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Presidential PowerPoint

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1 Presidential PowerPoint
By: Josh Bebow

2 Fun Facts about George Washington
Only went to school until sixth grade. Stayed with his men at Valley Forge, even though he could have had food, shelter, and warmth. First president to appear on a postage stamp one of two presidents that signed the U.S. Constitution the only president elected unanimously face was scarred from smallpox

3 George Washington Political Facts
1st president of the United States Political Party: None but with the federalist. Served: Number of Terms: 2 Political Party: None, but affiliated with the Federalist Military Rank: General Only President to be elected unanimously Only President inaugurated in 2 cities - New York and Philadelphia Only President that did not live in the White House. He was involved in the planning of the Capitol.

4 Fun Facts about John Adams
Adams was the first President to live in the White House. John Adams was a second cousin to Samuel Adams, and a third cousin to his own wife, Abigail Smith Adams. Adams was one of two presidents to live beyond his 90th birthday. Party: Federalists

5 Birth: October 30, 1735 Party: Federalist Term In Office Vice President: Thomas Jefferson Adams was the first president to live in the White House Adams died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence Adam secured a scholarship from Harvard and graduated at the age of 20.

6 #3 Thomas Jefferson! Birth: April 13, 1743 Death: July 4, 1826
Home State: Virginia Party: Democratic-Republican: Term In Office

7 More on Thomas Jefferson! Fun Facts!
The first President to have a grandchild born in the White House Took a cold foot bath every morning for 60 years Jefferson was the first President to shake hands instead of bow to people Owned 200 slaves

8 James Madison Birth: March 16, 1751 Death: June 28, 1836
Home State: Virginia Party: Democratic-Republican Terms In Office

9 James Madison FUN FACTS!
Both of Madison's vice presidents died in office Madison was our smallest President, weighing 100 pounds, and standing 5 feet and 4 inches tall Madison was the first President to wear trousers instead of knee breeches Was the first U.S. congressman to become president

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