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Graph “ writing ” Autobiography Writing about a person’s life written by that person.

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2 Graph “ writing ”

3 Autobiography Writing about a person’s life written by that person

4 Helen Keller wrote her own life story in her autobiography, The Story of My Life.

5 autograph The writing of one’s own name

6 Barack Obama signed this photo of himself. His autograph will be valuable because he is the President-elect of the United States.

7 biography A book written about a person’s life

8 There are many biographies written about the lives of each past president of the United States.

9 bibliography A list of books used to write a report or a book

10 At the end of the report, I included a bibliography of all the books, articles, and internet sources I used.

11 cartography Mapmaking; the writing involved in making maps or charts

12 Planetary cartography, or mapping the planets in our solar system, is a skill that requires mathematics and astronomy as well as map-making skills.

13 homograph A word written the same way as another word but having a different meaning (e.g. Fly (noun) and fly (verb).

14 paragraph A section of writing that has a topic and concluding sentence

15 phonograph Record player device that turns the writing on records into sound

16 Before CD players and Ipods, people played records on phonographs.

17 photography The use of light to record an image using a camera

18 Digital photography is technology that enables anyone to take quality pictures!

19 seismograph A device that writes down (records) the movements of the earth

20 A seismograph measures the strength of the earth’s movements during an earthquake.

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