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GLOBAL STUDIES REVIEW Short Answer. Short Answer Questions Describe to me what happened soon after Israel declared their independence? Who wins Role Egypt,

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL STUDIES REVIEW Short Answer. Short Answer Questions Describe to me what happened soon after Israel declared their independence? Who wins Role Egypt,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Short Answer Questions Describe to me what happened soon after Israel declared their independence? Who wins Role Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria had with Israel What happened to Palestinians after the war What happened to Gaza Strip and West Bank Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria declared war on Israel after it declared its independence Israel wins and gained Palestinian lands in 1948 and 1949, 600,000 Palestinians moved to refugee camps Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip and Jordan annexed the West Bank

3 Describe the Six Day War of 1967? Who attacked first? Who wins? Who happened to Sinai Peninsula, West Bank and Golan Heights What happened to the Palestinians after the war 1967, Nasser and allies equipped with Soviet tanks and jets prepared for another invasion Goal was to take the Israeli port on the Red Sea Israel hit the Arab air bases in Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Syria and ended any air opposition by the Arabs In the Six-Day-War, Israel lost 800 men compared to 15,000 of the Arab forces Israel took over the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank and Jerusalem in order to prevent future attacks. Arabs could leave or stay but not have Israeli citizenship Describe the change in Iran from Pre to Post Islamic Revolution. Focus on Women (two examples) and Government

4 Short Answer Questions Describe the change in Iran from Pre to Post Islamic Revolution. Focus on Women (two examples) and Government Women wear more conservative clothing, women need have male with them or permission to travel, government is lead by a religious leader


6 What is Diaspora? It is when Jews were force to live in different countries throughout the world. What event contributed to the sympathy of having a Jewish state? Holocaust The United States backed out of the funding of the Aswan Dam, forced Gamel Nasser to do what? Nasser nationalize the Suez Canal to pay for dam What Palestinian organization formed in 1964? It was made of laborers, teachers lawyers and guerilla fighters. PLO Palestine Liberation Organization What is the name of the war, when Egypt invaded Israel on October 6, 1973? Yum Kippur War

7 What is Sir Arthur Balfour known for? He promoted the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Who or what are Zionists? They are people who favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The United Nations were involved in Egypt when what happened? Britain, France and Israel invaded the Sinai peninsula What best describes Yasir Arafat? He was the leader of a Palestinian organization. What are the Camp David Accords? It ended 30 years of hostility, Egypt got the Sinai, and opened hope for a Palestinian State.

8 What is the intifada? “uprising”, a form of boycotts, demonstrations, attacks on Israeli soldiers and rock throiwng. What Palestinian political group wanted the removal of Israel and replace it with an Islamic State? Hamas During Arab Spring what was used to bypass government censorship? Social media like Facebook, twitter and YouTube. Hosni Mubarak was overthrown as the leader of which North African Country? Egypt Who occupied Iraq after WWI? Britain

9 What do George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have in common with the Middle East? They both had unsuccessful peace talks with Palestinians and Israel. What is Arab Spring? Refers to the more recent revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that occurred in the Arab world. Arab Spring began in what country in response to corruption with police? Tunisia Muammar al-Gadafi refused to step down in ____ causing a civil war. This is the country that the American lost diplomats in a terror attack on the US Embassy. Libya Who controlled Iraq from 1979 until the United States ousted him in 2003? Saddam Hussein

10 What is the dominate ethnic group of Iraq? Sunni What happened to the leader of Iraq after the Second Persian Gulf War? He was found, tried for war crimes from 1988 and was executed in 2006. Who or what is Allah? God’s name in Islam Who is Mohammed Reza Pahlavi? He was the last Shah of Iran that tried to make his country into a modern power. The takeover of the US embassy in Tehran helped bring an end to which US President? Jimmy Carter

11 What caused the First Persian Gulf War? Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait Who or what is the Koran (Quran)? Islamic Bible Who is the Ayatollah Khomeini? He was the religious cleric that took over after the Islamic revolution of 1979. How was the Shah put back into power in 1953? United States fearing that Iran may turn communist launched operation Ajax to put him in power.

12 Time for Random Trivia.

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