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Fenton Family - Advanced Oxidation
Technologies for Wastewater Treatment SunKyoung Watech co., Ltd. 322, HWA SAN ONSAN ULJU ULSAN, KOREA
Conventional advanced wastewater treatment technologies
Coagulation: low COD removal, low sludge generation Adsorption by GAC: high operating cost, activated carbon need be regenerated or wasted Fenton‘s reaction: high sludge generation O3 oxidation: high capital cost, residual O3 need be treated Membrane separation: high capital cost, concentrate need be treated
AOP ⊙AOP (advanced oxidation processes): generating OH
→ Fenton’s reagent: H2O2 / Fe2+ → Fenton-like reagent: H2O2 / Fe3+ → Combination of O3 , H2O2 , and UV light → Combination of H2O2 ( or O3 ) and metal ions (e.g. iron salts) → Combination of UV light and semiconductors (e.g. TiO2) → electron beam Commercialized industrial wastewater treatment technologies Fenton, UV/O3
Comparison between oxidation potential for several oxidants
Introduction Fenton’s reaction H2O2 + Fe2+ OH + Fe(OH)2+
Fe(OH)2+ + OH- Fe(OH)2+ Fe(OH)2+ +OH- Fe(OH)3 In 1894, Fenton found that Fe2+ improves the oxidation capability of H2O2 on tartaric acid Substantial amount of ferric hydroxide sludge Require solid/liquid separation and disposal Let me now introduce the origin of this study. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) show potential for treating refractory compounds in waters and wastewaters. As you know, Fenton’s reagent is the combination of hydrogen peroxide and a ferrous salt. The primary oxidant in Fenton’s reagent is the hydroxyl radical (OH). Fenton’s reagent is an effective and simple oxidant of various types of organic contaminants. However, the drawback of Fenton’s method for destruction of organics is the production of substantial amount of ferric hydroxide sludge that requires further separation and disposal. To solve this problem, the application of iron oxide as the heterogeneous catalyst in oxidizing organic contaminants deserves an in-depth investigation. In this study, a novel supported-FeOOH catalytic fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) was developed. The FBR was selected because of its high mass transfer efficiency and easy solid/liquid separation.
H2O2+Fe2+ → . OH+Fe (OH) 2+ →Fe(OH)3↓
Fenton’s method Fe(OH)3 sludge
List of refractory high-COD wastewater
Semiconductor / TFT-LCD: stripper, developer (TMAH), isopropanol Film developing: developer (organic Ag) Car manufacturing: resin, dye Electroplating / printed circuit board: electroless Cu, electroless Ni, develop/strip solution Chemical / petrochemical: solvent (toluene, benzene, acetone, chlorine-containing organics), resin, paint, polymer Rinse water from air pollution control facility: scrubber, concentrator
Comparison of advanced treatment for refractory high-COD wastewater
List of refractory low-COD wastewater
Petrochemical Chemical Man-made fiber / textile Dye dyeing / finishing PCB Synthetic resin Pharmaceutical Leather TFT-LCD
Comparison of advanced treatment for refractory low-COD wastewater
Items Membrane Separation Activated Carbon Adsorption Chemical Coagulation Ozone Oxidation Fenton Method Fenton IV method COD removal efficiency (%) 90-95 20-75 20-50 30-60 65-85 70-90 Capital cost (US $/m3) 60-140 60-200 Operating cost (US $/m3) (US $/kg COD) 4-10 3-11 1-4 7-10 3-7 2.5-4 Note Concentrate must be treated Activated carbon must be regenerated Sludge must be treated Wasted O3 must be treated Sludge is reduced 70%, compared to Fenton method
Fenton Family Technology
Fered-Fenton Fenton (conventional) FentonⅡ Feox-Fenton FentonⅣ FBR-Fenton COD (mg/L)
Fenton Family Technology
Fered-Fenton Refractory wastewater FBR-Fenton Pretreatment Non-refractory wastewater Biological treatment Advanced treatment: adsorption, Fenton… effluent Then I will introduce the application of Fenton family methods. The core techs are Fered-Fenton and FBR-Fenton methods. Fered-Fenton method is applied to treat the refractory wastewater which can inhibit or kill the microorganism of the activated sludge reactor if we have no further pretreatment. The effluent of Fered-Fenton reactor can feed into the biological treatment process because the biodegradability has been improved. FBR-Fenton method can replace the conventional advanced treatment unit such as activated carbon adsorption and Fenton method. The effluent of FBR-Fenton also can partly recycle back the biological process to upgrade the biodegradability. Combination of Fenton family methods and biological processes not only can reduce the operation cost of chemical but also upgrade the performance of biological processes. Application for COD 50-50,000 mg/L of non-biodegradable wastewater
Fered-Fenton (Fenton III)
Fenton III (Fered-Fenton) process
Fered-Fenton: apply H2O2 and electrogenerated ferrous ion produced from ferric sulfate Fered-Fenton reaction Cathode:Fe3++e-→Fe2+ Solution: H2O2+Fe2+ → . OH+OH-+Fe3+→╳Fe(OH)3↓╳ sludge reduction 80% Peroxid-Chemie (German) patent:separated Fenton reactor and electrolytic reactor
Design principles of FentonIII
Cathode:Fe3++e-→Fe2+ H2O2+Fe2+ → . OH+OH-+Fe3+→╳Fe(OH)3↓╳ Faraday’s laws n=It /ZF 1F=96500 Coul=26.8 Ah Equivalent value =56/26.8 =2.08gFe/A.h
Fenton III (Fered-Fenton) process
Organics RH H2O2 · OH Oxidation Products CO2, H2O < Major Reactions> Fe2+ + H2O2 → · OH + OH- + Fe3+ Fe3+ + H2O2 → Fe2+ + HO2· + H+ Fe2+ + · OH → OH- + Fe3+ H2O2 + · OH → HO2· + H2O Fe2+ + HO2· + H+ → Fe3+ + H2O2 Fe3+ + HO2· → Fe2+ + O2 + H+ pH 3~4
Rate constants for reactions
of OH radicals in acids k (M1S1) dissociated form (B or B2) k (M1S1) nondissociated form (HB) Formate Acetate Oxalate 3.2109 8.5107 4.7107 1.3108 1.6107 1.4106 Buxton et al., 1988 These acids with dissociated form have higher rate constants than those with nondissociated form.
