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Catalyst 1.Why do finches on the Galapagos Islands have different beak structures? 2.Why do organisms evolve? 3.What is speciation and how does it occur?

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst 1.Why do finches on the Galapagos Islands have different beak structures? 2.Why do organisms evolve? 3.What is speciation and how does it occur?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst 1.Why do finches on the Galapagos Islands have different beak structures? 2.Why do organisms evolve? 3.What is speciation and how does it occur?

2 Agenda Notes – Evidence of Evolution Independent Practice Exit Ticket

3 Think… Why are fossils not-totally-reliable sources of evidence for evolution?

4 Common Ancestor Common Ancestor shared Somebody you are related to Common ancestor: the species that 2 species evolved from

5 Species that are related evolved from the same ancestor

6 Evidence suggests species have common ancestors

7 Fossil Evidence Fossils show the similarities between species that are extinct and their modern relatives aka Anatomical Evidence having to do with structure

8 Fossil Evidence

9 When fossils show similar structures, the species evolved from a common ancestor

10 Related? Common ancestor? Yes!

11 Homologous Structures Structures that have the same origin and thus the same anatomy, but not necessarily the same function – Example: The arm of a human and the wing of a bat are structurally similar. One is used for flight, the other for grasping.

12 Analogous Structures Analogous structures have similar functions, but completely unrelated origins and structures. Example: Both butterflies and birds have wings for flight. One is made of bone, the other of scales.

13 Embryological Evidence

14 Embryos Embryo: an organism in early stages of development Similar embryos show organisms are related



17 The similarity of embryos show that organisms are related

18 Biochemical Evidence Biochemical evidence = comparing DNA or proteins When species have similar DNA they are related Biochemical evidence is the best evidence of evolution Biochemical evidence can include DNA, proteins or amino acids. Why? Central Dogma DNA  mRNA  protein Central Dogma DNA  mRNA  protein

19 SpeciesPercent Similar DNA Human100 Chimpanzee98 Gibbon94 Rhesus monkey88 Tarsier65 Lemur47 Mouse21 Chicken10 DNA Comparisons between Humans and other Species


21 DNA mRNA proteintrait Similar DNA Similar mRNA Similar protein Similar trait

22 Which of these are most closely related? AnimalDNA Sequence Human ATATTTTAAACGATGCAA Chimpanzee ATATTATAAACGCTGCAA Orangutan TCATCATACATGCTGGAA Mouse TCATCATGCCTGCTCGAT How do you know?

23 Which of these are most closely related? AnimalProtein Sequence Bird Met-Gly-Gln-Asp-Arg Crocodile Met-Ala-Gln-Asp-Arg Orangutan Arg-Ala-Asp-Lys-Arg Mouse Met-Ala-Asp-Ser-Arg How do you know?

24 Agenda Notes – Evidence of Evolution Independent Practice Exit Ticket

25 Independent Practice

26 Homeostasis Review

27 OSMOSIS When WATER move across the cell membrane Move from HIGH to LOW concentration of water Called DOWN a concentration gradient Does NOT need energy

28 DIFFUSION When molecules move across the cell membrane – Oxygen and carbon dioxide and dissolved food Move from HIGH to LOW concentration of molecules – Called DOWN a concentration gradient Does NOT need energy

29 Active Transport Needs ENERGY (ATP) Larger molecules move across the cell membrane AGAINST a concentration gradient


31 JOURNAL If a shipwrecked crew drank salt water, they could die. Explain why. If a bowl of fresh strawberries is sprinkled with sugar, a few minutes later they will be covered with juice. Explain why this happens.

32 Kahoot Review

33 Exit Ticket

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