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Empowering Your Collections Team. The Collections Management Query Process Design, organize, Implement 1 The Collections Query 2 How Can We Use a Query.

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering Your Collections Team. The Collections Management Query Process Design, organize, Implement 1 The Collections Query 2 How Can We Use a Query."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering Your Collections Team

2 The Collections Management Query Process Design, organize, Implement 1 The Collections Query 2 How Can We Use a Query

3  The Collections Main  The Collections Summary  The Transfer Credit Manager  Assign Customers to a C Plan Collections Query Letters & The Collections Plan Processing The Collections Management Query Process

4 The Collections Transfer Credit Manager

5 The Collections Main

6 The Collections Query Letters

7 The Collections Summary

8 The Collections Plan Processing

9 The Collections Management Plan Process Design, organize, Implement 1 The Collections Plan 2 Assign Customers to a Collection Plan 3 The Collections Plan Processing

10 The Collections Management Plan Process Design, organize, Implement 1 The Collections Info 2 Assign Customer to a Collections Plan

11 The Collections Plan Processing

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