Comparison between Fenton and Fenton III method
On the degradability of acetic acid
Example Hexamine Petrochemical wastewater (CH2)6N4 N H2C CH2 CH2 N CH2
Let me now introduce the origin of this study. Coagulation/flocculation is not only an important pretreatment process, but also an advanced treatment unit following the activated sludge system for solving the bulking problems. As Taiwan’s new effluent standard in 1998 (SS < 30 mg/l) is stricter, we develope an on-line monitoring system for the coagulation/flocculation process in wastewater treatment plant. N N CH2
Treatment of hexamine-containing wastewater by EF-Fere method
theoretic dosage Fei = 5000 mg/l cathode current density =18 A/m2 initial pH = 1.71 The second topic is “...”. Fig. 4 shows the relationships between PACl dosages and some coagulation indexes for the raw pulp wastewater. The maximum of Ratio occurs at 35 mg/l of PACl dosage. Further increasing the dosage to 100 mg/l, the supernatants turbidity maintain at the lowest levels (i.e. 20 NTU). It infers that 35 mg/l of PACl dosage is the optimal dosage to coagulate the raw pulp wastewater. In addition, the corresponding floc diameter and floc settling velocity also indicate that the same trend. This evidence conforms to Huang and Chen (1996) that the maximum of Ratio value is an effective index to determine an optimal PACl dosage.
Treatment of hexamine-containing wastewater by EF-Fere method
Hexamine formaldehyde formic acid (formate) CO2 NH4+ NO3- (trace) The second topic is “...”. Fig. 4 shows the relationships between PACl dosages and some coagulation indexes for the raw pulp wastewater. The maximum of Ratio occurs at 35 mg/l of PACl dosage. Further increasing the dosage to 100 mg/l, the supernatants turbidity maintain at the lowest levels (i.e. 20 NTU). It infers that 35 mg/l of PACl dosage is the optimal dosage to coagulate the raw pulp wastewater. In addition, the corresponding floc diameter and floc settling velocity also indicate that the same trend. This evidence conforms to Huang and Chen (1996) that the maximum of Ratio value is an effective index to determine an optimal PACl dosage.
Comparison experiments
The second topic is “...”. Fig. 4 shows the relationships between PACl dosages and some coagulation indexes for the raw pulp wastewater. The maximum of Ratio occurs at 35 mg/l of PACl dosage. Further increasing the dosage to 100 mg/l, the supernatants turbidity maintain at the lowest levels (i.e. 20 NTU). It infers that 35 mg/l of PACl dosage is the optimal dosage to coagulate the raw pulp wastewater. In addition, the corresponding floc diameter and floc settling velocity also indicate that the same trend. This evidence conforms to Huang and Chen (1996) that the maximum of Ratio value is an effective index to determine an optimal PACl dosage. A: H2O2 /Fe3+ B: H2O2 /Fe2+ C: direct electrolysis
Feature of Technique ① Using the Fenton reaction dispose of wastewater to compose anode of stick type and cathode of matrix type using the up-flow type electrolyzer of cylinder type . Fenton reaction tank and the up-flow type electrolyzer of cylinder type are continuous circulation advanced oxidation system the up-flow type electrolyzer of cylinder form composed anode of stick type (Titanium DSA) and cathode of matrix type (STS316) It compares in cathode and the surface area is few relatively. Therefore high price minimizes of using the Titanium DSA Equally, electrolyzer changes from lower part of up-flow type electrolyzer to top part Are composed with Matrix type, the inside and the outside of cathode structure states cathode, smooth moving of waste water between cathodes
Anode rod Cathode screen
Control flow chart Continuous Feed Flow
Batch Feed Flow pH control Tk Electrolytic reactor Fe3+ Clarifier Neutralization Tk Coagulation Tk Case 1 (Use to coagulant at other WWTP) First Time Second Time Case 2 (Reuse of Fe in process) Case 3 (Use to coagulant at other WWTP) Case 4 (Batch Feed Flow process) Reaction Tk
Case Study (Fenton III)
Solvent vessels-washing wastewater from a semiconductor plant Components : isopropyl alcohol, acetone, monoethanoamine and phenol COD=11000mg/L Flowrate=1m3/day (batch mode)
Case Study (Fenton III)
pH<2 Mixing with NaOH, pH>7 Discharge Mixing with H2SO4 pH=1.5~2 Iron sludge dissolves Solvent vessels Wastewater Equalization tank Electrolytic tank Effluent Buffer tank The effluent also can be applied as the coagulant directly.
Case Study (Fenton III)
Batch Influent After Fenton III reaction After coagulation COD(mg/L) CODr(%) 1 10982 352 96.8 295 97.3 2 10806 303 97.2 272 97.5 3 23800 986 95.9 892 96.3 4 18367 561 96.9 511 Influent After coagulation After 8 hrs of Fenton III reaction After 22.5 hrs of Fenton III reaction
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