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Kick Off: What are 3 skills you need to communicate in a positive way?

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1 Kick Off: What are 3 skills you need to communicate in a positive way?

2 The choices and actions you make each day affect your health. It is important to accept responsibility for your health and wellness.

3 Good communication is a vital health skill. Health skills are specific tools and strategies to maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health such as:  Interpersonal communication  Refusal skills  Conflict resolution …deal with how you give and receive information.

4 Interpersonal Communication- the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people. You can strengthen your interpersonal communication skills by: Using “I” messages to express your feelings. Communicate with respect and caring. Be an active listener.

5 Refusal Skills- are communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values. 1. SAY NO IN A FIRM VOICE. 2. EXPLAIN WHY. 3. SUGGEST ALTERNATIVES. 4. USE APPROPRIATE BODY LANGUAGE. 5. LEAVE IF NECESSARY

6 Conflict Resolution- the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving.  Take time to calm down and think through the situation.  When discussing the conflict, speak calmly and listen attentively, asking questions when appropriate.  Use a polite tone and try to brainstorm solutions where no one loses respect. Work to resolve the conflict peacefully.

7 *Practicing healthy habits will protect your health Self-management means taking charge of your own health. 2 Self-Management Skills: Practicing Healthful Behaviors- make good health habits part of your everyday life. Managing Stress- you can reduce and manage stress in your life by exercising, relaxation, and managing your time effectively.

8 Always be sure to use reliable sources of health information. Reliable sources of health information include: 1. Health care providers and professionals 2. Valid Internet sites, such as those of government agencies and professional health organizations. 3. Parents, guardians, and other trusted adults. 4. Recently published material written by respected, well-known science and health professionals.

9 Advocacy lets you share your health knowledge An advocate is one who takes action to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belief. help others become informed and publicly support health causes that concern and interest you. Encourage family, friends, peers, and community members to practice healthful behaviors.

10 Making responsible decisions and setting meaningful goals are important skills that can promote individual, family, and community health.

11 Decision-making skills help you make successful, responsible choices. Decisions you make reflect your personal values and the values of your family. Values- the ideals, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live.

12 Decision-making Skills- are steps that enable you to make a healthful decision. The HELP strategy:  H (Healthful)- Does this choice present any health risks?  E (Ethical)- Does this choice reflect what you value?  L (Legal)- Does this option violate any local, state, or federal laws?  P (Parent Approval)- Would your parents or guardians approve of this choice?

13 Goal setting is an effective way to build self- confidence, increase your self-esteem, and improve your overall health. Working toward goals helps you achieve your hopes and dream. Goals- those things you aim for that take planning and work. - Short-term goals: you can accomplish a short-term goal fairly quickly. - Long-term goals: call for more time as well as more planning. Think of a short term health goal Think of a long term health goal

14  Make sure that your goals are your own, not someone else’s.  Set a goal because it will help you grow, not because you want to outdo someone.  If you do not achieve your goal, use what you’ve learned to set a new goal.

15 Action Plan- a multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals.  Set a specific, realistic goal, and write it down.  List the steps you will take to reach your goal.  Identify sources of help and support.  Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal.  Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints.  Reward yourself for achieving your goal.

16  What do you want to do with your life?  Do you have plans for future education?  What kind of career are you interested in pursuing? SETTING GOALS CAN HELP SHAPE YOUR LIFE IN A POSITIVE WAY!

17 You can learn to make good consumer choices. Part of being a wise consumer involves making informed purchases about health and fitness related products. Stand up if you go shopping for groceries (could be with someone or by yourself)?

18 Health Consumer- someone who purchases or uses health products or services. When making choices consider: Price Convenience Product information


20 Product labels give you information about what a product contains. Evaluating Information and Services: 1. Cost 2. Features 3. Quality 4. Warranty 5. Safety 6. Recommendations Raise your hand if you read product labels!

21 Most health care products and services you purchase will live up to their claims. However, and informed consumer understands potential controversy regarding the validity of health information, products, and services. What are some health care products that you have purchased or used within the last week?

22 Take action to correct consumer problems. If you are not satisfied with the product or service, and the provider of this product or service does not fix the issue contact: Better Business Bureau- handles complaints about local merchants. Consumer Advocates- people or groups whose sole purpose is to take on regional, national, and even international consumer issues. Local, state, and federal government agencies. Example: FDA

23 Health Fraud- the sale of worthless products or services that claim to prevent disease or cure other health problems. Health Fraud Terms Natural Non-toxic Money-back guarantee Scientific breakthrough Testimonials from people who claim amazing results No Risk! Ancient remedy Miraculous cure

24 Other signs of possible health fraud: “Secret Formula” “Miracle Cure” “Overnight Results” “All Natural” “Available only Through Mail-order” “Hurry, this offer expires soon!” “One-time Offer”

25 To protect yourself from health fraud you should: Check out the product’s or service’s claim with a doctor or other health professional. Talk to family and friends to get their opinion. Check with Better Business Bureau to see if there have been complaints about the product or service. Check with a professional organization about the claim.

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