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Jesus is Lord! – Can you Pass the Test?.  Has there ever been a moment where you knew the right thing to do in following God, but struggled to actually.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus is Lord! – Can you Pass the Test?.  Has there ever been a moment where you knew the right thing to do in following God, but struggled to actually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus is Lord! – Can you Pass the Test?

2  Has there ever been a moment where you knew the right thing to do in following God, but struggled to actually do it?  Why do you think it is so difficult to obey sometimes? (Is it possibly because Jesus is not yet LORD in your life by the Holy Spirit.)

3  In Jesus’ day – “Lord” meant Caesar  In our day - “Lord” might mean - boss  In your relationship with God – it is a loving invitation by Jesus Christ to be LORD.

4  Because God Declared it:  Act 2:36 "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." (NKJV)  Lord = kyrios = supreme in authority, Lord, Master, Sir, Sovereign One. Meaning includes He is Yahweh God.  Christ (Messiah) = Christos = anointed one, that is, the Messiah, the anointed one who came to save

5  When you and I are submitted to Jesus and placed under Jesus’ Lordship, then we receive His delegated authority to teach the Word of God with authority, overcome sickness, disease, demonic activity and overcome all the power of the enemy. Luke 9:1,2, Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17.  Being submitted to His Lordship means we operate in obedience to God and His Word the Holy Bible.

6  Have you submitted your life totally to Jesus as Lord?  Do you Seek Him first daily? Mat 6:33  Seek to follow His Word (the Bible) and His Direction for your life?  Do you check that you are walking in His Word and Ways in your actions, attitudes, humility, submitted-ness to His authority? Luke 6:46 1Cor. 12:3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God … can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.



9  Jesus Christ is LORD! means –  He takes the primary responsibility for your life!  He Leads and Guides  He has Plans for Good.  The closer we walk with Him the better and safer we walk in His plans by the Holy Spirit.

10  Not Knowing?  Not Caring? Do you desire His Perfect Will or Permissive Will?  Submitting?  Fearing?  Of what that means?  Of what He may ask you to do or be?  Of being out of control?  Of losing your decision making ability if you give to Jesus?  The Effects are a self directed life.

11  The Holy Spirit helps you to know and call Jesus Christ – LORD. I Cor 12:3  The Holy Spirit is the Teacher – guess what He is going to teach you? The Lordship of Jesus. John 14:25,26  When Peter focused on the LORDSHIP of Jesus and got out of the boat, Peter walked on water by the power of the Holy Spirit. Matt 14:29  When the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit affirmed Jesus as Lord. Acts 2:36

12  Answer –  He knows all things and what is good for you.  He cares for you!  His love casts out the fears that you may have.  Acts 2:36  Deut. 30:16  Luke 6:46  John 14:15  Philippians 2:8-11

13  Have you made a definite decision to submit to Jesus Christ as your Lord in addition to being Savior?  If not, are you willing to ask Him to help you get ready to have as Jesus Lord of your life?  Are you willing to step down from being the lord of your life and let Him be on the throne of your life?  Today is as good a day as any?

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