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‘Sunflowers’ ‘Moses’ by Vincent by Van Gogh Michelangelo ‘Angel Of ‘The The North’ Scream’ by Anthony by Gormley Edvard Munch.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Sunflowers’ ‘Moses’ by Vincent by Van Gogh Michelangelo ‘Angel Of ‘The The North’ Scream’ by Anthony by Gormley Edvard Munch."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Sunflowers’ ‘Moses’ by Vincent by Van Gogh Michelangelo ‘Angel Of ‘The The North’ Scream’ by Anthony by Gormley Edvard Munch

2 Art and artists ART means… Paintings/drawings Photographs Films/TV programmes/theatre Music Sculpture/statues Books/Poetry Graffiti? Tattoos?


4 An ARTIST is a person who creates art Vincent Van Gogh JK Rowling Steven Spielberg


6 Who is this? How did you know who it is supposed to be?

7 OBJECTIVES -To examine art representing Jesus and understand how Jesus has been represented in art. -To consider why the artists have chosen to represent Jesus in these ways.

8 Jesus in Art 1)Describe how Jesus appears in most pictures of him. 2)Describe how you think Jesus might have looked. This is a drawing showing what a man in Nazareth 2000 years ago might have looked like. How is it different from most pictures of Jesus?

9 Which of these is a painting and which is a photograph? Trick question, they are both paintings! These paintings are by a modern day Christian artist called Stephen Sawyer. More of his paintings soon. 3) How do you think Stephen Sawyer tries to show Jesus in these two paintings?

10 More by Stephen Sawyer… 4) Why do you think Sawyer has shown Jesus as a boxer?

11 5) What is Sawyer trying to say about Jesus here?

12 And the final picture from Stephen Sawyer… Look very closely here. 6) Write down all the items you notice in the picture. 7) What is the man doing? 8) What do you think this picture means?

13 The next few pictures are by another modern Christian artist called Nathan Greene.

14 9) The main theme of the four Nathan Greene paintings is _________.

15 Think of a title for this picture and write it on the whiteboard. 10) What is Greene trying to say with his paintings? The painting’s actual title is ‘The Family of God.’

16 Now we will look at some representations of the crucifixion. ‘The Death of Judas and the Crucifixion’ Early 5 th Century

17 ‘Crucifixion’ by Giotto di Bondone, 1305

18 Pietro da Cortona 1661 Crucifixion art 1) Compare the paintings from 1305 and 1661. How did Crucifixion art change from the 14 th to the 17 th century?

19 Mark Chagnall 1938. 2) List all the details you can see. 3) What is Chagnall trying to say?

20 Graham Sutherland 1946 4) What words come to mind from this painting?

21 ‘Christ of St John On The Cross’ by Salvador Dali, 1951 5) What do you think is the message here?

22 ‘Father Forgive Us’ by James Janknegt, 1990

23 This picture is by an African artist.

24 This picture is by a Chinese artist



27 ‘The Sacrament of the Last Supper’ by Salvador Dali, 1955

28 ‘The Last Supper’ by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1498

29 ‘Christ The Redeemer’ designed by Paul Landowski This 38 metres high statue stands at the top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil. The mountain is 710 metres high and the statue was put there in 1931. It is made from concrete and soapstone.

30 And finally… What do you think is the message here?

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