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Do Now  Explain one potential problem with landfills.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now  Explain one potential problem with landfills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now  Explain one potential problem with landfills.

2 Learning Target  Today I will investigate different project options for our class.  **check for 5 stamps in a row.

3 Green Team  I am going to host a Green Team meeting (like a club meeting) this Thursday after school.  If we have a good turn out and lot’s of kids (from this class or others) that are interested in recycling stuff, we will be able to work with Green Team in order to make projects bigger and better.  If you are interested, please talk to me about it. I am willing to offer a little extra credit to those who show up and take it seriously

4 Your job:  You will get to rotate (quickly) through each station and talk about the option or ask me questions about it.  Once you check them all out, I will ask you to go to the one you find most compelling and work with who ever else picks that one to form a “game plan”.  What is your goal?  How will you accomplish it?  Who will be involved?  What time and resources are needed?  How often do we need to update your project?

5 Stations  Manning waste station at lunch (or other lunch activities)  Producing informational video  Producing posters and PowerPoints for school education  Creating Connections lessons to educate the school  Community outreach – working with other schools or organizations to teach/learn  Classroom competition organization

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