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Presentation on theme: "CURRENCY APPRECIATION & DEPRECIATION BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Foreign Exchange Markets."— Presentation transcript:


2 US Exports & Imports Exports…  Create a foreign demand for dollars  Makes a supply of foreign currency available to the US Imports…  Create a demand for foreign exchange  Make a supply of dollars available to foreigners

3 Purchasing Power Parity Theory  Exchange rates reflect purchasing powwer of the various countries  If goods in the US cost $1,000 and the same goods in the UK cost L 500 then the exchange rate is $2 = L 1  Doesn’t always work in practice

4 Currency Depreciation v. Appreciation What affects the value of the $  Unemployment rate/jobs  Rate of inflation… change in relative prices  Government stability  Interest rate  National income of ROW/change in relative incomes  Change in taste & preferences

5 Currency Depreciation v. Appreciation  D eterminants of Foreign Exchange (FEX)  S peculation/expectations  T astes & preferences  R elative incomes  I nterest… real rates  P rices/inflation  E conomy… stability/jobs/government

6 Currency Depreciation v. Appreciation Cause: D $ decrease or S $ increase Cause: D $ increase or S $ decrease What happens: $1 = 100 yen $1 = 90 yen What happens: $1 = 100 yen $1 = 110 yen US $ exchanged for less other currency so value has declined US $ exchanged for more other currency so value has increased Called: weak dollarCalled: strong dollar

7 Currency Depreciation v. Appreciation Advantages: US goods cheaper Reduced competition Increase foreign tourism $$/capital more attractive Good for exporter Advantages: Foreign goods less costly Pricing competition Overseas travel cheaper Overseas expansion easier Good for importer Disadvantages: Inflation Foreign goods more costly Overseas travel costs more Overseas expansion more Amount of imports decreases Disadvantages: US goods more expensive US firms must reduce costs Reduced foreign tourism to US Reduced foreign currency into US Amount of exports decreases

8 Currency Exchange  Is a long run issue  In the short run there is a lot of fluctuation  Purchasing Power Parity… value of currency determined by prices  If there is a change in prices in one country, but prices do not change in the other country, the exchange rate will change to achieve PPP

9 Balance of Payments (BoP) Imports v. Exports  Balance of payments is the sum of all transactions between one country and all other countries… between the US and everyone else with whom we trade  Balance of payments has three parts: Current Account Capital Account Official Reserves Account

10 Current Account  Current because it happens now… there is not a future claim or payment  Contains import/export of goods and services  Contains income from stock/dividends  Transfers of money from one person to another… immigrants sending money back home to family  Contains US foreign aid to and from other countries

11 Current Account  Exports… money comes to the US government, businesses or private citizens  Imports… money goes to other countries; includes foreign owned businesses or assets located in the US… the money is going to people of other countries  Trade balance is the sum of imports/exports

12 Capital Account  Capital because it deals with the ownership of assets  Contains real or financial assets such as land, treasury bond, hotel that help to create finished goods and services  Money/interest received from treasury bonds goes to the Current Account

13 Official Reserves Account  Foreign currency held in the Central Bank… held by the Federal Reserve for the US  It is like a savings account used to make up a deficit  Balance of payments must ALWAYS equal zero


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