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Using a blog as a continuing professional development log Claire Mc Donnell DIT.

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1 Using a blog as a continuing professional development log Claire Mc Donnell DIT

2 Background Health and social care professionals are regulated under “CORU” CORU have made continuing professional development (CPD) mandatory Professionals must keep a log of their CPD as they can be audited at random.

3 Blog as log Using wordpress (free online blog system) a sample CPD log was created. The format of the log was based on CORU guidelines.





8 Evidence of completion of CPD can be saved to a public file on dropbox which will create a hyperlink for it.


10 Advantages Free to use Simple to edit No concerns about losing evidence Instead of handing the CPD auditor a shoebox full of paper certificates, they can simply be directed to a URL. Can be made open to the public as a marketing tool

11 Other Current plan to oblige undergraduate students to maintain a blog on wordpress which would have a similar layout to the CPD log. This gives them an eportfolio to show to prospective employers. This would give them the necessary skills to create a CPD portfolio post graduation.

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