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1 Alexey Sissakian JINR Finance Committee 24-25 March 2009 JINR in 2008, plans for the year 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Alexey Sissakian JINR Finance Committee 24-25 March 2009 JINR in 2008, plans for the year 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Alexey Sissakian JINR Finance Committee 24-25 March 2009 JINR in 2008, plans for the year 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016)

2 2 CONTENTS I.Introduction II.2008 – 2009: Spotlight News III.JINR’s activities in 2008, plans for 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016) IV.Latest news in brief V.Conclusion A. Sissakian 2

3 A. Sissakian 3 Special Economic Zone “Dubna” Public-Private-Partnership UC, DIAS-TH International Univ. “Dubna” Education programme Innovation belt JINR’s Science Policy I. 7-Year Programme: ‘2003 – 2009’ ‘2010 – 2016’ (in preparation) Road Map (2006-2017) High Energy Physics High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics Condensed Matter Physics Basic Scientific Directions Fundamental Science

4 4 11 December 2008 IREN: JINR’s NEW BASIC FACILITY STARTUP Prof. I.Meshkov with leading staff members of the project: A.Sumbaev, V.Shvetsov and V.Kobets. IREN 1-st stage assembling was accomplished in December 2008 and physical startup took place in January 2009 Time of flight neutron spectra registered at beam #3 of IREN facility on 23 January 2009 (black line). Main contribution was made by the staff of VBLHEP and FLNP, with an active participation of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (director Academician A.Skrinsky). of Nuclear Physics (director Academician A.Skrinsky). II. Spotlight News Project leader – Dr V. Shvetsov Scientific leader of IREN accelerator complex – Scientific leader of IREN accelerator complex – Prof. I. Meshkov

5 5 II. NUCLOTRON – 9042 h (planned 11750) U400 – 32774 h (planned 33592) U400MR – 17635 h (planned 16398) IBR-2 – 6490 h (planned 5950) PHASOTRON – 5345 h (planned 7319) - planned -actual 11750 9042 33592 32774 operation of the Phasotron was stopped in 2005-2006 (fire accident) and restarted in January 2007 7319 5345 operation of IBR-2 was stopped on 18 December 2006 for further modernization 5950 6490 … … 16398 17635 Operation of JINR facilities in 2003 - 2008

6 A. Sissakian 6 II. 7-YEAR PROGRAMME FOR THE YEARS 2003-2009 Number of JINR publications ~ 9000 Distribution by the main JINR research directions: particle physics – 44% nuclear physics – 41% condensed matter physics – 15% Number of conferences, schools, symposia held by JINR ~ 300. Among them - ХХХIII International Conference on High Energy Physics, International Conferences on Particle Accelerators, International Seminar on Neutron- Nucleus Interactions, Joint European Schools of High Energy Physics, Summer Student Schools organized by DIAS-TH, etc. All-Institute seminars – 38 2003 – 2008

7 7 Remarkable Awards and Prizes II. 2009 - V.Vernadsky Golden Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was conferred to Academician V. Kadyshevsky - Order of Honour was conferred to Academician Yu. Oganessian - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for the year 2008 was awarded to Prof. Yu. Denisov and Prof. P. Apel 2008 - Order of Service to the Fatherland was conferred to Academician D. Shirkov 2005 Humboldt Research Award was awarded to Professor M. Itkis 2004 - N. Bogolubov Golden Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences was awarded to Academician D. Shirkov -The European Physical Society Award (EPS) was conferred to RAS Corresponding Member I. Meshkov 2003 – 2009: more than 100 recipients of Orders and Medals. Among them: Prof. Ts.Vylov, Prof. V.Nedilko, Dr Nguyen Manh Shat, and others.

8 8 II. Budget planned for 2008: 55,967.8 k$ Income ~ 104 % Budget planned for 2009: 68.71 M$ Determined volume for 2010: 83.92 M$ Funding of JINR in 2008-2009 Spotlight News

9 9 JINR BUDGET FORECAST for the period 2011 – 2015 II. Appendix ‘6’ of the CP Protocol, 21 – 22 November 2008 Unit 2010 basis 20112012201320142015 Budget (excl. contracts with Associated Members) M$81.299.7118.6138.8161.0183.5 Spotlight News

10 10 Director-General of Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies A. Chubais visits Dubna II.SpotlightNews «Настоящая стратегия для страны в период финансового кризиса – это инновации, а не нефть и газ». А.Б. Чубайс 13 марта 2009 г., Дубна

11 11 II. 3 March 2009 Agreement on the Associate Membership of the Arab Republic of Egypt in JINR JINR maintains fruitful and mutually beneficial relations with many Egyptian scientific centres and universities. The Scientific Council takes note of the information about the rules for the associate membership in JINR and about the efforts being taken by the JINR Directorate towards conclusion of government-level agreements with new Associate Member States of the Institute. The SC highly appreciates this work and looks forward to its active continuation. (105 th session of JINR SC) New satellite on the international cooperation orbit Spotlight News

12 12 GermanyFederal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) 1.175 M Euro to JINR + an adequate sum to home institutes HungaryHungarian Academy of Sciences 50 k EURO South AfricaDepartment of Science and Technology 1.250 M USD ItalyNational Institute for Nuclear Physics* (INFN) To be defined SerbiaMinistry of Science and Technical Development To be defined EgyptAcademy of Science and Technology 200 k USD CountryAgencyContribution to budget 2009 “Associate members” to JINR II.

