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Vocab Unit 2: How should we measure success? What does a successful person look like? By Ms. B.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 2: How should we measure success? What does a successful person look like? By Ms. B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 2: How should we measure success? What does a successful person look like? By Ms. B

2 Presentable  Adjective: To be suitable in appearance Please be presentably dressed for school or Mrs. Oeser will send you home to change your outfit.

3 Bluff  noun/verb: To deceive by using a bold, strong, or firm appearance  Ms. B is not bluffing when she says she is going to give you a Silent Lunch!

4 Prominent  Adjective: outstanding, having a quality that thrusts itself into attention  President Obama is the United States’ prominent leader.

5 Suede  Adjective/noun: leather with a soft napped surface  Ms. B loves her bran new suede coat, it feels soft to the touch.

6 Sheepishly  Adjective: Embarrassed, awkwardly shy or bashful  Ms. B sheepishly got up off the floor after she fell in front of the entire class!

7 Proactive  Adjective: Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty  Please be proactive when you work on your projects, don’t ever wait until the last minute.

8 Paradigm  Noun: a general agreement of belief of how the world works; what could be called ``common sense''  It is an obvious paradigm that we should walk on the right side of the hallway so that we will not run into anyone else!

9 Conviction  Noun: A strong belief a person may have  It is my conviction that if you pay attention in class you will get A’s and B’s!!

10 Barren  Adjective: to be without, to have nothing, a waste land, sterile.  The valley was barren because there was little to no vegetation or plants growing there.

11 Migrant  Adjective/noun: To move from one place to another  I had a very migrant lifestyle because my dad was in the Marine Corps and we moved around a lot!

12 Priority  Noun: Something that is ranked higher over other things or issues  It is my priority to make sure my students are doing their homework!

13 Genre  Noun: A type of literary work like fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, fantasy, etc.  My favorite genre is science fiction because I love reading about aliens!

14 Fiction  Noun: A literary work based on imagination not fact  Twilight is a fiction novel because it is based on Stephanie Meyer’s imagination.

15 Nonfiction  Noun: A literary work based on fact  The book about the Civil War is a nonfiction book because it is based on fact.

16 Biography  noun: A literary work written about a person’s life from an outsider  The Eleanor Roosevelt story is a biography because it is written about her life by another person.

17 Habit  Noun: A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.  It is important to create good habits for yourself so that you can be a successful person.

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