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TEN YEARS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN BRAZIL Marion Lloyd Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Higher Education Access and Inclusion: Transnational Lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "TEN YEARS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN BRAZIL Marion Lloyd Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Higher Education Access and Inclusion: Transnational Lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEN YEARS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN BRAZIL Marion Lloyd Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Higher Education Access and Inclusion: Transnational Lessons for Research, Policy, and Practice March 18, 2014 UNICAMP

2 Overview of Brazilian HE system and changes Demographic shift in HE due to affirmative action polices Landmarks in AA Critiques What the studies say Future research

3 Brazil´s higher education system at a glance 2012 7.26 million students 7.03 million in undergraduate programs 2,416 institutions: 2,112 private (73% enrollment; 80% new enrollments) 304 public (27% enrollment; 20% new) 193 universities (56% total enrollment) 59 federal (now 63) (12% new) 38 state 11 municipal 85 private *Ministro de Educação, Aloizio Mercadante (2012). Censo da Educação Superior 2012. Power Point presentation.

4 Growth in enrollment 1980-2012


6 Growth in enrollment, but inequalities persist

7 Landmarks in AA in Brazil 2001 Brazil adheres to Rio Action Plan President Cardoso apologizes for racism, pledges policies to fight it. 2002/2003: State law in Rio de Janeiro Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ); Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF) 2004-2013: Another 30 universities follow suit: Equal no. by law and by university council decision 2004: Programa Universidade Para Todos (ProUni) 2007: REUNI, funds tied to AA 2012: Lei 12.771 (Quota Law)

8 Affirmative action in numbers Three models: Quotas (30 state univs.) Quotas and reserving extra seats (2) Bonuses (2: USP, Campinas) 32 of 38 state universities with some form of AA (2013) 40 federal universities with AA (2012) 2003-2010: pretos in federal universities increased from 5.9% to 8.7%, and pardos from 28.3% to 32%. Huge variation among regions in scope and type of quotas: 16.7% of seats in Sudeste to 40.2% Nordeste PPI quotas from 2.7% in Nordeste to 25.8% in Centro-Oeste Socioeconomic quotas: 7.3 Sudeste, 24.2% Sur Inverse relationship between quality of institution and level of inclusion, both federal and state, particularly in case of racial quotas ProUni: 1.25 million scholarships (January 2014). *As políticas de ação afirmativa nas universidades estaduais, GEMAA, Nov. 2013

9 Critiques of Affirmative Action They will fuel racial tension where none existed Difficulty in defining race in Brazil Not all public schools are alike Quotas too low for indigenous students (0.43%) (GEA/Flacso) The quota students won´t succeed

10 Academic performance of quota students Universidade Federal de Bahia (UFBA): Santos & Queiroz (2010): no significant difference between performance of quota and non-quota students Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) : 20% of spots reserved for pretos and pardos starting in 2004 Cunha (2006): results of quota students slightly below non-quota students in fields of human and health studies, and sciences Cardoso (2008): Little difference between groups in 2006 Velloso (2009): Study of results in 2004-2006, found two-thirds or more majors no significant difference, while in several cases, cotistas had higher grades Francis & Tannuri-Pianto (2010): No significant difference between two groups Lozzi (2012): 2.91 vs. 3.12 average IRA of cotistas and non-cotistas But, the difference between two groups nearly disappeared after several years of studies Silva, Silva & Rosa (2009): better IRA by cotistas after several years More significant difference between graduates of public and private high school Cotista: private (2.96), public (2.85) / non-cotista private (3.18), non-cotista public (3.03) In total: much bigger difference between private and public-school graduates. 3.16 vs. 2.3 *Lozzi, S. de P. (2012). Rendimento Acadêmico de estudantes cotistas ou não cotistas na UnB egressos de escolas públicas ou privadas no período de 2/2009 a 2/2011. UnB: Brasília.

11 Results of Lozzi study (2013)

12 Perceptions of quotas Smith (2010): survey of 2,482 Brazilians on AA, approval ratings from 1-7 Surprisingly high support for affirmative action (more than 70% neutral or strongly in favor) Educational level is biggest variable determining support, followed by race No clear connection with political affiliation (left or right) However, a significant minority (18%) strongly opposed

13 Are racial quotas in public universities fair? Smith, A. E. (2010). ¿Quién apoya la acción afirmativa en Brasil? Perspectivas desde el Barómetro de las Américas: 2010, 49.

14 Support for AA by race and education level

15 Views of quota criteria Guarnieri, F. V. & Melo-Silva, L. L. (2010). Perspectivas de estudantes em situação de vestibular sobre as cotas universitárias. Psicologia & Sociedade, 22(3): 486-498. Guarnieri & Melo-Silva (2010) Survey of107 students in pre-vestibular courses (half alternative, half private) Questionaire and interviews

16 Debate in São Paulo Dec. 2012: Gov. Alckmin presents Programa de Inclusão com Mérito no Ensino Superior Público Paulista (Pimesp): 50% public school graduates by 2016, with share of PPI Instituto Comunitário de Ensino Superior (Ices) Scholarships: Rs 312/month USP and UNICAMP reject Pimesp, propose increase in bonuses Results from Programa de Ação Afirmativa e Inclusão Social da Unicamp (PAAIS): Failure of bonus system to increase public school participation; Bonus system concentrates poorer students in certain programs

17 Future research Differential performance between racial and socioeconomic quota students Indigenous students Changing demographics of quota students under Quota Law Survey of remedial programs and student-support mechanisms (financial aid and tutoring, etc.)

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