13 13 CONTENTS I.Introduction II.2008 – 2009: Spotlight News III.JINR in 2008 (some results), plans for 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016) IV. Latest news in brief V. Conclusion

14 14 JINR’s ROAD MAP JINR’s research niche offered by home facilities Heavy Ion Physics: Heavy Ion Physics: Heavy-Ion Physics at high energies (up to 4.5 GeV/n), Nuclotron-M Heavy-Ion Physics at high energies (up to 4.5 GeV/n), Nuclotron-M (in future NICA/MPD facility:  s NN = (4 – 11) GeV corresponding to E lab. ~ (8 – 60) GeV/n (in future NICA/MPD facility:  s NN = (4 – 11) GeV corresponding to E lab. ~ (8 – 60) GeV/n Heavy-Ion Physicsat low and intermediate Heavy-Ion Physics at low and intermediate energies (5 – 100 MeV/n), U400MR, U400R, DRIBs energies (5 – 100 MeV/n), U400MR, U400R, DRIBs Condensed Matter Physics using nuclear physics Condensed Matter Physics using nuclear physics methods, (neutron sources: IBR-2M, IREN-I) methods, (neutron sources: IBR-2M, IREN-I) III.

15 15 III. Upgrade of Basic Facilities - The upgrade of the Nuclotron (Nuclotron-M) will be accomplished in 2009 – 2010. In parallel the elaboration of the NICA/MPD project is in progress (commissioning of the facility is scheduled for 2013-2014). - The start-up of DRIBS-II facility is scheduled by the end of 2009 – beginning 2010. DRIBs-III facility: 2011-2015 - The new reactor IBR-2M will start its operation at the end of 2010. Complex of modern neutron spectrometers (2011-2016). - The JINR telecommunication channels capacity will be increased in 2009 up to 20 Gbps, and in 2016 – up to 720 Gbps. The balanced participation in the number of ambitious projects: LHC, RHIC (BNL), TEVATRON (FNAL), CNGS (Gran Sasso), in future FAIR (GSI, Germany), ILC and others.

16 16 III. JINR’s scientific infrastructure financing in 2010 – 2016 (preliminary version) This financial volume is practically feasible, provided that the rate of the JINR budget for 2010-2016 growth, stated for the present, is accomplished, in accordance with the JINR budget forecast presented by the Institute Directorate and adopted as basic by the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries in November 2008. About 270 M$ will be necessary for the development of the JINR scientific infrastructure in 2010-2016


18 18 Milestones in HEP for the YEARS 2010-2016 Fields of research: - High Energy Relativistic Ion Physics - Spin Physics - SM checks & search for new physics at LHC - Flavour physics (new physics) - Neutrino physics and rare phenomena - International Partnership programs on unique accelerator facilities - Applied research (medicine, nanotechnology,…) NICA / MPD – highest priority projects for 2010 - 2016 III.

19 19 Nuclotron-M: 1 st stage of the NICA III. The main goal: The main goal: development of the existing accelerator facility (Nuclotron-M project) as a basis to generate intense beams over atomic mass range from protons to gold and light polarized ions: accelerated heavy ions A~200 beam intensity ~ 10 9 A/cycle (0.2-0.4 Hz) at kinetic energy ~ (1,0-4,5) GeV/u for Au 79+ BASIC ACTIVITIES in 2008-2009: Development of new injection complex Modernization of RF system Upgrade of diagnostics and beam control systems Modernization of the vacuum system Modernization of the electric- and cryo- supply systems Development of the minimum required infrastructure


21 A. Sissakian Upgrade of FLNR accelerator complex 2009-2010: upgrade of U400 2009: Preparation for the upgrade of the U400 cyclotron: RF system, the control system, accelerating systems. 2008: U400MR  Extraction of low energy beams at the U400MR cyclotron for studies of superheavy elements  Superconducting 18 GHz ECR ion source is launched at the test bench III. 21

22 22 JINR FINANCE COMMITTEE Milestones in Nuclear Physics for the YEARS 2010-2016 III.  Modernization of existing accelerators (U400М & U400)  Development and creation of next generation facilities (DRIBs-II and DRIBs-III)  Creation of the new experimental hall (≈ 2600 м 2 )  Creation of high current heavy ion accelerator (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I ≥10 pµA)  Neutrino physics  Applied research (proton therapy, nanotechnology, etc.)

