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/DEV/TM #1 Building Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin and MvvmCross Flavius-Radu DEMIAN.

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Presentation on theme: "/DEV/TM #1 Building Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin and MvvmCross Flavius-Radu DEMIAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 /DEV/TM #1 Building Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin and MvvmCross Flavius-Radu DEMIAN

2 Xamarin’s Unique Approach


4 Code Sharing Techniques

5 portable class libraries (PCL) partial classes compiler conditional blocks shared projects

6 Xamarin Architecture Guide

7 Demo Time

8 What is MVVM?


10 MVVM Technical Details properties data binding INotifyPropertyChanged INotifyCollectionChanged IValueConverter ICommand UI thread

11 Why MVVM?

12 MVVM Pros and Cons Pros: separation of concerns decoupling code reuse testability Cons: MVVM is “overkill” for simple UI operations

13 The MvvmCross Magic

14 It’s an open-source framework maintained by Stuart Lodge & Co. It has Dependency Injection built-in -> Interface Driven Design. It has a lot of plugins already written such as location, emails, gallery, network, SQLite, secure storage, phone calls etc. #IF plugins -> less work for the developer, but also less control.


16 The MvvmCross Magic MvvmCross has support for: Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Mac Xamarin.Android Windows Phone and Windows 8 Windows Presentation Foundation Universal Windows Platform

17 The MvvmCross Magic Is has huge popularity and the community is very active s s mvvmcross/ mvvmcross/

18 MVVMCross – Dev Flow 1. Create Services – ‘Back end’ – PCL.cs 2. Create ViewModels – PCL.cs 3. Create Views.AXML - Mono for Android – (tablet and) phone.XIB and.cs - MonoTouch for iOS – iPad and iPhone.XAML – WP8 and WinRT

19 Data Binding, Commands, Navigation

20 MVVM Cross - Binding

21 Data Binding - Properties No C#, just XAML

22 Data Binding - Properties No C#, just XML xmlns:local="" <EditText local:MvxBind="Text Password"

23 Data Binding - Properties Just C# var set = this.CreateBindingSet (); set.Bind(textField_Password).To(vm => vm.Password);

24 ViewModel Collection Property

25 UI Syntax


27 Data Binding - Listviews No C#, just XAML <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}" …..

28 Data Binding - Listviews No C#, just XML <Mvx.MvxListView local:MvxBind="ItemsSource MyCollection; ItemClick ViewDetailsCommand" local:MvxItemTemplate="@layout/item_template_row" />

29 Data Binding - Listviews Just C# var set = this.CreateBindingSet (); set.Bind(source).To(x => x.MyCollection); set.Apply();

30 MVVMCross - Converter



33 ViewModel Command

34 MVVMCross - Command

35 ViewModel Commands No C#, just XAML xmlns:i="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity" xmlns:commandbinding="clr- namespace:Cirrious.MvvmCross.WindowsPhone.Commands;assembly=Cirrious.MvvmCross.WindowsPhone"

36 ViewModel Commands No C#, just XML xmlns:local=""

37 ViewModel Commands Just C# var set = this.CreateBindingSet (); set.Bind(btn_Login).To(x => x.LoginCommand); set.Apply();

38 Navigation Go forward CurrentViewModelInstance.ShowViewModel ();

39 Navigation Go back CurrentViewModelInstance.Close(this);

40 MvvmCross App Architecture

41 App Architecture The project should be split in (at least) two parts: 1. Common Core which contains: Models Viewmodels Business logic Data Access Layer 2. UI-project per platform: Each platform views Demo Time

42 MvvmCross Pros & Cons Pros: interchangeable code module supports Test Driven Development (TDD) it follows the Core pattern it has data binding

43 MvvmCross Pros & Cons Cons: it is a non-native pattern for iOS – MVC- and Android –aprox MVC- core 3 rd party dependency lot’s of glue code for custom bindings

44 Xamarin Pros & Cons Pros: native experience you can use a lot of components that.NET developers already use shared code base only one programming language

45 Xamarin Pros & Cons Cons: you need a Mac It has a license fee per developer, per platform -> $$$ bugs can appear: C# is needed



48 Thank you! A big thanks to Cloudbase! #theCodeAwakens Flavius-Radu DEMIAN

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