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J ANUARY 15-16, 2015 SOL USII.5b Describing Theodore Roosevelt’s Impact on Foreign Policy of the US.

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Presentation on theme: "J ANUARY 15-16, 2015 SOL USII.5b Describing Theodore Roosevelt’s Impact on Foreign Policy of the US."— Presentation transcript:

1 J ANUARY 15-16, 2015 SOL USII.5b Describing Theodore Roosevelt’s Impact on Foreign Policy of the US

2 W ARM U P 1-15&16 What status did the United States gain from the Spanish American War? What land did the US gain from the war? Who became a hero of the war that would later become president? What is imperialism?

3 A GENDA 1-14&15 Warm Up 5b power point (Roosevelt foreign policy) Teddy Bear President Reading Teddy Bear President Questions

4 O BJECTIVE - Y OU WILL BE ABLE TO : Describe Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy and its long term impact on the United States interaction with the world. (content) Obtain information from spoken sources (language)

5 E SSENTIAL Q UESTION What was Theodore Roosevelt’s impact on the foreign policy of the United States?

6 T HE R OOSEVELT C OROLLARY TO THE M ONROE D OCTRINE Asserted the United States’ right to interfere in the economic matters of other nations(Latin America) in the Americas (to put an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere.) Claimed the United States’ right to exercise international police power

7 Advocated building the Panama Canal which connected the Atlantic to the Pacific and many lives were lost to disease, particularly yellow fever, when the canal was built. It took 7 years to complete.

8 Roosevelt was fond of the African proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far." His foreign policy style has come to be called Big Stick diplomacy.

9 In 1907 Roosevelt ordered the US naval fleet to sail around the world stopping at major ports to demonstrate US naval power. This became known as the “Great White Fleet” because their hulls were painted white

10 L ONG TERM I MPACTS 27 separate interventions into foreign territories in Central America, South America and Caribbean nations in the 20 th century Partial justification for US involvement in Korea, Viet Nam, Lebanon, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as reason for modern troop deployments world wide today.

11 E SSENTIAL U NDERSTANDING Roosevelt expanded the Monroe Doctrine as a way to prevent European involvement in the affair of Latin American countries

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