23 23 Nuclear Physics with Neutrons Priority directions of research for 2010-2016 III. 1.Research in fundamental properties of the neutron Carrying out of the world’s first experiment on direct measurement of n,n- scattering cross section. Investigation of fundamental laws in neutron optics. Physics of ultracold neutrons (UCN). Measurement of n,e-scattering length, extraction of mean-square charge radius of the neutron. 2.Study of nuclear reactions under the action of the neutron Investigations of violations of fundamental symmetries in neutron-nucleus interactions. Investigations of fission physics. Investigation of the (n,p), (n,a) reactions. Gamma spectroscopy of neutron-nuclear interactions. Nuclear data acquisition. 3.Applied studies Analytical investigations at the IBR-2 reactor. REGATA project. Nondestructive analysis of elemental composition of objects on the extracted neutron beam using precision gamma spectroscopy. Analysis of surfaces of solids and nanostructures Simulation and calibration of neutron detectors for space vehicles.


25 IBR-2M pulsed reactor will continue to play its role as the JINR core basic facility for condensed matter research Parameters Reactor core Main movable reflector Additional movable reflector FuelPuO 2 Active core volume22 dm 3 Coolingliquid Na Average power 2 МW Pulsed power1500 MW Repetition rate5 s -1 Average flux8·10 12 n/cm 2 /s Pulsed flux5·10 15 n/сm 2 /s Pulse width (fast / therm.) 215 / 320 μs Number of channels14 III. A. Sissakian 25

26 26 Milestones in Condensed Matter Physics for the YEARS 2010-2016 III. IBR-2M: operation at design parameters of the reactor Realisation of the full-scale cryogenic complex Complex of modern neutron spectrometers Wide international user policy Condensed Matter Physics at IBR-2M (priority directions) Nanosystems and Nanotechnologies Biomedical Research Novel Materials Engineering Diagnostics. Earth Sciences

27 LABORATORY OF RADIATION BIOLOGY Main fields of research for 2010-2016:  Research into the mechanisms of the genetic action of accelerated heavy ions and neutrons with different energies.  Study of the action of heavy particles and neutrons on the eye's lens and retina.  Research into the regularities of the biological action of accelerated heavy ions on the central nervous system.  Mathematical modelling of biophysical systems.  Radiation research. III. A. Sissakian 27

28 University Centre and 7-year plan 2010-1016 III. A. Sissakian 28 Significant increasing of the number of students from the Member States (but Russia), who may be involved into JINR master or postgraduate programs Introduction of the system of module courses which can be offered as educational blocks to the students from the Member States 15% increase in the number of the JINR postgraduates Organization of the international student practices at JINR and international summer schools (Bratislava 2009, Alma-Ata 2011) Jointly with CERN, annual professional advancement courses for teachers of physics from Member States Completion of the creation of the students’ laboratories. The laboratories of mechanics and electricity will be created, which will provide a complete cycle of laboratory exercises in general physics

29 29 CONTENTS JINR FINANCE COMMITTEE I.Introduction II.2008 – 2009: Spotlight News III.JINR’s activities in 2008, plans for 2009 and milestones of the next 7-Year Plan (2010-2016) IV.Latest news in brief V.Conclusion

30 30 105th session of the JINR Scientific Council 19-20 February 2009 IV. From the RESOLUTION: “The Scientific Council welcomes the efforts by the JINR Directorate to prepare a comprehensive plan for the development of JINR for 2010–2016 in view of the completion, this year, of the current seven- year Programme. The SC considers the presented draft to be a good foundation for the comprehensive programme of JINR’s development, clearly emphasizing the future of the Institute as a world-class laboratory in selected fields of research, relying on its own basic facilities, and recommends that the Committee of Plenipotentiaries approve the general lines of the presented draft plan at its session in March 2009”.

31 31 IV. In the frames of JINR cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), JINR Days in Hungary were held on 3 – 7 December 2008 in Budapest. The main task of the event was to discuss strategic issues of widening cooperation in scientific, educational and innovation spheres – the basis to re-establish full-scale membership of Hungary to JINR.

32 32 IV. Hungary intend to restore its full Membership status to JINR. Signing of a MoU Russia – Hungary Intergovernmental consultations chaired by Prime Ministers V.Putin and F. Gyurcsány Moscow, 10 March 2009

33 33 BMBF – JINR Coordination Committee 19 th meeting, 26-27 January 2009, Zeuthen IV. Prolongation of the JINR-BMBF Agreement till the end of 2011 and the 18% increase of the annual contribution of Germany as an Associate Member to JINR (1175 K EURO) are the important results of the JINR-BMBF Committee meeting.

34 34 N.N.Bogoliubov – classic of the world science and an illuminer Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 9 December 2008 Decree of the President of the Ukraine 11 December 2008 IV.

35 35 First Directorate Centenary of Prof. M.Danysz and Prof. V.Votruba IV. Prof. M. Danysz Prof. V. Votruba

36 36 CONCLUSION V. Nikolai Kondratev (1892-1938) – famous Russian economist “Wars and revolutions rise on the grounds of real, and primarily, economic prerequisites: speeding tempo and pressure of the economic life environment, aggravation of the economic rivalry for markets and feedstocks.” aggravation

37 37 CONCLUSION V. «Наука победит все, в том числе и этот кризис».

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