users!!! People more interested in physics than in middleware… we support them! –2005 will be the key year (gLite version 1 is becoming available on the pre- production service)
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 44 Conclusions (2/3) ARDA provides special feedback to the development team –First use of components (e.g. gLite prototype activity) –Try to run real-life HEP applications –Dedicated studies offer complementary information Experiment-related ARDA activities produce elements of general use –Very important “by-product” –Examples: Shell access (originally developed in ALICE/ARDA) Metadata catalog (proposed and under test in LHCb/ARDA) (Pseudo)-interactivity experience (something in/from all experiments )
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 45 Conclusions (3/3) ARDA is a privileged observatory to follow, contribute and influence the evolution of the HEP analysis –Analysis prototypes are a good idea! Technically, they complement the data challenges’ experience Key point: these systems are exposed to users –The approach of 4 parallel lines is not too inefficient Contributions in the experiments from day zero Difficult environment Commonality can not be imposed… –We could do better in keeping good connection with OSG How?
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 46 Outlook Commonality is a very tempting concept, indeed… –Sometimes a bit fuzzy, maybe… Maybe it is becoming possible (and valuable)… –Lot of experience in the whole community! –Baseline services ideas –LHC schedule: physics is coming! Maybe it is emerging… (examples are not exhaustive) –Interactivity is a genuine requirement: e.g. PROOF and DIANE –Portals toolkits for the users to build applications on top of the computing infrastructure: e.g. GANGA –Metadata/workflow systems open to the users: needed! This area has yet to be “diagonalised” –Monitor and discovery services open to users: e.g. Monalisa in ASAP Strong preference for a “a posteriori” approach –All experiments still need their system… –Since it is really needed, then we * should do it No doubt that technically we * can We* = the HEP community in collaboration with the middleware experts
Massimo Lamanna - OSG Applications Meeting (SLAC) - June 1st, 2005 47 People Massimo Lamanna Frank Harris (EGEE NA4) Birger Koblitz Andrey Demichev Viktor Pose Victor Galaktionov Derek Feichtinger Andreas Peters Hurng-Chun Lee Dietrich Liko Frederik Orellana Tao-Sheng Chen Julia Andreeva Juha Herrala Alex Berejnoi Andrew Maier Kuba Moscicki Wei-Long Ueng 2 PhD students: Craig Munro (Brunel Univ.) Distributed analysis within CMS working mainly with Julia Nuno Santos (Coimbra Univ) Metadata and resilient computing working mainly with Birger Catalin Cirstoiu and Slawomir Biegluk (short-term LCG visitors) LHCb CMS ATLAS ALICE Good collaboration with EGEE/LCG Russian institutes and with ASCC Taipei
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