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C. Grapczynski, EdD, OTRL, A. Booth, MS, PA-C, C. Beel-Bates, PhD, RN, FGSA, S. Schuurman, PhD, LMSW, D. Bambini, PhD, WHNP-BC, CNE Grand Valley State.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Grapczynski, EdD, OTRL, A. Booth, MS, PA-C, C. Beel-Bates, PhD, RN, FGSA, S. Schuurman, PhD, LMSW, D. Bambini, PhD, WHNP-BC, CNE Grand Valley State."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Grapczynski, EdD, OTRL, A. Booth, MS, PA-C, C. Beel-Bates, PhD, RN, FGSA, S. Schuurman, PhD, LMSW, D. Bambini, PhD, WHNP-BC, CNE Grand Valley State University

2  Present an interactive model for Interprofessional Education  Share the pilot study of the IPE model  Discuss ways that this model could be implemented within the curricular IPE thread.

3  IPE background  Interprofessional Competencies  Shared outcomes for client care

4  Teaching Circle  Faculty Teaching Learning Center Grant  Model development (Neuman & Fawcett, 2001; Sullivan & Rosen, 2008; World Health Organization, 2001)  Event design

5 Professional Identity Intraprofessional Skills Interprofessional Skills Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes Roles, Scope of Practice Therapeutic Alliance Bodies of Knowledge Higher Education Agenda (Sullivan & Rosin, 2008) International Classification of Function (WHO, 2001) Neuman’s Systems Model (Neuman & Fawcett, 2001) Professional Knowledge & Skills Community (external influences) Community Members Health Care System Institution Politics/Policies Responsibility Accountability Citizenship Integrity Participation Client-Centered Care Culture Individualized Mutual Goal Setting

6  Decisions:  Size of event  Day/Time  Research design  Case Development  Tools  Evaluation  Recruitment of students  Convenience Sample

7  Setting the tone - pretest survey  Café conversations  Small team development  Case assignments  Stations for rotation of teams  Team debriefing  Full participant debriefing  Evaluation – posttest survey


9 Quantitative  Revised Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RPLS) (McFadyen, Webster, Strachan, Figgins, Brown, McKechnie, 2005) - Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS) (McFadyen, Maclaren, Webster, 2007) - Pre/Post survey - t- tests

10  Qualitative  Café Conversations (  Team debriefings  Full participant debriefings ( - Thematic Analysis - Open Coding - Combined Axial - Selective Coding

11 Subscalet-testp value Teamwork and collaboration -2.9930.009 Positive Professional Identity -4.1340.001 Roles and Responsibility 4.9910.000

12  Five emergent themes  Moral/Ethical  Role Issues  Competencies  Client-Centered Care  Shared Internalized Values

13  Matched WHO outcomes  Key match ups

14  Validate model  Continue events  Transform curricula with IPE  Continue IPE curricular thread  Dissemination

15  McFadyen, A. K., MacLaren, W. M., & Webster, V. S. (2007). The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS): An alternative remodeled sub-scale structure and its reliability. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(4), 433-443.  McFadyen, A. K., Webster, V. S., & MacLaren, W. M. (2006). The test-retest reliability of a revised version of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(6), 633-639.  Neuman, B. & Fawcett, J. (Eds.). (2002). The Neuman Systems Model. (4 th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.  Sullivan, W. M. & Rosin, M. S. (2008). A New Agenda For Higher Education: Shaping a Life of the Mind for Practice. San Francisco, CA: Josey Bass.  World Café. (2008). Café to go: A quick reference guide for putting conversations to work. Retrieved from  WHO. (2010). Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Geneva, Switzerland. Author.  WHO. (2001). The international classification of functioning. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.

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