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KCTCS Branding Update KCTCS PR Retreat September 27 – 29, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "KCTCS Branding Update KCTCS PR Retreat September 27 – 29, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 KCTCS Branding Update KCTCS PR Retreat September 27 – 29, 2011

2 BRANDING REVIEW Branding Guide Update/Next Steps Go You Campaign Brand Assessment

3 BRANDING GUIDE Items to be added: KCTCS Programs Workforce Solutions Fire Commission KBEMS KCTCS Learn On Demand Partnerships/3 rd Party vendors Fine Arts/Science Centers Go You Campaign How do we continue to create excitement/communicate What else?

4 GO YOU CAMPAIGN ComponentDateNext Steps TV SpotsCompletedCreate donut spots in 2012/13 Radio spotsCompleted ViewbooksCompleted FoldersCompleted Print Ads10/15Developing Go2Work, Go2Transfer, Combo Program BrochuresCompleted Recruitment Flyers/PostersNovember Direct MailDecember

5 GO YOU CAMPAIGN ComponentDateNext Steps Web SitesMarch/AprilIncorporate graphics in applicable web pages Facebook/TwitterNovember BannersNovember/December3 versions BillboardsDecember3 versions

6 GO YOU CAMPAIGN Any other components? Internal Roll-out:/Communications Transfer Centers Foundations of Excellence Workforce Solutions Occupational Programs


8 RATIONALE 2011 Prospective Student Research Study RECOMMENDATION Optimize the growing brand awareness and positive image of KCTCS by integrating it with a strong college brand development program to enhance imagery and knowledge among traditional and nontraditional prospects alike. We recommend KCTCS conduct a brand audit at all colleges. Horizon Insight

9 RATIONALE Execution of the Transformation Initiatives will rely on a strong branding/messaging foundation at both the system and college level. Fundamental to any future marketing efforts is a comprehensive, consistent and professional communications efforts.

10 Assess the adoption of the new branding guide policies. Assist the colleges and system office in determining the consistency and effectiveness of the messages currently being communicated to all stakeholders (primarily prospective students, workforce partners, donors). Assess current marketing resources and needs. Determine the extent and effectiveness of college integrated communication efforts. GOALS

11 OUTCOMES Provide a brand compliance scorecard for all 16 colleges and the system office. Provide a messaging scorecard for all 16 colleges and the system office. Provide a Marketing Program Assessment Report that includes recommendations to improve the marketing operations (including an integrated process) at each of the 16 colleges and the system office.

12 RESEARCH QUESTIONS To what degree is the college-based marketing program “story centric?” To what degree is the college leveraging the distinctive features of its heritage in the marketing messaging strategy? To what degree is the college incorporating specific “proof points” in its messaging strategy (rather than general, non- specific statements that can be claimed by other colleges and universities competing for students residing in the designated service area)?

13 RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are the college’s marketing program and process strengths (what’s right) as well as opportunities for improvement? To what degree are college-based marketing efforts integrated across multiple channels? How can integration success be enhanced? To what degree are the various components of the campus-based marketing program aligned with the KCTCS brand? To what degree are the various operations/units on the campus brand-aligned?

14 RESEARCH QUESTIONS “One size cannot fit all.” To what degree are marketing efforts successfully segmented by audience, using appropriate messages and appropriate channels for each? To what degree does the campus-based marketing program successfully demonstrate/articulate the unique personality of the campus it serves, within the larger framework of the KCTCS brand? How does the college/system specifically communicate the transfer and workforce missions?

15 ASSESSMENT PROCESS PHASE 1 Branding Questionnaire – each college/system PR Director will fill out a questionnaire regarding their general branding/marketing efforts. Marketing Plans/Materials – each college/system PR Director will submit marketing plan and samples of external communications materials.

16 ASSESSMENT PROCESS PHASE 2: College/System Office Onsite Brand Assessments A Stamats team will conduct a one-day visit to each college and the System Office that will consist of meeting with the college president along with group meetings with faculty, college leadership, recruiters, integrated marketing teams, etc.

17 TIMELINE September: Brand Assessment Approved by PLT.October: Conduct beta test at system office and Owensboro Community and Technical College – October 24 – 28. College submit questionnaires/marketing materials – October 31.November: Stamats auditors visit KCTCS colleges – week of November 14 – 18.

18 December: Stamats writes up individual campus assessment reports. December & January: Stamats pulls all individual campus reports into a comprehensive report with recommendations.February: Stamats presents first draft of report. March, 2012 Stamats presents final report. PROPOSED TIMELINE

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