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Land Use Changes in Austin, Texas Colleen McGovern.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Use Changes in Austin, Texas Colleen McGovern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Use Changes in Austin, Texas Colleen McGovern

2 Project Objective Study land use changes that have occurred in the Austin metropolitan area over the time period of 1980 to 1992, to examine urban sprawl. The studied area includes: Bastrop, Caldwell, Hayes, Travis, and Williamson Counties

3 Presentation Outline Background Information Classification System Data Sources Data Preparation Discussion of Results Conclusions

4 Background Information 1970s - importance of land use classification system became apparent Conference held on classification systems Anderson Classification System Datasets: 1980 - Land Use and Land Cover Data & 1992 - National Land Cover Data 2 Different Classification Systems First step: devise common classification system

5 Classification System ClassificationCode Developed Land1 Agricultural Land2 Grass & Rangelands3 Forest Land4 Water5 Wetlands6 Barren Land7

6 Data Sources 1980 - Land Use and Land Cover Data (LULC) Developed by USGS Available for conterminous US and Hawaii 1- by 2-degree, 1:250,000 scale based quadrangle maps Limited number of 30- by 60-minute, 1:100,000 scale based maps 4 quadrangles used in analysis: Austin, Llano, San Antonio, and Sequin

7 Data Sources Cont. 1992 - National Land Cover Data (NLCD) Developed by USGS Available for conterminous US Files can be downloaded by state Image files with 30 meter resolution Texas-Southeast portion of NLCD used for analysis

8 Data Preparation

9 Data Preparation Cont.



12 Results

13 Results Cont.

14 Conclusions Difficult to compare the 2 different classification systems A standardized classification system should be used in the future GIS is a useful tool for working with land use data

15 Questions?

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