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Under the Hood Natalia Gomez Period 1 Computer Literacy.

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1 Under the Hood Natalia Gomez Period 1 Computer Literacy

2 Places to save files Flash drive: is used to store, transfer, and carry information and data Hard drive: is used to store data on your computer Email : is used to save file like music videos documents or pictures Burn a CD: is used to store music in a CD to play in car or a radio Student drive: is used to save student files and upload to school computers

3 Software Microsoft office word: is used to write documents Microsoft office excel: is used when wanting to save data Microsoft office power point: is used to create slide shows

4 5 Hardware's Motherboard: is a main board that serves as a mother to a computer, it’s the main function in a computer Keyboard: is a way to tell your computer what to do or search Mouse: A device that gives you control to search in the system Video card: allows complex graphics to be displayed Monitor: is what you are able to see on your screen

5 More Hardware’s Ram: stores programs application or data Graphics card: displays information on computer Cpu: it operates other pieces of electronics Psu : power all components of computer Sound card: it generates sound that able’s you to hear music and other things

6 Computer History * 1936: Fist functional computer was created by Konrad Zuse 1949: Fist computer company named Electronic Controls Company founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. 1962: Was when the fist computer game was created named spacewar invented by steve russell and MIT 1963: Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse and nicknamed it that because it has a tail coming out the end 1975: Altair creates the first portable computer 1976: Apple is invented by steve jobs and Steve Wozniak 1983: More than million computers are in use in the united states of America 1990: Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau create the hypertext which started the internet 1998: Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google on September 7 th 2006: Skype has over 1 million users

7 First PC The first PC was created by steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs the founders of the apple computers in 1976. they spent six months working outside a garage on the computer.

8 First Laptop The laptop is a computer that can be folded up and can be carried around. The first laptop was invented in 1981 by Adam Osborn. He took computer technology from that time period and scaled it down to make a smaller computer.

9 ? Virus Worm Trojan horse What are they A computer virus is a small software that are designed to spread from one computer to another not letting programs function correctly. A Trojan horse is an email virus that steals your personal information and sends it to a thief's data base. A worm is a program that replicates itself in order to spread into other computers.

10 Computer companies Apple: Steve Jobs Dell: Michael S. Dell HP: William Reddington Hewlett and David Packard Toshiba: Hisashige Tanaka IBM: Charles Ranlett Flintand Thomas J. Watson

11 Future Computers I believe the future computers are going to be holograms and you are going to be able to search thing on the web as well as other new programs.

12 "Yahoo! Image Search Results Page." Image Search Results for Internet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. "10 Pieces of Hardware You Should Replace Rather than Repair." TechRepublic. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. "Computer History Timeline." Computer History Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Websites Used "Who Invented the First Laptop Computer? « Deaf Lion." Deaf Lion RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. "Who Invented the First Personal Computer and When?" Who Invented the First Personal Computer and When? N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2013.

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