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 Understand what intellectual property is about  Balance the pros and cons of applying for a patent  Understand what a patent is  Know how to obtain.

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Presentation on theme: " Understand what intellectual property is about  Balance the pros and cons of applying for a patent  Understand what a patent is  Know how to obtain."— Presentation transcript:


2  Understand what intellectual property is about  Balance the pros and cons of applying for a patent  Understand what a patent is  Know how to obtain a patent and how much it costs  Understand how patents can be used  Be aware of the alternatives to patenting  Use patent information to gain valuable knowledge  Develop some skills required for drafting patent applications  Understand the roles played by patent offices and patent agents Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

3 Basic Terminology WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization: Major Functions Basic Definitions of Intellectual Property Patent: Basic Concept Examples of IP Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

4 Intellectual property IP, intellectual property rights IPR Right holder, right owner, possessor of the right WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Russian Federation Civil Code Copyright Patent Trademarks Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems


6 W World I Intellectual P Property O Organization Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

7 right that are related to Literary, artistic, and scientific works; Artistic performances and broadcasting; Inventions in any field of human activity; Scientific discoveries; Industrial designs; Trademarks and service marks, commercial names and trade names; Prevention of unfair competition; Any other rights resulting from intellectual activity in industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems


9 Article 1225. Law- protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

10 Article 1225. Results of Intellectual Activity and Means of Individualization Subject to Protection 1. The results of intellectual activity and means equated to them of individualization of legal entities, goods, work, services, and enterprises that are granted legal protection (intellectual property) shall be as follows: 1) works of science, literature, and art; 2) computer programs; 3) databases; 4) performances; 5) phonograms; 6) broadcasting or diffusion of radio- or television transmissions via cable; 7) inventions; 8) utility models; 9) industrial designs; 10) selection attainments; 11) topographies of integrated circuits; 12) secrets of production (know-how); 13) trade names; 14) trademarks and service marks; 15) appellations of origin; 16) commercial names. Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

11 Article 1225. 2. Intellectual property shall be protected by the law. Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

12 Copyright Original creative or artistic forms Trade marks Distinctive identification of products or services Use and/or registration Industrial designs Registration* Patents New and inventive technical solutions in any field Application and examination Exists automatically External appearance Industrial property Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

13 Intellectual property relates to the creations of human mind and to the results of creative activity, which are protected by the law Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

14 The so-called "social contract" implicit in the patent system Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

15 Prevent others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing infringing products in the country where the patent was granted Sell these rights or conclude licensing contracts For up to 20 years from the date of filing of the patent application Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

16 Trade marks: Made by “Apple" Product "iPhone 6" Software "iOS 8" Patents: Data-processing methods Semiconductor circuits Chemical compounds … Copyrights: Software code Instruction manual Ringtone … Trade secrets: ? Designs (some of them registered): Form of overall phone … Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

17  Intellectual property may take various forms  WIPO is a specialized establishment of the United Nations Organization. Its activity is devoted to the development of well-balanced, harmonized and accessible system of intellectual property  Basic concept of the patent includes a social contract with an inventor, providing the inventor with the exclusive right in exchange for the full disclosure of the invention Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

18 1.Pravo intellectualnoi sobstvennosti (Intellectual Property Law) Text-book edited by Dr.-Prof. I. A. Bliznets, Prospect, 2010 (in Russian) 2.Lionel Bently and Brad Sherman Intellectual Property Law, 3d edition, Oxford University Press, 2009 3.Hector McQueen et al Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy, 2008 4.Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part IV 5.Dzhermakyan V. Yu., Patentnoe pravo po Grazhdanskomu Kodeksu Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Patent Law By the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) (clause-by-clause comments, enforecement practice, considerations,ОАО INITs «Patent», М., 2009 (in Russian) – World Intellectual Property Organization Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

19 Acknowledgement note: Special gratitude to Kristina Lyu, a Lead IP expert, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for working on the design of the lecture presentations and for being the first attentive listener of the contents Course Introduction: National & International Patent Systems

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